Consumer Decision Making Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
4-H Consumer Education CDM Contest Evaluating the Class Oral Reasons 10 20 30 40 50
4-H- 10 The 4-H Emblem
4-H Answer- 10 What is a four leaf clover with H’s on each leaf?
4-H- 20 The 4-H Club Motto
4-H Answer- 20 What is “To Make the Best Better”?
4-H - 30 The official name of the office you contact to join 4-H.
4-H Answer – 30 What is the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service County Office?
4-H - 40 In 1908, the Texas 4-H Program began in which of these counties: Washington, Jack, Hale, or Brown County
4-H Answer – 40 What is Jack County?
4-H - 50 Sarah Hamm works for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. What is her title?
4-H Answer – 50 What is Texas 4-H Foundation Director?
Consumer Education - 10 The consumer education project teaches participants to make wise decisions when shopping
Consumer Education Answer – 10 What is Consumer Education?
Consumer Education 2 - 20 To allow or save a particular amount of money for an item or payment
Consumer Education Answer – 20 What is to budget?
Consumer Education - 30 Good consumer skills can help you get more for your money what is this called
Consumer Education Answer - 30 What is increasing your purchasing power?
Consumer Education - 40 What action gives you the opportunity to make wise decisions when shopping
Consumer Education Answer – 40 What is Consumer Decision Making?
Consumer Education - 50 There are 10 categories offered this year for CDM list 4 of them
Consumer Education Answer – 50 Jeans Cookware Athletic Shoes Outdoor Equipment Activewear Outdoor Backpacks Computers Digital Cameras Nutritious Snacks Fast Food Meals
CDM Contest- 10 The objective of the Consumer Decision Making Contest is to teach youth to
CDM Contest Answer – 10 What is to make wise consumer decisions?
CDM Contest - 20 A competitive event that enables 4-H’ers to practice making decisions based on information about a situation and the marketplace options available.
CDM Contest Answer – 20 What is Consumer Decision Making Contest?
CDM Contest- 30 For each judging class a hypethetical situation is given referred to as
CDM Contest Answer - 30 What is scenario?
CDM Contest - 40 A numerical rating given to the differences in how closely the pairs of products satisfy criteria
CDM Contest Answer – 40 What is cuts?
CDM Contest - 50 If a CDM contest has 6 placing classes and 2 sets of oral reasons. How many total points may a participant have
CDM Contest Answer – 50 What is a total of 400 points?
Evaluating the Class - 10 Class products are always individually numbered in what method
Evaluating the Class Answer – 10 What is from left to right?
Evaluating the Class - 20 Examining items in a class and deciding which is best, second best, third best and poorest.
Evaluating the Class Answer – 20 What is placing?
Evaluating the Class - 30 The first and second place products are known as
Evaluating the Class Answer – 30 What is the top pair?
Evaluating the Class - 40 If a product is more expensive than the given price range it should
Evaluating the Class Answer – 40 What is be placed at the bottom of the class?
Evaluating the Class - 50 Most of the time this thought is the closest to the correct placing
Evaluating the Class Answer – 50 What is your first impression?
Oral Reasons - 10 Organizing your thoughts and expressing them by defending your placing is
Answer – 10 What is Oral Reasons?
Oral Reasons - 20 Giving the name of the class and the order of the placing at the beginning of your oral reasons is referred to as
Oral Reasons Answer – 20 What is opening statement?
Oral Reasons - 30 If an item that is placed lower is superior in some respect, you should do what in a set of reasons
Oral Reasons Answer – 30 What is admit or grant?
Oral Reasons - 40 The maximum amount of time permitted to give a set of oral reasons
Oral Reasons Answer – 40 What is two minutes?
Oral Reasons - 50 Primary purpose of oral reasons
Oral Reasons Answer – 50 What is to convince the judge that you are right?