Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals Paul A. Coleman, Architect, Deputy Director Chris Tokas, S.E., Deputy Division Chief Gordon Oakley, Fire Marshal, Deputy Division Chief Roy Lobo, Ph.D., S.E., Principal Structural Engineer Glenn Gall, Supervisor, Building Standards Unit Nanci Timmins, Fire Marshal, Chief Fire Life Safety Officer California Healthcare Association August 8, 2017
In Case You Haven’t Heard We’ve Moved! Approved as noted
Plan Review and Field Performance Update Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals Plan Review and Field Performance Update
Workload Summary/Performance
No. of Reviews Year 2016 65% 35% ≈ 59 reviews/day
Project Plan Review Data Analysis 2st Qtr. 2017 68% of the Plan Reviews are completed w/in 21 days or less 92% of the PAD Reviews are completed w/in 21 days or less Or 40% of Office Plan Approval Reviews 62% 35% S=552 or 14% of All Projects ≈ 62 reviews/day
Number of Permits – 4th Qtr. 2010 thru 2nd Qtr. 2017 Statewide combined Office and Field Number of Permits Issued by Quarter 724 582 With SB 1838 Permits Without SB 1838 Permits
Workload in Construction Values for projects in Construction - % Completion 65% 26% 8% 66% 28% 9% (1st Qtr. 2017 Numbers)
Number of SB 1838 Projects – 2nd Qtr. 2017 Statewide Number of SB 1838 EXEMPT Projects Approved by Quarter 113 40
Workload in Construction Values for projects in Pending Construction State By Region
Seismic Compliance Update Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals Seismic Compliance Update
Structure Performance Categories * Based on 2001 Hospital Survey Results based on hospital “self-report” and then “state-of-the-art” FEMA 178 standards from 1996 ** SPC-5 includes buildings currently under construction For SPC - "Not Assigned" is for non-building structures such as equipment yards, cooling towers etc that are still under construction
Hospital Seismic Compliance to Date 217 7/28/17 1096 Buildings 83.5% < 2½ years left
Nonstructural Performance Categories ***Includes buildings under construction, tunnels and equipment yards For NPC - "Not Assigned" are for buildings and nonbuilding structures either under construction or where the nonstructural performance category has not been verified
2017 SB499 Report Timeline Building Inventory/SB499 Preparation Letter – 6/27/17 Building Inventory/SB499 Preparation Reminder Letter – 7/25/17 Building Inventory Revisions cutoff deadline – 7/28/17 Release of Online Report with passwords – 8/21/17 Online Report Reminder Letter – 9/25/17 Online Report Warning Letter – 10/16/17 Online Report submittal deadline – Wednesday, 11/1/17 OSHPD Website Final Report posting deadline 2/1/18
Project Closure and Invoicing Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals Project Closure and Invoicing
Projects Awaiting Final Client Cost Projects Awaiting Final Costs from Clients; Number of Projects by OSHPD Region No. of Projects 5 Month Trend Projects waiting for final client costs The distribution of projects in the time waiting stays relatively consistent.
Projects Awaiting Final Client Cost $ Value 5 Month Trend As higher value projects move into the closure process, the time segments expand and contract as well as the duration of time spent in each time period.
Status of Accounts Receivable No. of Open Invoices The total number of outstanding invoices starting 7/1 and ending in 8/1 jumped 16%.
Status of Accounts Receivable $ Value Open Invoices Total value of unpaid invoices ending in July is $13.5M. increase of 17% from June, but down 37% from one year ago at $21M and down 53% from a 2017 high in February of $29M
FDD Income and Expenses
FDD Income and Expenses
FDD Expenditures FY 2016/17
Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals eServices
eServices Update This quarter the eSP Team has focused on improving the quality of data being entered into the eServices Portal. Many of the enhancements occur ‘behind the scenes’ or notify users when certain actions occur:
eServices Update Automated Email Notifications GeoTech report uploaded to eSP Plan approval notification to RCO for issuance of BP Final payment received notification to PT eRAD notification to RCO Functional Program notification to CDPH for pharmacy projects involving sterile or hazardous compounding
eServices Update Automated Letters For projects approved in the field, plan approval letters recognize whether the plan was electronic or paper and populates correct processing instructions.
eServices Update Data Improvements and Fixes BPs are automatically assigned to the RCO, not the Manager Projects under an Annual Building Permit are automatically connected to the ABP Record. Project Closure Summary report displayed incorrect status when emailed to clients.
Project & Child Documents Report A new report has been created that lists all documents associated with a project or any of its ‘child’ projects (BPs, ACDs, AMCs etc.). This can be very useful for completion of construction and project close-out.
Project & Child Documents Report The report identifies the records where documents have been uploaded to avoid looking on records where no documents exist.
Project & Child Documents Report Expanding the Record ID lists all documents that have been uploaded to the Attachments section of the record.
Project & Child Documents Report Using this report you can quickly confirm if the required closure documents have been uploaded as well as who uploaded them, when they where uploaded and where they were uploaded. This report will eventually have hyperlinks to open the document by clicking on the document name. For security purposes, this feature will not be available to non-OSHPD staff.
Project & Child Documents Report This report is currently available in the OSHPD Report Center.
Project List by Region, County, Facility Report Clients have also requested access to the OSHPD Field Staff “Quarterly Report”. This report is very useful and lists all projects at a facility based on the search criteria entered. The report is currently available in the OSHPD Report Center.
Project List by Region, County, Facility Report The report can be all inclusive or customized to a single facility based on the values selected. Once generated, the report gives an excellent snapshot of the status of all projects in the search criteria.
eCPR Auto Codes e
eCPR eCPR was deployed on August 1, 2017. This new process and record type is used for formal appeals to OSHPD using the Comment and Process Review currently codified in CAC Section 7-161.
eCPR Any person associated with the project may request an appeal using the eCPR. Upon successful completion of the application, the eCPR is automatically routed to the correct reviewer or field staff. The time limitations specified in CAC 7-161 are tracked by eSP; if the first level reviewer does not reply within 10 calendar days, the CPR is automatically escalated to the Supervisor or RCO.
eCPR Acceptance or denial of the appeal is documented with an email and a formal letter which will include the reason for any denial. If the appellant wishes to escalate to the next level, a hyperlink is provided in the letter which will be automatically addressed to the appropriate next- level individual.
eCPR Example of CPR Results Letter
eServices Update Next steps: Field Operations improvements & enhancements ePC improvements Updated rendering engine Ability to render-on-demand to create overlay pages for backcheck reviews
Tableau Reports – Report Card
Tableau Reports – Timely Review
Tableau – Timely Traige
Tableau – Workload Analysis by Regions
Tableau – Workload Analysis by Counties
Educational Opportunities Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals Educational Opportunities
Webinars New Pharmacy Standards/Regulations CHA Sponsored, including Board of Pharmacy, CDPH, and FDD 2016 California Building Standards Code In conjunction with the HBSB Fire/life Safety Administrative Regulations and Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical Structural
Webinar on Sterile Compounding Pharmacies # of connections = 231 # of participants = 693-924
Webinar on 2016 CBSC Fire and Life Safety Provisions # of connections = 80 # of participants = 240-320
Webinar on 2016 CBSC Administrative, Architectural, MEP Systems and Pharmacy Provisions # of connections = 78 # of participants = 234-312
Webinar on 2016 CBSC Structural Provisions # of connections = 76 # of participants = 228-304
Upcoming Webinars/Seminars Proposed Energy Standards (webinar): late August/early September 2017 PINs and CANs (webinar): November 2017 ? Mid-Term Code Changes (webinar): February 2018 Repurposing Hospital Buildings (seminar): April 2018 Final Energy Standards (webinar): February 2019
Upcoming Webinars/Seminars
Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals Other Stuff
FDD’s Top 3 Objectives for 2017 Expand Electronic Plan Review Reevaluate FDD’s Plan Review Performance Goals Develop an IOR Trainee/Apprentice Program
HBSB Stuff DATE MEETING August 9, 2017 Technology Committee August 23, 2017 Energy Conservation and Management Committee September 14, 2017 Administrative Processes, Code Changes and Standard Details Committee October 12, 2017
California Building Standards Code Changes
2019 CBC Structural Regulations Started preparing for the 2019 Code Adoption process ASCE 7-16, TMS-402/602-16, AISC-360/341-16 are all published IBC 2018 slated for publication September, 2017 ASCE 41-17 not included in the IBC/IEBC 2018 OSHPD plans to incorporate it in 2019 CBC, provided it’s published and available to meet 2019 CBSC adoption Schedule
2016 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals 2016 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle
California Building Code Changes × × 6/20/17 8/14/17
California Building Code Changes
California Building Code Changes CAC, CBC, CEC, CMC and CPC proposed code changes submitted and processed through the code advisory committees and subsequent public comment periods Proposals Psychiatric Functional Program Element Alignment of Fees with Statute Technology and Medical Communications Acute Psychiatric Hospitals Adoption of ASHRAE 170
Subsequent Actions/Comments Received CBC provisions 1224.39 Outpatient Observation Units OSHPD withdrawal of the originally proposed provisions regarding outpatient observation units for further study 1228 Acute Psychiatric Hospital provisions Positive comments received Resulted in an additional 15 day change for two clarifications to the original proposal. Of note on this item, the proposals for change to ASHRAE 170 for reduced ventilation rates for 100% outside air systems (CMC allowance) was rejected by the 170 committee. CMS directly references compliance with 170. This will likely be subject to future rule making.
Subsequent Actions/Comments Received CMC provisions Integrated previously adopted California provisions into the newly adopted model code - ASHRAE 170. Majority of comments, while numerous, were on previously adopted and substantiated language solely brought forward and reformatted into ASHRAE 170 including the ventilation table. These comments are considered "outside of the rule making” and resulted in no change to the original proposal
Outpatient Observation Unit 1253.7. (a) For purposes of this chapter, “observation services” means outpatient services provided by a general acute care hospital and that have been ordered by a provider, to those patients who have unstable or uncertain conditions potentially serious enough to warrant close observation, but not so serious as to warrant inpatient admission to the hospital.
Outpatient Observation Unit Original Proposed Language - Withdrawn ✔ ✔ These requirements fall under the 2016 CBC section: 1224.33 EMERGENCY SERVICES - 1224.33.5 Other Space Considerations - 1224.3.5.1 Observation Units
Outpatient Observation Unit Original Proposed Language – Referenced Requirements 1224.33.5 Other space considerations. 1224.33.5.1 Observation units. Observation rooms for the monitoring of patients up to 24 hours may be provided as a distinct unit within the emergency department. If provided the unit shall have the following: Handwashing stations shall be provided in each patient room or for each four treatment stations or major fraction thereof Each patient station shall have a minimum of 120 square feet (11.15 m2) of clear floor area One toilet room shall be provided for each six treatment stations or major fraction thereof An administrative center/nurse station A nourishment area ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Outpatient Observation Unit SB 1076 Intent Definition and Purpose: SB 1076 defines “observation services” as “outpatient services… to those patient who have unstable or uncertain conditions potentially serious enough to warrant close observation, but not so serious as to warrant inpatient admission to the hospital.” Observed acuity should be less than what would be readily apparent for immediate inpatient admission. Potential Use: Patient Type 1 - New patient: Outpatient Observation only (with no admission) Outpatient Pre-Admission Patient Type 2 - Existing patient: Outpatient Post-Discharge
Outpatient Observation Unit SB 1076 Intent Required Services – may include the use of: A bed Monitoring by nursing and other staff Any other services that are reasonable and necessary to safely evaluate a patient’s condition or determine the need for a possible inpatient admission to the hospital Question: What is implied by “reasonable and necessary” for patients currently at an outpatient status with the potential for inpatient admission?
Outpatient Observation Unit SB 1076 Intent Analysis - Patient Station: 1988 - 2001 CBC 2016 CBC (effective thru 12/31/2006) Nursing Unit Single Patient Room 110 sf 120 sf (3 feet clear @ sides and foot of bed) Mullti-Patient Room 80 sf / bed 100 sf / bed (3 feet clear between beds & 4 feet @ foot of bed) Emergency Services Treatment Room 80 sf 120 sf single or 80 sf/multi-gurney (the least dimension shall be 8') (3 feet clear @ sides and foot of bed/gurney) Observation Room No Stated Size
Outpatient Observation Unit Proposed Language Revisions Patient Care Space: 120 sf per patient 110 sf single or 80 sf multiple patients Negative Pressure Isolation: Optional patient isolation provisions defined Time Limitation: Reference to 24 hour maximum not included Location: Corridor systems shall connect unit to all Basic and Supplemental Services Utility Services Infrastructure: Nurse call, emergency power, and portable oxygen
Outpatient Observation Unit Proposed Language Revisions Defined Service Areas to Support a Stand-Alone Unit: Supervisor Office Staff Toilet(s) Multipurpose Room(s) Conferences Reports Training Consultation Examination or Treatment Rooms Medication Stations Nourishment Areas and Ice Machine(s) Clean and Soiled Utility Support Spaces General and Emergency Equipment Storage / Gurney & Wheelchair Storage
Next Steps Next Steps Client Review Comment Period PIN Development HBSB Committee CBSC Adoption