Part B: Banking Sector Resilience
Chart B.1 Major UK banks have continued to strengthen their capital positions Major UK banks’ capital ratios Sources: PRA regulatory returns, published accounts and Bank calculations. Major UK banks’ core Tier 1 capital as a percentage of their risk-weighted assets. Major UK banks are Banco Santander, Bank of Ireland, Barclays, Co-operative Banking Group, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, National Australia Bank, Nationwide, RBS and Virgin Money. Data exclude Northern Rock/Virgin Money from 2008. Between 2008 and 2011, the chart shows core Tier 1 ratios as published by banks, excluding hybrid capital instruments and making deductions from capital based on FSA definitions. Prior to 2008 that measure was not typically disclosed; the chart shows Bank calculations approximating it as previously published in the Report. Weighted by risk-weighted assets. From 2012, the ‘Basel III common equity Tier 1 capital ratio’ is calculated as common equity Tier 1 capital over risk-weighted assets, according to the CRD IV definition as implemented in the United Kingdom. The Basel III peer group includes Barclays, Co-operative Banking Group, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, Nationwide, RBS and Santander UK. CET1 ratio less the aggregate percentage point fall projected under the Bank of England’s 2016 annual cyclical stress scenario for the six largest UK banks.
Chart B.2 Leverage ratios have strengthened Major UK banks’ leverage ratios Sources: PRA regulatory returns, published accounts and Bank calculations. Prior to 2012, data are based on the simple leverage ratio defined as the ratio of shareholders’ claims to total assets based on banks’ published accounts (note a discontinuity due to introduction of IFRS accounting standards in 2005, which tends to reduce leverage ratios thereafter). The peer group used in Chart B.1 also applies here. Weighted by total exposures. The Basel III leverage ratio corresponds to aggregate peer group Tier 1 capital over aggregate leverage ratio exposure. Up to 2013, Tier 1 capital includes grandfathered capital instruments and the exposure measure is based on the Basel 2010 definition. From 2014 H1, Tier 1 capital excludes grandfathered capital instruments and the exposure measure is based on the Basel 2014 definition. The Basel III peer group used in Chart B.1 also applies here. Estimated leverage ratio for the major UK banks excluding central bank reserves from the exposure measure. Data are 2017 Q1 for all firms except Co-operative Banking Group (2016 Q4).
Table B.1 Funding costs have fallen Selected measures of UK banks’ funding costs(a)(b) Sources: Bloomberg, Markit Group Limited and Bank calculations. UK banks are Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group and RBS. Funding spreads are measured in basis points. Simple average of secondary market spreads over government bonds. Constant-maturity simple average of secondary market spreads to swaps for five-year euro-denominated covered bonds or a suitable proxy. Constant-maturity simple average of secondary market spreads to mid-swaps for five-year euro-denominated senior unsecured bonds, or a suitable proxy when unavailable. Simple average of five-year senior CDS premia.
Chart B.3 Quoted rates on new real-economy lending have fallen broadly in line with Bank Rate Average interest rates on new lending and Bank Rate Sources: Bank of England and Bank calculations. Sterling-only end-month quoted rates. On mortgages with a loan to value ratio of 75%.
Chart B.4 Share prices have recovered since their mid-2016 lows UK banks’ share prices and FTSE All-Share index since 1 January 2016(a) Sources: Thomson Reuters Datastream and Bank calculations. Bank indices use weighted averages by market capitalisation. International banks: HSBC and Standard Chartered. UK domestic banks: Barclays, Lloyds Banking Group and RBS.
Chart B.5 Bank profitability remains weak UK banks’ statutory and underlying return on equity(a)(b)(c)(d) Sources: Published accounts and Bank calculations. Weighted average by shareholders’ equity. Statutory return on equity (RoE) is defined as net income attributable to shareholders divided by average shareholders’ equity. Underlying RoE strips out misconduct costs as well as one-time charges such as restructuring costs. UK banks are Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group and RBS. 2017 Q1 results are annualised and may display seasonality. They are not directly comparable to full-year results.
Chart B.6 Price to book ratios have improved but remain below one UK banks’ average price to book ratio(a)(b)(c) Sources: Thomson Reuters Datastream and Bank calculations. UK banks are Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group and RBS. Relates the share price with the book, or accounting, value of shareholders’ equity per share. HSBC price to book ratio adjusted for currency movements.
Chart B.7 Price to book ratios are broadly in line with expected return on equity Price to book ratios for major global banks compared with expected returns on equity Sources: Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters Datastream and Bank calculations.
Table 1 The FPC’s Recommendations on cyber resilience Source: Bank of England.