Instituto Español de Oceanografía SA 6 SA Biscay AGL Instituto Español de Oceanografía Alicia Lavín Carmen Rodríguez Daniel Cano WP leaders: Please prepare General Assembly 2017 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain; 27 – 29 June 2017
SATS-SANTANDER ATLANTIC TIME SERIES SA 6- BISCAY AGL WP 10 – Service Activities SATS-SANTANDER ATLANTIC TIME SERIES SANTANDER OBSERVATORY Santander standard section Biscay AGL Buoy R/V Ramón Margalef Laboratory facilities
FixO3 Real Time Products SA 6- BISCAY AGL WP 10 – Service Activities FixO3 Real Time Products Water temperature and salinity anomalies Wave height character over mean climatology Monthly climatology of subtidal flow.
FixO3 Delayed Time Products SA 6- BISCAY AGL WP 10 – Service Activities FixO3 Delayed Time Products Monthly heat content anomalies Mixed Layed Depth Estimation Air-Sea Heat Fluxes Salinity, and currents (u and v) in the upper layer
SENSOR: BETTER PERFORMANCE (ACCURACY AND PRECISSION) SA 6- BISCAY AGL WP 10 – Service Activities SENSOR: BETTER PERFORMANCE (ACCURACY AND PRECISSION) Oxygen sensor. Fouling problems and accuracy New Fluorescence sensor. Antifouling device Improvement performance
SA 6- BISCAY AGL DISSEMINATION WP 10 – Service Activities DISSEMINATION Global Telecomunication system WWO code: 6201030 Web pages: Puertos del Estado IBIROOS COPERNICUS METEOCANTABRIA ICES Report on Ocean Climate Countries from the visitors (blue) Media: TVE, El Diario Montañés, IEO pages, maritime sequrity, fisheries Congress (EGU 15, EGU 17, EuroGOOS 14, One ocean one planet, EOF 14, EOF 16), Workshops, lectures, presentations, Night of researchs, Open doors, European Maritime Week in Cantabria, Ocean’s Day Proyects: EU FixO3, Atlantos, MyCoast, National, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Regional projects
CONTINUITY- 10 YEARS OF DATA SA 6- BISCAY AGL WP 10 – Service Activities CONTINUITY- 10 YEARS OF DATA Lack of data continuity: out of position: Vandalism (cargo vessel, fishing boats) Severe storms Others: drifting material, transmission fails.
SA 6- BISCAY AGL NEXT STEPS EMSO OCEANSITES WP 10 – Service Activities NEXT STEPS Santander Atlantic Time Series Station (SATS) Santander standard section 1993- Deep standard section 2003-2011 AGL Buoy: 2007- INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING EMSO OCEANSITES Mixed layer studies up to 200m: HOBO U22 SBE 16, 19, 57 At 17m WQMx (Wetlabs)