ILD Silicon Tracking Status Report ILD Workshop @ ECFA-LCWS2016, Santander June 4th, 2016 Iván Vila Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)
Outline Reminder: DBD baseline and involved groups. Strategy post-DBD. Prototyping: FTD proof-of-concept demonstrators, full scale thermal model , pulse powering R&D on high precision tracking Detector description & software simulation Outlook, Santander, June 6th 2016
DBD baseline: 3 years ago ., Santander, June 6th 2016
Players Physics groups Technological Centers Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA) Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITA) Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (CNM-IMB) Universidad de Barcelona (UB) Instituto Nacional de Tecnicas Aeronauticas Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) Physics groups Technological Centers, Santander, June 6th 2016
Fairly detailed description( 3 years ago ) Main services for FTD. Component Nº Cables CABLE NEEDED Power dissipated (W/m) Total Cu section DC-DC solution 1/4 DISK 4 X 12v-1.25 V DC-DC 2 AWG 15 0.093 3.3 mm2 2 X 12V-2.5V DC-CD High voltage cable AWG 24 0.000 0.4 mm2 TOTAL 4 3.7 mm2 All DISK DC-DC-s 8 AWG15 0.373 13.2 mm2 AWG24 1.6 mm2 16 14.8 mm2 Super Capacitor solution 2 supercapacitors AWG 16 0.040 2.6 mm2 3 mm2 Supercapacitors 0.16 10.4 mm2 12mm2, Santander, June 6th 2016
How things evolved since the DBD? - All the activity focused on the Forward Tracker Disks. No news concering the other silicon subdetectors., Santander, June 6th 2016
DBD follow-up strategy The overall Si Tracker DBD design becoming more and more within the reach of the current State-of-the-Art Si tracking technology. Development of system-wise aspects specific for ILD, not likely to be tackled by other communities (LHC, non-accelerator, SuperB factories,…) To accomplish this assignment: Non-active and/or small footprint and light cooling system: power pulsing and low consumption FE Increase momentum resolution: Material Budget reduction & hit position resolution increase Follow up RD on pixels for two innermost FTD disks, Santander, June 6th 2016
Prototyping: FTD Full scale mock-up Including optical fibers Sensors for monitoring, Santander, June 6th 2016
Prototyping: FTD Full scale mock-up, Santander, June 6th 2016
Prototyping: Power system The idea of use supercapacitors as part of the power supply distribution system Minimize the transients present in the system A real prototype of 1 Group of FTD sub-detector (FTD +6) developed Ip=13.5A – Isb =2.7A (Per petal – Ip=3.4A / Isb=0.7A), Santander, June 6th 2016
R&D Microstrip sensors with integrated gain Integrated gain to reduce sensor thinkness (smaller multiple scattering ) and increase intrinsic point resolution. Keep and eye on depleted CMOS technology evolution, Santander, June 6th 2016
R&D Microstrips: LGAD and I-LGAD, Santander, June 6th 2016
Detector description and Simulation software No change on detector description since the DBD (DBD quotes wrong geometrical values for SIT, collision with FTD inner disks) M. Vos as software contact. We need to reinforce (start) collaboration with TPC reconstruction. Severe lack of man power on detector validation, Santander, June 6th 2016
Outlook: What to expect in the next two years Covering of critical system aspects: Engineering activities (system integration, realistic designs, services “well” covered) R&D will proceed with limited resources. Team up with vertex and TPC communities to achieve the goals. Outstanding issues: Lack of man power for detector validation (critical) and optimization (bonus) External silicon tracker role: EDT and SET Timing requirements., Santander, June 6th 2016
THANKS !, Santander, June 6th 2016