Region South-South East 8th RCC Meeting – Region South-South East 9 October 2007, Maribor, Slovenia
Agenda Agenda Topics Rapporteur 9.00 1. Arrival and registration Co-chairs 9.30 2. Opening - Approval of the agenda - Update on recent CEER/ERGEG developments AEEG E-Control RCC (all) 9:45 3. Preparation of 3rd IG Meeting - Preparation of the Implementation Group/Task ForcesMeeting - Overview of agenda items to be covered 10:30 4. Closure Co-chair
Action Points 1-3 of the last IG meeting Implementation TF Actions Responsible/ Result until Best-practice standardised bulletin board - harmonized content for individual TSO platforms accordnig TAG and OMV best practice TSOs presentation at next IG Summary of planned investments in the region (incl. Storage) - inclusion of information on expansion projects (Transmission&Storage) into the survey RCC Removing remaining obstacles to implementation of IPA/OBA - further update on implementation :TSOs will focus on concluding IPAs where these are not yet in place; Implementation of an OBA regime is dependent on certain prerequisites and will always be conditional; Shippers must be equally involved in the implementation process by complying with the nomination rules set up by the TSOs - Baumgarten: all involved stakeholders work on a solution within the next 3 months incl. a list of remaining ostacles TSOs, Shippers CEGH
Action Points 4-6 of the last IG meeting Implementation TF Actions Responsible/ Result until Best-practice standardised bulletin board - harmonized content accordnig TAG and OMV best practice TSOs presentation at next IG meeting Summary of planned investments in the region (incl. Storage) - inclusion of information on investments into survey RCC Removing remaining obstacles to implementation of IPA/OBA - further update on implementation and - Baumgarten: all involved stakeholders work on a solution within the next 3 months incl. a list of remaining ostacles CEGH Best practice provision of OSS service - Transparency platform (GTE pilot project) - TSOs offer OSS service to shippers who request it - best practice OSS (OMV, TSOs presentation at next IG REETS - presentation of benchmarking results - simulation of introduction of REETS RCC presentation at next IG Hub development as regional balancing market - update on implementation of next steps according schedule CEGH/EFET PSV/EFET
IG meeting agenda – 1 Agenda item Responsible 11.00 Opening Co-chairs 11:15 Presentation session I - Best practice standardised bulletin board - Best practice: TAG - Summary of planned investments in the region TSO TAG RCC 12:00 Presentation session II - Implementation of EASEE gas CBPs in the region - Removing remaining obstacles to implementation of IA/OBA - IPA/OBA in practice: Baumgarten - Best practice provision of OSS service - OSS in practice: GATRAC - Current status of planning: Transparency platform - Proposal of a Regional ISO Model as a way forward? EASEE gas TSOs and shippers CEGH RWE TGN TSOs EFET
IG meeting agenda – 2 Agenda item Responsible 14:00 Presentation session III - Regional Cooperation in the Third Package - Regional Entry Exit Tariff System: Update - Hub development PSV and CEGH EC RCC CEGH, PSV, EFET, Eurelectric 15:00 Coffee break 15:30 AOB 16:00 Closure Co-chairs