B2B Working Group Meeting 3 August 2016 13:30 – 15:00 Presented BY Chris Cormack
Agenda Welcome and Introduction Review Terms of Reference and purpose of B2B working group Define Meeting Schedule and Operating Rhythm Review Rule change and scope of B2B changes Outline Options for approach to updating B2B procedures Principles for Procedure drafting Participant Involvement Options Next Meeting(s) Agenda and IEC meeting schedule
Welcome and Introduction AEMO: Chris Cormack – Procedure Lead, Lee Brown – SME, Andrew Suwignjo – SME, Paul LeFavi – SME Retailer reps: Aakash Sembey – Momentum Energy, Mark Riley – AGL Energy, Mara Tenis – Lumo/Red Energy, Additional Retail Rep Distributor reps: David Woods – SA Power Networks, Brett McLean – United Energy, David Sales –TasNetworks, Anna Russo – Endeavour Energy Metering or Third Party reps: Dean Van Gerrevink – Vector, Michael Cruse – Active Stream, Rod Jones – itelliHub, Charles Coulson – Metropolis Metering
B2B Meeting Schedule August/September Meeting 2 – 17 August 10:00 -15:00 Meeting 3 – 25 August 12:00-16:00 Meeting 4 – 7 September 10:00-15:00 Meeting 5 – 16 September 12:00-16:00 (Subject to change) Meeting 6 – 28 September 10:00-15:00 All meetings to be held at Level 22, 530 Collins st, Melbourne (or via Video link) Meeting Agenda for next meeting and Minutes for previous meeting to be circulated 5 days after each meeting All papers, including drafting items, diagrams or information for review to be circulated with adequate time before meetings to allow participants to move quickly through items during working group meetings
Review DRAFT Terms of Reference Current Purpose : To support the IEC in developing and recommending changes to the B2B procedures to accommodate the interrelated POC rule changes Review – answering the following questions Imperative: Why do we need to change these procedures? Vision: What will these changes enable? Solution: How can we get to this outcome?
Review DRAFT Terms of Reference Continued… This is a formal working group reporting to the IEC (as per NER) Operate Primarily as a Working group to deliver draft B2B procedures to the IEC no later than 30 September 2016 Determine a POC implementation timetable, prioritisation of B2B services Consult with wider industry in preparations of draft B2B Procedures Review and respond to Stakeholder submissions received during consultation period
Procedure Update Options Description Considerations End-to-End Review Services & Notifications Procedure revised Service Orders, One Way Notification and PMD/VMD new minimum service specification and market efficiency transactions Meter Data Process – only covering standard meter data delivery CSDN – no material changes Technical guideline document (not a procedure) – elements such as Business Event Details moved into relevant procedure Result in procedures that are better aligned, more consist, and with less duplication More effort required to update procedures Larger impact to existing procedures Moderate Change Contestable Services Procedure – new minimum service specification and market efficiency transactions Non-Contestable Services Procedure – retaining transactions not moved to item 1 One Way Notification – remove Meter Exchange transaction Meter Data Process – no material changes Technical guidelines document – per option 1 Focus on updating existing and defining new services Minimise impact to existing procedures not affected by the rule changes Reduced risk of leaving insufficient time for market readiness activities Note: All procedures will be undergo Legal review and updated to the new AEMO template
Principles for Procedure Drafting B2B factors; ask that the B2B procedures come at a reasonable costs of compliance v benefits; promote innovation and not restrict barriers to entry; are able to be implemented in a reasonable timeframe. B2B Principles; provide procedures that take a uniform approach in all jurisdictions; are efficient, effective and reliable; avoid discrimination between parties; protect the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information. B2B communications; must include data inputs/outputs; timings and process maps; content and format; delivery method and backup. B2B Parties are: Distribution Network Service Providers, Retailers, Local Retailers, Metering Coordinators, Metering Providers, Metering Data Providers, Embedded Network Managers and other Third Party B2B Participants. B2B Procedures – simple communications to affect metering and market outcomes. Should be simple, efficient, reliable and easy to implement and promote innovation in advanced meter services. They do not impose barriers to entry or discriminate between parties. They do protect confidential information and ensure a uniform approach in all states.
Procedure Update Process Participant involvement options AEMO to complete draft procedures, B2B Working Group to review AEMO to draft with B2BWG to provide input Procedure Update Process AEMO Complete Framework providing structure and strategy for procedure update Convert procedures for existing communications and counterparties into new format SME review/ update of procedures for existing communications Legal review update procedures for existing communications Joint SME/Legal review Identify new procedures and core principles for procedure update Identify key information gaps B2BWG Participants provide information to help in detailing B2B communications for procedures for new communications Get feedback from participants on redrafted procedures for existing communications Collect input from participants on new procedures and feedback on old and consolidate into new set of procedures Legal and SME review of New and Updated procedures – draft for B2BWG Complete review of draft New and Existing procedures for recommendations to the IEC Final Joint Legal and SME review of procedures Get Sign-off from IEC for new draft procedures Start consultation AEMO Convert to new procedure template SME review update procedure (comments questions) Legal review update/ write new procedure Joint SME/Legal review Provide detailed document to B2BWG detailing changes for each procedure B2BWG Review detailed document for each procedure provided by AEMO Provide feedback Recommend changes Finalise procedure/Updates Get Sign-off from IEC for new draft procedures Start Consultation
Detailed B2BWG/IEC Meeting Schedule August/September 2nd B2B Working Group Meeting - 17 Aug Strawman for B2B Procedure Changes Outline Approach to B2B procedure update- document structure format, key elements and what is not changing Agree work-plan for B2B procedure update tasks Identify participants or AEMO to complete discreet B2B procedure update tasks 3rd B2B working Group Meeting - 25 August Review First round updates to documents Review procedures for existing communications and counterparties Review tasks allocated to create procedures for new communications Prioritise Activity to meet deadline 4th B2B Working Group Meeting - 7 September Progress Update and recap Review 2nd Round Updates to all procedures Identify Issues and agree amendments Review draft Glossary and Technical Specification document Define any issues for escalation to IEC Meeting on 10 September 5th Meeting B2B Working Group - 16 Septemeber First Draft for discussion IEC recommendations Any outstanding issues Review Draft procedures against MSATS procedures Review Draft procedures against B2B e-Hub business requirements 6th Meeting B2B working Group - 28 September Complete Draft of new B2B procedures Finalise Drafting and instigate IEC/AEMO sign-off process Publish Draft procedures for consultation IEC Meeting on 30 September