Examination Boards – briefing for secretaries Spring/Summer 2017 Academic Services – Quality and Standards Paul Cecil – Quality & Standards Manager Anna McCall – Quality & Standards Advisor
Introduction and agenda Welcome and introductions Context Documentation and references Role Changes to content for 2016/17 [see SCA17-08] Standardized statistical reports Non-attendance of external examiners Use of telephone or other telecommunication technology Membership Accuracy of attendance records Type of Board Q&A
Context Formal decisions of the University Culmination of all student study The official record of decisions and can be used in appeals, complaints and legal challenges Only an exam board can confirm an award A matter of public record that transforms the lives of our students
Documentation and References Background / contextual information Centrally produced decision guides will be made available for all Boards in 2017. Secretaries to ensure all paperwork is in place Documentation and References GEAR Applies to all taught courses leading to a University of Brighton award Available to all staff, students and external examiners Decisions Guides Area Examination Boards Progressing students at Course Examination Boards Final year students at Course Examination Boards GEAR https://staff.brighton.ac.uk/reg/acs/docs/GEAR2015-2016.pdf
Secretary role (GEAR E10) preparing and circulating agenda papers; having available at the meeting information pertinent to individual students, particularly any information previously submitted by students in support of mitigating circumstances and any submitted medical certificates; assembling all documentation for the meeting; minuting the meeting in such a way that all decisions are unambiguously and fully recorded, particularly in cases where a judgement has been difficult for any reason; preparing of pass lists marked with the date of publication.
Changes for 2017 Boards The following were approved by ASC/Academic Board for changes in-year (2017) All boards considering modules must consider a statistical report (Ac Services to provide standard report via InfoView) If external examiners do not attend new rules and requirements apply – see SCA17-08 Use of telephone/Skype now allowed with Exam Board Chair permission (does not need central approval)
Membership All constitutions and members must be approved by Sub- Committee for Assessment (SCA) Substitutions must be approved by Chair of SCA (refer to Academic Services) Non-listed staff cannot attend/participate. Observers allowed with permission of Chair (but cannot participate) No quorum – all members expected to attend Absences to be notified to Chair of Academic Board* Chair of Examination Board determines whether Board can proceed Incorrect attendance can compromise decision of Board and lead to upheld complaints/appeals. * conventionally managed via minuting unless exceptional circumstances
Attendance records A list of all attending must be maintained Use signing lists Minutes must include all people present (even if NOT on membership)
Examination boards Module Stage of study Award Area Examination Boards: Make decisions about students registered on individual modules (without reference to their performance on other modules) Considers statistical data on module Stage of study Course Examination Boards: Consider overall profile of each student enrolled on course Consider mitigating circumstances claims Applies misconduct penalties Consider eligibility to progress from one stage of study to the next Consider eligibility for final and interim awards Some courses have Joint Area and Course Boards Award
Examination boards Module Stage of study Award Single Tier Boards: Make decisions about students registered on individual modules (without reference to their performance on other modules) Considers statistical data on module Stage of study And then… Consider overall profile of each student enrolled on course Consider mitigating circumstances claims Applies misconduct penalties Consider eligibility to progress from one stage of study to the next Consider eligibility for final and interim awards Award