Welcome to the RFQ Meeting Good morning and Welcome to the RFQ Meeting
Agenda 20. Nov. 10:00 Welcome and introduction W. Vinzenz 10 min. 10:10 Source R. Berezov / R. Hollinger 10:20 RF System G. Schreiber 10:30 Beam Instrumentation P. Forck 10:40 Experience with the design, fabrication and tuning of the Linac4 RFQ C. Rossi CERN 20 min. 11:00 Coffee 15 min. 11:15 LINAC4 RFQ commissioning and measurements A. Lombardi CERN 11:30 Design proposal for a 325 MHz RFQ and operational experience of pulsed 4-rod RFQs H. Podlech IAP 30 min. 12:00 Proposal of a 325 MHz, 3MeV Ladder-RFQ U. Ratzinger IAP 12:30 Lunch 1:30 h 14:00 4 vanes RFQ expertise at AVS Alberto Garbayo AVS 14:30 Discussion Beam parameters RFQ input all 1:00 h 15:30 15:45 Discussion 1:15 h 17:00 End
Agenda 21. Nov. 9:30 Welcome and introduction W. Vinzenz 10 min. 9:40 Risks during production and cost all 1:20 h 11:00 Coffee 15 min. 11:15 Comparison in terms of tuning and repair 1:15 h 12:30 Lunch 13:45 Summary and Statement 1:30 h 15:30 End
Introduction The FAIR Proton Linac subject of the meeting Energy 70 MeV max. Current 35 mA for SIS18 70 mA max. Protons/pulse 7,9x1012 French contribution French contribution 95 keV 3 MeV ECR Proton Source LEBT RFQ Bu CCH 1 – 3 Bu CH 4 – 6 subject of the meeting 100 mA 29,50 m Transfer channel UNILAC – SIS 18
Ladder 4-Rod 4-Vane RFQ parameters What‘s the best choice ? 95 keV ?? 3 MeV Ladder 4-Rod 4-Vane
The requirements on the cavity are: RFQ parameters The requirements on the cavity are: Best matching of the target parameters High transmission rate High stability during beam pulse High thermal stability Sparking rate as low as possible and further on Best mechanical design (cooling channels and so on) for low maintenance Simple design for easy manufacturing, easy repair and reproduction And all this for a good price
RFQ parameters Parameter Units Injection energy 0.095 MeV Extraction energy 3.00 MeV Particles to be accelerated protons Input current <= 100 mA Input emittance (transv., norm., tot.) ≤ 2.5 mm mrad Output current > 80% of input current Output emittance (transv., norm., tot.) ≤ 2 mm mrad Output emittance (long., tot.) ≤ 930 keV deg Mean aperture radius ≤ 3,9 mm RF-frequency 325.224 MHz Max. RF-input power ≤ 1.0 MW RF-pulse length 200 µs Beam Pulse length 36 µs Repetition rate 4 Hz Cooling H2O, 11 bar, 10 l/min; Tin = 25 °C Temperature tolerances Tin – Tout ≤ 4 K, δT ≤ 2 K Maximum electric surface field ≤ 36.6 MV/m (= 2.0 EK) Total cavity length < 3.3 m
The best results of our meeting could be: Summary The best results of our meeting could be: Adding up all information to identify an optimized solution ...that we can present a clear statement at the MAC meeting next week And that we meet again time by time to report how the RFQ is running And now I wish a fruitful and interesting discussion