Affordable Housing Program Updates COSCDA Conference March 14, 2017 Notes Text U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Housing Trust Fund Due date for submission of HTF allocation plans to HUD was 8/16 As of 2/28, HUD had approved 41 plans and obligated 23 HTF grants Amount available for FY 2017 formula allocations will be announced in April/May
HOME Budget FY 17 Administration Request - $950m New Legislative Proposals in Budget: Eliminate 24-month commitment deadline Eliminate 15% CHDO set-aside House and Senate marks - $950 million Continuing Resolution thru 4/28/17
HOME Six-Year Accomplishments
Commitment Deadline Elimination Deadline no longer necessary because 2013 Rule established new deadlines for: Project completion within 4 years Rental unit occupancy within 18 months Sale of homebuyer units within 9 months FY 2002 and later HOME funds expire Feinstein-Portman Amdt would suspend commitment (not CHDO) deadlines occurring during 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019
All Commitment Deobligations
HOME Commitment Rule Interim rule implementing grant-specific method for deadline compliance for FY 15 & later grants – published 12/3/2016 CHDO set-aside measured grant-by-grant Significant changes to treatment of PI & other funds in “local” HOME account “Final” cumulative deadline for allocations through FY 14 on PJ’s FY 2015 deadline Eliminated 5 year expenditure deadline
HOME Commitments As of 1/31/17, total national shortfall: FY 2015 Grants: $375.6 million Cumulative: $281.4 million TOTAL: $657.0 million HUD Webinar 1/12/2016 – archived Office Hours next week
4-Year Project Completion Deadline Established by 2012/13 HUD Approps. law & incorporated by rule Requires repayment of HOME funds if project not completed by deadline One-year exception authority: 2012/13 Approps project – “circumstances beyond PJ’s control” HOME rule projects – HUD assesses likelihood of project being completed in one year PR 46 Flagged Activities report – lists flagged projects and those within 30/90 days of deadline
IDIS IDIS Release 11.13 - March 2017 Commitment interim rule changes IDIS Release 11.14 - May 2017 HTF eCon Planning Suite FIFO completion
HOME Training Building HOME – 4 live online deliveries with office hours in 2017 OAHP developing “E-Building HOME” – an interactive, web-based training tool For updated info on HOME, visit: Sign up for HOME listserv at:
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Final Rule implementing 2013 VAWA Reauthorization Act – 11/16/16 Provides protections for victims Establishes notification requirements HOME PJs must develop and implement Emergency Transfer Plans by June 14, 2017.
Housing Counseling Rule Final Rule implementing Dodd-Frank counseling requirements published 12/14/16 Housing counseling provided in connection with HUD programs can only be provided by certified housing counselors employed by approved Housing Counseling organizations Certification required within 36 months of date that certification examination becomes available Applies to all HOME & HTF homeownership units & any rental counseling provided