Research Project Guidelines 1 Research Project Guidelines 1. A short summary/abstract (no more than half a page) at the beginning of the report (immediately after the title page). 2. Explain why you think the topic is of interest to managers (preferably in the introduction). 3. Discuss the methodology used to study the issue(s) 4. The analysis/study itself should constitute the main part of the report. 5. Discuss the findings and their implications from managerial economics perspective. 6. A summary and/or suggestions for future research should be included in the conclusion . 7. The report must be typed, and at least 5 and at most 7 double-spaced pages (in addition to all relevant appendices, tables and graphs). 8. Reports that are handwritten will not be accepted 9. Groups must submit an outline by October 21 10. Late submission of the outline or the report will lead to a loss of 5 points per day. 11. Each PLG may have up to two meetings with me in order to discuss the progress of the project.
Suggested Topics Estimation and analysis of demand and/or supply Estimation and analysis of elasticities (for a good or a service) Estimation and analysis of production and/or cost function(s) Study of market structure of an industry (product or service) Regulation Property rights Effects of globalization on production and distribution Analysis of the effects of information and communication technologies on labor costs and productivity Other topics (need to be approved)