Wednesday, May 3,2017 18 days of school left Get a pen or pencil out of your backpack Put everything else (including (your cell phone) in your backpack Place backpack, bags, and purses against the side wall Take a seat in the middle table
Count off 1,2,3,4,5……. odd numbers move two open seats to the right!
Using big, bold letters, Write your name in the middle of the green piece of paper. Shhhhh….. Absolutely no talking from this point forward.
Pass your paper one space to the right. Shhhhhh…. No talking
Write one positive word, phrase, or memory that comes to your mind about the person whose paper you now have. Shhhhhh…… no talking
Pass your paper one space to the right. Shhhhhh…. No talking
Write one positive word, phrase, or memory that comes to your mind about the person whose paper you now have. Shhhhhh…… no talking
After we get all the way around the table and your paper makes it back to you, read the positive comments people have made about you.
Turn your paper over to the “Me, personally” side let’s answer some questions about yourself….
Get your laptop to begin typing an essay or get a sheet of paper to handwrite your rough draft essay sit back down quickly…
Topic A …. Freshman What was the environment in which you were raised Topic A …. Freshman What was the environment in which you were raised? Describe your family, home, neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person.
Topic B …Freshman Most students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way. Tell us about yourself.
Topic C …. Freshman You've got a ticket in your hand - Where will you go? What will you do? What will happen when you get there?
Rough Draft essay A, B, or C is due Friday, May 5th for a grade … on your laptop (not handwritten) we will peer review, revise and edit Friday … then you will present your essay on Monday, May 8th for another grade.