Nominee Training Event 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Nominee Training Event 2016 Higher Photography

Welcome Purpose of the Day

The Quality Assurance Model Understanding Standards Successful Learners with valuable qualifications External Verification Prior Verification Internal Verification

Appointees & Nominees – Who’s who? Lead Verifier Depute Lead Verifier Principal Verifier Depute Principal Verifier Team Leader Visiting Verifier Nominee Qualification Manager Qualification Officer *NQ Guide to Quality Assurance for Appointees and nominees

Verification Key Messages Lessons Learned in Session 2015/ 16

Lessons Learned in Session 2015/ 16 Some centres are not making effective use of Unit Assessment Support Packs Candidate responses were generally very thorough and highlight the effectiveness of learning and teaching prior to the commencement of the Unit assessment Image manipulation remains a concern with many candidates inappropriately editing their work. Any editing must enhance the original image Images created within the style of High Key, Pictorialism and Romanticism were generally of a lesser standard and usually involved the inappropriate use of post-production manipulation to achieve the desired style.

Lessons Learned in Session 2015/ 16 Combined approach was used effectively to minimise crossovers in producing evidence for Assessment Standards More centres are making use of the Portfolio approach Assessment judgements in some centres were inconsistent and not in line with the national standard

General Observations Candidates were encouraged to develop their own stimulating learning environment which is useful to showcase their understanding of photography and technical skill. Overall quality of candidate responses indicates the effectiveness of the learning and teaching taking place prior to the commencement of the Unit Assessments. Candidates are provided with excellent resources in the form of centre-devised Course Handbooks, tutorials and workshops that support their understanding of the subject both creatively and technically.

General Observations Centres have fostered links with local photographers to encourage candidate engagement with the subject and provide staff opportunities for continual professional development. Some centres provide candidates with a list of photographers to investigate for the Image Making Unit, Outcome 1. This approach supports candidates in meeting this Outcome successfully by vetting the photographers that they choose. Centres have made use of a variety of digital formats to present candidate Unit work. This effective approach to assessment can reduce course costs without compromising the candidates’ experience.

Looking Forward Understanding Standards Exemplification NQ Review Prior Verification Visiting Verification

Subject and Unit Reviews What has Changed?

Key Issues Higher Photography continues to grow from strength to strength with entry numbers continuing to rise. The following issues were identified and from these, the subject action plan for Photography was developed: There is an issue with the amount of evidence that candidates have to produce in order to achieve the Units There is some evidence to indicate that some styles/genres that form the context for Unit assessment tasks may impact on accessibility The Coursework assessment task Marking Instructions would benefit from some clarification

Action Plan Session 2016/17 Unit assessment We will review and provide clarity regarding all Unit Assessment Support Packs and revise the information in the Judging Evidence Tables, particularly those areas which specify ‘amounts’ of work, making the minimum requirements clear; effectively reducing volume of assessment. We will review the suggested styles and genres in the assessment tasks as some of those suggested are more suited to expressive art than photography. We will review Assessment Standards to remove any potential ambiguity for session 2017/18. Course assessment — Coursework We will review the Marking Instructions for the Coursework assessment task.

Action Plan Session 2017/18 Unit assessment We will implement revised Assessment Standards as a consequence of the 2016/17 investigations. Guidance and support We will continue to provide guidance and exemplification to promote good assessment practice.

Approaches to Presenting Session 1: Approaches to Presenting Unit Work

Types of Evidence Evidence for both units may be presented in a range of forms, for example: Word documents PowerPoint presentations Paper copies Combination of digital and paper Digital folders in shared areas Sketchbooks or workbooks

Types of Evidence Typical forms of evidence for Image Making Outcome 1 Essays PowerPoint presentations Word documents Mind maps Sketchbooks Candidates usually adopt a Centre-devised approach. 1.1 – 1.3 Investigate work of 2 photographers Present 2 Images by each photographer Identify 1 influence on photographers’ work. Express justified opinion on the effectiveness of the photographers’ work Express justified opinion on style of photographers’ work Express justified opinion on the message within the photographers’ work

Types of Evidence Typical forms of evidence for Outcome 2 include: Digital or printed contact sheets and final 6 chosen photographs. Evidence to meet requirements for Outcome 2 can be viewed holistically, for example through contact sheets and final 6 images presented. 2.1 - 2.2 Within contact sheets or in final 6 images Controlling Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, Depth of Field, Exposure, focus, White Balance, Lighting. Using the Visual Elements, Composition techniques, and Creative Editing.

Types of Evidence 2.3 Evaluative comments throughout the body of work as annotations and/or Unit evaluation. Reviewing camera skill and photographic technique, technical and creative approach, success and identifying alternative approaches. Identifying one area of creative and technical improvement. 2.4 Screen shot of file storage or evaluative comments. 2.5 Printed/stored images using appropriate file size, quality and resolution. These are ideas of what evidence may look like – it is not exhaustive.

Types of Evidence Typical forms of evidence for Contextual Imagery Outcome 1 include: Digital / printed contact sheets and final photographs 1.1 - Digital / printed contact sheets with or without annotation. 1.2 - 6 photographs, clear evidence of 2 styles and 2 genres 1.3 - Same 6 images demonstrate personal and creative response to the brief Assessment Standards 1.2 & 1.3 can be covered by the same evidence.

Types of Evidence Typical forms of evidence for Contextual Imagery Outcome 2 include annotations and/or separate evaluation. These can be digital or handwritten, usually following Centre-devised or SQA generated proforma. 2.1 Annotated images – Imaging techniques & creativity. 2.2 Annotated images – Technical & camera skill. 2.3 Evaluation – Strengths and development needs must be identified. Evidence to meet requirements for Assessment Standards 2.1 & 2.3 can be viewed holistically and covered by the same evidence. These are ideas of what evidence may look like – it is not exhaustive.

Take some time to look at the candidate evidence Exemplification: Take some time to look at the candidate evidence Ask the team any questions

Making Assessment Decisions Workshop 1: Making Assessment Decisions

Workshop 1: Aims to help you to develop your understanding of the standards for the Higher Photography: Image Making and Photography: Contextual Imagery Units to provide you with the opportunity to discuss and agree these standards with colleagues and clarify any issues to provide you with the knowledge and materials you will need to help support colleagues in your school, college or Local Authority.

Workshop 1: Task 1 In your pack you will find candidate evidence for the Higher Photography: Image Making Unit and the Higher Photography: Contextual Imagery Unit. Task 1 On your own, review the evidence for both Candidate A and Candidate B against the Outcomes, Assessment Standards and evidence requirements for the Unit and decide if the candidate has/has not achieved the Unit. Make a note of the reasons for your decision.

Workshop 1: Task 2 Task 2 Once you have completed task 1 on your own, discuss your decisions and reasons with the other members of your group. You might find the following questions a useful starter for discussions: Did everyone in the group make the same decision about the evidence? If there were differences in the group’s decisions, what are the reasons for these? If everyone in the group made the same decisions, were they for the same reasons?

Workshop 1: Task 3 Task 3 On your own, compare your decisions with those in the Candidate Commentary provided for each candidate. You might find the following questions useful for reflection: Were any of your decisions relating to individual Outcomes/ Assessment Standards different to those in the Candidate Commentaries? If there are differences between your decisions and those in the Candidate Commentary, what are your reasons for these? If your decisions are similar to those in the Candidate Commentary, were they for the same reasons?

The Benefits of Being an Appointee Session 2: The Benefits of Being an Appointee

Making Assessment Decisions Workshop 2: Making Assessment Decisions

Workshop 2: Aims to help you to develop your understanding of the standards for the Higher Photography: Image Making and Photography: Contextual Imagery Units to provide you with the opportunity to discuss and agree these standards with colleagues and clarify any issues to provide you with the opportunity to discuss and agree the potential benefits of using different approaches to provide you with the knowledge and materials you will need to help support colleagues in your school, college or Local Authority.

Workshop 2: Task 1 In your pack you will find candidate evidence for candidates C and D. Task 1 On your own, review the evidence for both Candidate C and Candidate D against the Outcomes, Assessment Standards and evidence requirements for the Unit and decide if the candidate has/has not achieved each Unit. Make a note of the reasons for your decision.

Workshop 2: Task 2 Task 2 Discuss your decisions and reasons with the other members of your group. You might find the following questions a useful starter for discussions: Did everyone in the group make the same decision about the evidence? If there were differences in the group’s decisions, what are the reasons for these? If everyone in the group made the same decisions, were they for the same reasons? How do your decisions compare with those in the Candidate Commentary provided for each candidate?

Workshop 2: Task 3 Task 3 In your groups discuss the benefits of the Unit by Unit, Combined and Portfolio approaches. You might find the following questions useful for discussion: What are the key similarities and differences between each of the approaches? Which approach do you use in your centre and why have you chosen to use this approach? Would you consider adopting a different approach in the future? What are your reasons for this?

Plenary Higher Photography

Things to Note For verification purposes, a fail is still a valid assessment judgement, as long as it matches the evidence In order to pass a Unit, the candidate must pass all Outcomes and Assessment Standards Familiarise yourself with the updated JETs and assessment tasks Nominees will not be required to visit centres or undertake verification duties. Nominees should share the information from today with centres/ colleagues in their Local Authority. Round 1 Verification – 1st - 28th February 2017

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