Accent Reduction and American Accent Development Program (Free Weekly Workshop) Coach Mike Every Wednesday 10PM Eastern Time Virtual classroom Take the two-hour per class, ten-week accent reduction program at $350, and enjoy unlimited class re-takes within 12 months * * For the class re-takes, homework assignment evaluation is subject to a reasonable service fee. © Speak to Lead, LLC
Free Workshop Schedule Record your speaking and submit for feedback – fee based service Coach Mike's Coach Meeting Room is Please download the free application before the class © Speak to Lead, LLC
Week - - Consonants Voiceless th
Week - - Consonants Voiced th
Week - - Consonants T vs voiceless th
Week - - Consonants D vs voiced th
Week - - Consonants Th – voiced vs voiceless
Week - - Consonants D vs voiced th
Week - - Consonants S vs th
Week - - Consonants S vs th
Ten-Week Coaching Program Conduct a self-assessment Compile and practice your most frequently used words in daily life and in your profession Practice with Voice of America Special English Practice with TED Talks on presentation speed Read a paragraph at your choice Give a table topic speech Evaluate your homework Final self-assessment to check your progress “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Confucius © Speak to Lead, LLC
Coach Mike’s Bio 教练Mike拥有18年美国知名公司经验(包括12年以上领导层经验(四大会计师事务所及美国联邦金融监管机构),持有特许金融师(CFA)和注册会计师(CPA)执照,工商管理硕士(MBA, Smith School) Mike是Toastmasters的成员。Toastmasters是一个专门培养沟通和领导能力的国际组织,在全球116个国家拥有分支机构。Mike拥有Distinguished Toastmasters (“ DTM”) 称号 Mike在华府DC地区的Toastmasters演讲(励志,幽默及即兴演讲)比赛中取得过冠亚军的成绩 Coached immigrants, professionals and youths in pubic speaking, critical listening, and social intelligence for over five years Accent Reduction, Public Speaking, Job Interview and Soft Skills Training (Fee based, one-to-one coaching) (703) 606-0270 / / “mnie0002” on WeChat Coach Mike's Coaching Meeting Room: © Speak to Lead, LLC
Testimonials Testimonial One My English got improved a lot after taking the "Accent Reduction Class." Coach Mike corrected my ending sounds like "m," "r," and “t," and vowels like "a", difficult pronunciations like "sh," "sch" and "th." Now at least I don't need to repeat my sentences when I talk to people especially over the phone. The weekly evaluation on my homework really helps a lot. Mike can exactly point out all wrong pronunciations I made. At my workplace, before I took this class, usually my boss would not ask me to do a training to other people. After 10-week classes with Mike, one day I did an hour training when the regular trainer was absent. After that, when my boss asked my co-worker whether she could understand what I said, my co-worker said "yes, even better." I feel so happy about that. Cecilia Chan Testimonial Two Since I started with Mike's accent reduction class, I have been paying more attention to how native speakers talk. Mike provides a service (for a small fee) to evaluate your recordings and pinpoint where you need to improve. I found the feedback very useful to help me improve. To reduce our foreign accent, we need to figure out what goes wrong first (e.g., there are many words with silent “t” that I didn't realize before taking the class, although we use the words on a daily basis). Coach Mike's class provides students with impromptu opportunities to speak to the whole class without advance preparation. Students also learn useful patterns in business settings such as conference call, negotiation and interview. If you want to improve your spoken English, take the class. Qian Kun Chen
Testimonials Testimonial Three I am taking the American Accent class with Coach Mike this Spring semester. Mike's class is well designed and organized. There are always a lot of different, interactive activities that actively challenge both my pronunciation and communication abilities, and our class has a lot of fun doing those activities. Mike is helpful and encouraging, and I always look forward to attending his class. Overall, I have had a great experience so far. I have made significant improvement in both my pronunciation and communication skills. I would recommend this class to anyone interested in improving his/her English. Amy Xie Testimonial Four The accent reduction class really helps me improve my accent. Not only do I get extensive training in the class, the after-class exercises also prove to be indispensable for continuous improvement. The class is more than accent reduction. It also touches upon many valuable topics, for example, workplace communications, negotiation, education, sales, etc. I can't thank Mike enough. He is very dedicated and passionate. His enthusiasm is contagious. I couldn't ask for more from the class. Wei Wang