Faith-based, Life Span, Comprehensive Sexuality Education Our Whole Lives Faith-based, Life Span, Comprehensive Sexuality Education Rev. Mike Schuenemeyer United Church of Christ, USA
Getting Started We all come with our own history. We assume diversity amongst us …in our sexual experiences …in our spiritual history …in our sexual orientation and gender expression. We are each unique, whole.
Creating Safe Space We will respect each other listen carefully to what others say speak for ourselves honor confidentiality
Our Whole Lives No matter who we are, we seek to experience and express our gender and sexuality in ways that are healthful, pleasurable and loving. Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer 4
Sexuality Education? Voting with your body. Be honest…without a speck of shame…on continuum from “We Don’t Really Talk About It” to “Fantastic! …sexuality education programs running from birth to 100—and more!” Process. Look around. Shares re: Why standing where are? How feel to stand where you are? Where you HOPE to be? Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer 5
What is Comprehensive Sexuality Education? Comprehensive sexuality education encompasses not only the human reproductive system, but also gender identity, sexual orientation, body image, friendship, and emotional development. Adapted from
Our Whole Lives Assumptions All persons are sexual Sexuality is a good part of the human experience Sexuality includes much more than sexual behavior Human beings are sexual from the time they are born until they die It is natural to express sexual feelings in a variety of ways Adapted from
The Circles of Sexuality …help us understand to human sexuality in a broad sense. This model contains 5 interconnecting circles, each of which represent a component of sexuality: Sensuality Intimacy Sexual Identity Sexual Health and Reproduction Sexualization Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Body image, Skin Hunger, Fantasy, Sensuality Awareness, acceptance of, And comfort with one’s own body; Physiological and psychological Enjoyment of one’s own body and the Body of others. Body image, Skin Hunger, Fantasy, Human Response cycle Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Intimacy Ability and need to experience emotional closeness to another human and have it returned. Caring, Sharing, Loving/liking, Risk-taking, Vulnerability, Self-disclosure, Trust Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Gender Identity, Gender role, Sexual Identity A sense of who one is sexually Including a sense of maleness, femaleness Or “humanness” Gender Identity, Gender role, Sexual Orientation Biological Sex Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Sexual Health and Reproduction Attitudes, knowledge and behaviors related to producing children, care and maintenance of sex and reproductive organs, and health consequences of sexual behavior. Facts& Information Feelings & Attitudes, Anatomy and Physiology, Reproductive systems, Intercourse Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Rape, Incest, Harassment, Flirting, Seduction, Withholding sex Sexualization The use of sexuality to Manipulate, control others or exert power. Rape, Incest, Harassment, Flirting, Seduction, Withholding sex Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Sexual Health and Reproduction Sexualization Sensuality Intimacy Sexual Identity A sense of who one is sexually Including a sense of maleness or femaleness or humanness. Gender Identity, Gender role, Sexual Orientation Biological Sex Sexual Health and Reproduction Attitudes and behaviors related to producing children. care and maintenance of sex and reproductive organs, and health consequences of sexual behavior. Facts& Information Feelings & Attitudes, Anatomy and Physiology, Reproductive systems, Intercourse Sexualization The use of sexuality to manipulate or control others. Rape, Incest, Harassment, Flirting/seduction, Withholding sex Sensuality Awareness, acceptance of, And comfort with one’s own body; Physiological and psychological Enjoyment of one’s own body and the Body of others. Body image, Skin Hunger, Fantasy, Human Response Cycle Intimacy Ability and need to experience emotional closeness to another human and have it returned. Caring, Sharing, Loving/liking, Risk-taking, Vulnerability, Self-disclosure, Trust Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Our Whole Lives Values Self Worth Responsibility Justice and Inclusivity Sexual Health Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Self Worth Every person is entitled to dignity and self-worth, and to his or her own attitudes and beliefs about sexuality Adapted from
Sexual Health Knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful Every individual has the right to accurate information about sexuality and to have her or his questions answered. Adapted from
Sexual Health Healthy sexual relationships are: Consensual (both people consent) Non-exploitative (equal in terms of power, neither person is pressuring or forcing the other into activities or behaviors) Mutually pleasurable (both receive pleasure) Adapted from
Sexual Health Healthy sexual relationships are: Safe (no or low risk of unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and emotional pain) Developmentally appropriate (appropriate to the age and maturity of persons involved) Based on mutual expectations and caring Respectful (including the values of honesty and keeping commitments made to others). Adapted from
Responsibility We are called to enrich our lives by expressing sexuality in ways that enhance human wholeness and fulfillment and express love, commitment, delight and pleasure All persons have the right and obligation to make responsible sexual choices Adapted from
Justice and Inclusivity Avoid double standards. Women and men of all ages, people of different races, backgrounds, income levels, physical and mental abilities, and sexual orientations must have equal value and rights Sexual relationships should never be coercive or exploitative Adapted from
Justice and Inclusivity Being romantically and sexually attracted to both genders (bisexual), the same gender (homosexual) or the other gender (heterosexual) are all natural in the range of human sexual experience Adapted from
A Divine Blessing- For expressing love, generating life, mutual companionship and pleasure. To be celebrated with joy, holiness and integrity, but also understanding, respect, and self-discipline. God - Spirit Adapted from An Open Letter to Religious Leaders about Sex Education. Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice and Healing Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Sexuality and Spirituality “are inseparable elements of full personhood… The movement toward a more healed, holistic spirituality and the movement to a more healed, holistic sexuality cannot be separated. It is not just that they ought not to be separated; quite literally they cannot be.” -Rev. James B. Nelson Between Two Gardens Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Sexuality and Our Faith Includes supplemental material for each session. It adds an Opening Ritual for each session, using chalice and/or candle lighting, additional questions for discussion, references to UUA and UCC religious values and sexuality. Includes a Closing Ritual for each session. Leader’s Guides for Sexuality and Our Faith and Our Whole Lives can be incorporated into one binder. Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
What is “Our Whole Lives?” Series of comprehensive sexuality education resources for grades K-1, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, Young Adult & Adult Written by professional sexuality educators for use in churches, school, and community settings Adapted from
What is “Our Whole Lives?” Resources are based on the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education produced by the National Guidelines Task Force Sexuality and Our Faith provides materials for incorporating faith-based teaching into each session Adapted from
Goals of Our Whole Lives Equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development sexual behavior relationships sexual health personal skills society and culture. Adapted from
Goals of Our Whole Lives Helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their relationships, health and behavior in the context of their faith. Helps participants to clarify their values, build interpersonal skills and understand the social, emotional and spiritual aspects of sexuality. Adapted from
Experiential Learning ---fun, engaging, relevant (not boring!) activities are safe and a safe environment to practice before the stakes are higher. Activity What happened? So what? Now what? Adapted from
Each level of OWL Offers... Up-to-date information Honest, age-appropriate answers to all participants' questions Activities to help participants clarify values and improve decision-making skills Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Each level of OWL Offers... Effective group-building to create a safe and supportive peer group Education about sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment Opportunities to critique media messages about gender and sexuality Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Each level of OWL offers: Acceptance of diversity Encouragement to act for justice A well-designed, teacher-friendly leaders' guide Parent orientation programs that affirm parents as the primary sexuality educators of their children Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Each level of OWL offers: Sexuality and Our Faith, an optional religious component for Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ settings Other faith settings may develop their own materials to accompany the sexuality education curriculum Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
Our Whole Lives Proclaims! GOD gave me sexuality! God GAVE me sexuality! God gave ME sexuality! God gave me SEXUALITY! Amen, Amen! Our Whole Lives, Facilitator Training, January 23-25, 2009, Cleveland, OH, Lopez/Schuenemeyer
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