Activity 1 30 Two Feet Jumps
Activity 2 20 Jumping Jacks
Don’t forget to swap legs Activity 3 Hop on one leg 15 times Don’t forget to swap legs
Activity 4 20 Wall Push - Ups
Activity 5 Jog on the spot Count to 60
Bend your knees and pretend to sit, then stand back up. Easy Activity 6 20 Squats Bend your knees and pretend to sit, then stand back up. Easy
Left hand touches right foot, right hand touches left foot. Activity 7 30 Toe Touches Left hand touches right foot, right hand touches left foot. Squeeze your tummy in
Stretch your arms out and make circles Activity 8 30 Arm Circles Stretch your arms out and make circles
Activity 9 10 Lunges Step forward with right leg, dip left knee to the ground, then stand back up. Don’t forget to changes legs