WP 4 – Valorisation of algal biomass Second Consortium Meeting 13-14 June Stockholm, Sweden
WP4: Valorisation of Algae Biomass Introduction: WP4 WP4: Valorisation of Algae Biomass Biomass Harvesting: IBET Biomass Refinement: Extractis Animal Feed: PMIX Coatings and Adhesives: INSP Fillers and pastes: INSTM/POLIMI
Milestones and Deliverables
Milestones and Deliverables MS5 Optimal pre-concentration by membrane ultrafiltration and low shear centrifugation iBET M16 sept-17 MS6 Choice of the best biomass refinement process Extr M16 sept-17 MS7 Decision on scale up demonstration activities for polymer compounding, pastes and coatings INSTM M23 apr-18 MS8 Valorisation activities: polymer compounding, pastes, coatings and animal feed feedstocks PMIX M36 may-19 Deliverables D4.1 Systems design for harvesting and refinement and algae characterisation iBET M14 jul-17 D4.2 Biomass valorisation report – feasibility Extr M20 jan-18 D4.3 Biomass valorisation progress report – first generation products INSP M28 sept-18 D4.4 Final biomass valorisation report (animal feed, resins and residues) INSTM M36 may-19
Objectives Deliverables Milestones M16 Task 4. 2 Biomass refinement and extraction Objectives Efficiency of the pre-treatment (DM in the sludge around 20%) Fractionate algae biomass into three fractions consisting in respectively oily phase, aqueous phase and sludge with, at least, 80% purity of the oily phase and protein content above 65% of the protein fraction. Purity of beta-carotene (≥ 80%) and digestibility of the protein phase equivalent to soy concentrate. Deliverables D4.2 Biomass valorisation report - Feasibility (M20) Milestones M16 Choice of the best biomass refinement process Verification : - 80% purity of the oily phase - Protein content above 65% - Purity of beta-carotene (≥ 80%).
Description of actions and progress Task 4. 2 Biomass refinement and extraction Description of actions and progress
Task 4.2 Biomass refinement and extraction Last results
Task 4.2 Biomass refinement and extraction Sample Algae Characterizations Yields 7 Archimede Spirulina (HPH +pH11) DM : 98,9% Ash (%/DM) :22.6 Proteins (%/DM) : 35.7 ND 8 Archimede Spirulina (pH4) DM : 99,6% Ash (%/DM) : 3.4 Proteins (%/DM) : 72.2 Solubilisation yield (Prot supernatant 1 / prot algae)= 59% Global yield (prot powder/prot Algae) = 26% 9 Archimede Tetraselmis (HPH+pH11) DM : 99,9% Ash (%/DM) : 16.9 Proteins (%/DM) : 20.6 10 Archimede Tetraselmis (pH4) DM : 99,5% Ash (%/DM) : 4.21 Proteins (%/DM) : 56.2 Solubilisation yield (Prot supernatant 1 / prot algae)= ND Global yield (prot powder/prot Algae) = 40% 2 phases, no lipidic phase Last characterizations in progress : free and total sugars, lipids
Open issues Timing plan Requirements from Task 4.2 Biomass refinement and extraction Open issues Regarding the quantities of lipids requested by PRODUMIX (6kg of lipids which correspond to 300 kg of biomass): at the moment, we are not able to extract lipids. Even if the combination HPH or Ultrasounds pretreatment followed by a chemical treatment is efficient for the proteins extraction, it’s not the case for the lipids. - Will a third approach be necessary? - Will the demo sites be able to provide such fresh quantities to EXTRACTIS? Timing plan - Optimization: - Proteins solubility curves for each algae realized previously - Determination of the best acidic and alcaline pH conditions - Increase the purity of the proteins fraction - Extraction of lipids by optimizing the HPH parameters (number of passes, number of stages…) Requirements from - DEMO SITEs (ARAVA, KOTO and ARCHIMEDE) : algae
Introduction: Our role WP4.5: High value material fillers & pastes 4.5a: Algae-residue characterization and modification 4.5b: Development of algae-based biocomposites 4.5c: Development of algae-based 3D-printing of ceramic materials and liquid pastes
Introduction: Chemical process
TGA analysis Spirulina Tetraselmis ~17.0% final weight
Microscopy – Spirulina 5% Pre-heat 2h@ 800°C 50x 100x
Microscopy – Tetraselmis 5% Pre-heat 2h@ 800°C 50x 100x
Mechanical properties
Chemically reactive part Composition Process modifiers Chemically reactive part
Compression Test
Compression Test Empty cylinder samples 3D printed 15 mm 7.5 mm 25 mm
Compression Test – Printed Pipes: time evolution
TGA analysis Spirulina Tetraselmis ~17.0% final weight
Compression Test – Printed Pipes: heating 2h @800h
Ball milling
Compression Test – Printed Pipes: milling 24h milling
Compression Test Milling 24h Printing Heating 800°C
Compression Test – Printed Pipes: heating and milling 2h @800h 24h milling
Next steps
Next steps Start 4.5b: Development of algae-based biocomposites with natural rubber and possibly other polymers Complete the last mechanical tests Validate the results with algae fractions
Thank you for your kind attention