Presentation of project results (October 2016 – July 2017) and plan of activities (August – November 2017) Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University LLC «Rusmarketconsulting» Institute for Engineering and Environmental Problems in Agricultural Production Nitra, August 2017
Public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University (SPbSAU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 26 – 28, 2016) The external evaluation has been performed by the approved expert commission after the self-evaluation reports consideration of educational programs 35.03.04 Agronomy (Bachelor program) and 36.03.02 Animal Science (Bachelor program).
Public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University (SPbSAU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 26 – 28, 2016) The work program of the expert commission included the obligated activities as provided for by Procedure of educational programs accreditation: - study of documents presented - meetings and interviewing with the executive managers, heads of departments and teaching staff - meetings with the students, employers and graduates
Public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University. Public accreditation certificate (SPbSAU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 26 – 28, 2016) At the meeting of rectors of agrarian higher education institutions, which was conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University was presented the Public Accreditation Certificate for major groups of educational fields: 35.00.00 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery (Bachelor programs) and 36.00.00 Veterinary and Animal Science (Bachelor programs).
Public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University. Certificates (SPbSAU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 26 – 28, 2016)
Participation in public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU - MTAA, Moscow, Russia, November 28 – December 02, 2016) Smelik Victor – vice-chairman of expert commission Tufanov Aleksandr – expert Popova Marina– expert (students’ representative) Perekopskii Aleksandr – expert (employers’ representative) Shirokov Sergei – observer Golokhvastov Andrei – observer
Participation in further education course with speeches «Public accreditation of agricultural higher educational programs» (RSAU - MTAA, Moscow, Russia, November 28 – December 02, 2016) Smelik V. Procedure of public accreditation of educational programs Golokhvastov A. Methodological aspects of employers’ participation in public
Participation in further education course «Public accreditation of agricultural higher educational programs» (RSAU - MTAA, Moscow, Russia, November 28 – December 02, 2016)
Experts certificates
Session «Public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in the Russian Federation» (International research and practice conference of academic staff «Scientific support of agricultural development and reduction of technological risks in food sphere», SPbSAU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, January 28, 2017) Moderator – Doctor of Engineering Science Smelik V. Deputy moderator – Doctor of Philosophic Science Tufanov A. Secretary – head of department of postgraduate and doctorate programs Sudorgina I.
Session’ result «Public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in the Russian Federation» (International research and practice conference of academic staff «Scientific support of agricultural development and reduction of technological risks in food sphere», SPbSAU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, January 28, 2017) The best speeches: 1. Training of specialists in light of the requirement to the professional skills of financial market (speakers: Doctor of Economics, professor S. Bychkova and senior lecturer S. Timoshenko) 2. Possibilities and experience in employers participation in students training in agrarian higher educational institutions of Russia and EU (speaker: Director General, LLC «Rusmarketconsulting» А. Golokhvastov) 3. Challenges and potential means of interconnection between Higher educational institutions and employers (speaker: head of department, IEEP, Candidate of Engineering Sciences А.Perekopskii)
Publication of proceedings Session «Public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in the Russian Federation» (International research and practice conference of academic staff «Scientific support of agricultural development and reduction of technological risks in food sphere», SPbSAU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, January 28, 2017) Publication of proceedings «Development of public accreditation of agricultural programs in Russia»
Participation in XVIII International research and practice conference «Topical issues of development of agricultural production and processing technologies» (Mari State University, Ioshkar-Ola, Russia, March 16 – 17, 2017) Smelik V. Experience in public accreditation of agrarian agricultural programs in Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University Dobrinov А., Perekopskii А., Golokhvastov А. Public accreditation as a mean of interconnection between agrarian higher educational institutions and employers
Participation in public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in Kazan State Agricultural University (Kazan SAU, Kazan, Russia, March 22 – 25, 2017) Dobrinov A. – expert Tufanov A. – expert Popova M. – expert Sudorgina I. - expert Perekopskii A.– expert (employers’ representative) Pekshina A. – expert (employers’ representative)
Participation in the competition of Saint-Petersburg Government for outstanding achievements in the field of higher and secondary vocational education in 2017 (March, 2017) Smelik Victor Tufanov Aleksandr Shcherbina Natalia were nominated in the nomination «Organizational decisions for promotion of specialists quality» in the competition of Saint-Petersburg Government for outstanding achievements in the field of higher and secondary vocational education in 2017
Participation in XXIII International research and practice conference «Contemporary education: content, technologies, quality» (Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, April 21, 2017) Smelik V. Main results of public accreditation of agricultural programs in Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University
Participation in the webinar for summing up of intermediate results of project implementation TEMPUS PACAgro, leading by the national coordinator RSAU - MTAA(April 19, 2017) Moderator: professor V. Storchevoi Issues: Implementation of the project Outputs of АNO «АRSА»: dissemination of work experience
Peer reviewing of publication related to project TEMPUS PACAgro results Petropavlovsky M., Nefedova O. Automatization of collection and use of the information from official websites of educational organizations // International E-Journal of Advances in Education. – 2017. – Vol. 3. - № 8. Reviewer – Smelik V.
Plan of activities for August – November 2017 Participation in project meeting in Slovak agricultural university in Nitra (August 14 – 18, 2017) Participation with speech in seminar «Professional standards is the basis for effective work» in a frame of 26 International agro-industrial exhibition «АGRORUS» (August 22, 2017) Participation in public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in Mari State University (September 2017) Participation in public accreditation of agricultural educational programs in Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural University named after V.M. Kokov (October 2017) Participation in project meeting in Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (October 2017) Holding of session in a frame of International research and practice conference of academic staff in Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University (January 2018)
Thank you for your attention!