Unit 3 study Guide Answer Key
Define: 1.) Mineral - a naturally occurring, inorganic crystalline material with a unique chemical composition, and a regular repeating pattern. 2.) Viscosity - a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. 3.) Erosion - the incorporation, removal, and transportation of surface material by a mobile agent, such as water, wind, or ice. 4.) Weathering: Breaks solid rock into smaller pieces Physical/Mechanical – the physical disintegration of rock, resulting in smaller fragments. Chemical - the processes by which the internal structure of a mineral is altered by the removal and/or addition of elements.
Define: 5.) Deposition - the process by which an agent of erosion loses energy and drops the sediment it is carrying, governed by gravity 6.) Transportation – the movement of material through erosional processes (water, wind, ice, gravity) 7.) Convection – the transfer of heat as hot material moves 8.) Metamorphism – occurs when there is heat and pressure (both separate and together) 9.) Hotspot – a location within a continental plate where mantle is melted and volcanoes are built
Define: 10.) Law of Superposition – older rocks/fossils are on the bottom while younger rocks/fossils are on the top 11.) Epicenter – the location on Earth’s surface directly above the focus, or origin, of an earthquake, and the sudden release of energy stored in rocks 12.) Focus – the point within Earth where an earthquake originates. 13.) Earthquake - the vibration of Earth produced by the rapid release of energy. 14.) Geyser – formed when water comes into contact with hot rock, erupts at regular intervals
Define: 15.) Hot Spring – formed when water comes into contact with hot rock, creates a pool like a hot tub 16.) Lahar – a rapid ”river” of melted snow, ash, and debris that flows down a composite volcano.
Short Answer: 1.) How many types of rocks are in the rock cycle? 3 2.) What does the rock cycle do? describes the transformation of one type of rock to another
3. ) What determines the texture of rock 3.) What determines the texture of rock? The size of its mineral grains, the shape of its mineral grains, and the arrangement of its mineral grains. 4.) Weathering breaks down rocks into _________. Sediments
5. ) What are the factors that will determine if a rock will melt 5.) What are the factors that will determine if a rock will melt? Temperature, pressure, water, and rock composition 6.) Each type of rock has a particular __________. Set of minerals
7.) What are the two process that sediments come together to create sedimentary rocks called? Compaction and Cementation 8.) What are the types of erosion (how is “earth” moved)? Running water, ice, and gravity
9.) What are the layers of the Earth? Give some facts about each layer. Crust – 2 types (Oceanic and Continental) Mantle – (Lithosphere – the plates that make up the crust and the upper part of the mantle) (Asthenosphere – a thick layer found in the mantle, will flow when under stress) Outer Core – surrounds the inner core, is molten metal Inner Core – solid metal 10.) What evidence is there for scientists to know that the Earth’s core is metal? Some meteorites are metal; they are thought to be similar to Earth’s interior
11. ) Compare and Contrast oceanic and continental crust 11.) Compare and Contrast oceanic and continental crust. Oceanic – more dense than continental, found under the ocean Continental – less dense than oceanic, found under land 12.) List the evidence that was used for continental drift. Similar fossil records, rock types, mountain structures
13. ) Why was the continental drift idea not accepted 13.) Why was the continental drift idea not accepted? there was almost no evidence for it, Wegner was not liked and no one listened to him, there were many other ways to explain the evidence 14.) Where is new oceanic crust created? at mid-ocean ridges
15.) What happens to the crust as you get further away from a mid-ocean ridge? the crust becomes thicker 16.) Oceanic crust is being created, so this means that: old crust must be destroyed somewhere
17. ) Earth’s plates are made up of which layer of the Earth 17.) Earth’s plates are made up of which layer of the Earth? crust and upper mantle 18.) What are the ways that plates can move in relation to each other? they can collide, pull apart, or slide against each other
19. ) What type of activity takes place at plate boundaries 19.) What type of activity takes place at plate boundaries? volcanoes form, ocean basins form, mountains form 20.) What is the lithosphere? The upper layer of the mantle and the lower layer of the crust that is made of the different plates of Earth
21. ) What are the different types of seismic waves 21.) What are the different types of seismic waves? Give information about each type. Body Waves: P-waves – bend slightly when they travel from one layer to another ------ S-waves – cannot travel through liquid material Surface Waves: travel along the surface * They all travel outwards in all directions 22.) Explain mantle convection. What does this process do? The process that moves plates around on Earth (volcanoes/earthquakes/mountain building), this is the driving force for plate tectonics
23. ) What creates Earth’s magnetic field 23.) What creates Earth’s magnetic field? believed to be generated by electric currents in the conductive material of its core, created by convection currents due to heat escaping from the core. 24.) What type of landform is found at a divergent boundary within a continent? the continent rifts apart (East African Rift Valley)
25. ) What type of activity is found at a subduction zone 25.) What type of activity is found at a subduction zone? Lots of earthquakes and volcanoes 26.) Where can you find the youngest and oldest volcano in relation to a hotspot? Youngest is over the hotspot Oldest is farthest away from the hotspot
27. ) How can a scientist learn about the Earth’s interior 27.) How can a scientist learn about the Earth’s interior? tracking seismic waves 28.) _______________ crust subducts under ________________ crust because it is _________________. Oceanic; continental; denser
29.) What does the time difference between a P-wave and S-wave indicate? the time difference and then the location of the epicenter 30.) Give an example where you would find each type of plate boundary (What is built there). Divergent Boundary – volcanoes, earthquakes Convergent Boundary – world’s largest mountains, volcanoes Transform Boundary – San Andreas Fault
31. ) Where would you build your house to be safe during an earthquake 31.) Where would you build your house to be safe during an earthquake? On solid bedrock 32.) What has to happen for mantle rock to melt? temperature must rise
33. ) What makes a volcanic eruption unique. the style of eruption 34 33.) What makes a volcanic eruption unique? the style of eruption 34.) Compare and contrast an effusive and explosive eruption. Effusive - ”gentle”, cause little to no damage, rarely kills anyone Explosive – big, causes lots of damage, kills many people
35. ) What are the three ways that a volcano can be labeled 35.) What are the three ways that a volcano can be labeled? Dormant - could erupt but has not in many years Extinct – has had no activity for quite a long time Active – eruptions are occurring at regular intervals 36.) What does the eruption of a volcano depend on? The viscosity of the magma
37. ) List the signs that an eruption could occur at a volcano 37.) List the signs that an eruption could occur at a volcano. rocks falling down the slope of a volcano, earthquakes, increase of a release in gas 38.) The most geologically active region in the world is the _______________. Ring of Fire
39.) Wind as an erosional force is: dependent on the wind strength and the size of the particles, can only move sand or small sized particles 40.) List the examples of wind erosion. Sand storms, deflation, abrasion
41.) List the erosive agents on Earth. Water, Gravity, Ice and Wind 42.) The rate of erosion by gravity is ________________. sudden and dramatic or is very slow over long periods of time
43. ) Explain what the weather should be for a landslide to occur 43.) Explain what the weather should be for a landslide to occur. years of drought followed by an abundant rain 44.) What could happen on a hillside when logging has occurred? It is vulnerable to mass movements by gravity
45. ) What happens when soil moves slowly downhill 45.) What happens when soil moves slowly downhill? results in curved tree trunks 46.) List some ideas that can be use to help prevent a landslide. build a retaining wall to hold up soil, plant vegetation to hold soil in place, and/or install pipes so the excess water is drained