Non-formal & informal learning in Flanders Martje Eyckmans Knowledge and information centre ‘Sport and employment’ of Vlabus
Flemish office for Employment in Sport Martje Eyckmans Knowledge and information centre ‘Sport and employment’ of Vlabus
Sportsector in Flanders Public sector Bloso : sport agency of Flemish governement (part of the policy domain Culture, Youth, media & sports) VTS : Flemish school for trainers
Sportsector in Flanders Private structures VSF : General support for sport federations Dynamo : Management of sport clubs - sport federations ICES : International center for ethics in sports ISB : Local and regional policy in sport and recreation Vlabus : Employment in sport
Formal learning VTS ‘Flemish school for trainers’ Responsible for sporttechnical education in sport in Flanders Assimilation of Qualifications/diploma’s acquired in other organisations/countries
Non-formal & informal learning? VTS ‘Flemish school for trainers’ Procedure for: “Recognition of acquired competences” (RAC)
Non-formal & informal learning How? VTS VSF Higher education / universities BLOSO
Non-formal & informal learning Instrument ‘validation guide’ = describes the procedure applicants have to go through for RAC
Non-formal & informal learning What? exemption for a course full exemption : proof of competences equal to a VTS qualificaton is awarded.
RAC - procedure Conditions for RAC-procedure min. Age 25 5 years active as a trainer in the sport and with the target group for the qualification you want to receive 60€ - startup cost
RAC - procedure Acquired competences? 1. Pedagogic competences - experience in sport club, as a trainer, clinic, internship with a qualified trainer,… 2. Sporttechnical competences - results as an athlete,..
Non-formal & informal learning Quality assurance? No external quality assurance Ensured by the broad range of partners in the partnership and composition of the RAC-commission
RAC - procedure But.. - Long and complex procedure (can take up to 12 months)
Decree 8/11/2013 Decree to stimulate, coördination and financially support the employment in the sports sector Professionalise the employment in the sports sector
Decree 8/11/2013 Decree to stimulate, coördination and financially support the employment in the sports sector Not only trainers Also employment to support the sport organisations :cleaning lady, general maintanance, accountant,..
Qualified employees Decree 8/11/2013 Decree to stimulate, coördination and financially support the employment in the sports sector Main condition Qualified employees
Activities of Vlabus Vlabus: only organisation recognised in the decree “To provide a qualified trainer for activities of the client” - Clients : Governement, schools, sport clubs, sport federations and socio-cultural associations - # hours of guided sport 2014 : 152.901h 2015 : 167.000h (expectation) 2016 : 209.600h (goal)
Decree 8/11/2015 Qualified? = diploma from the list of decree (exhaustive)
Problem - open question Ex. Hockeycoach with 10 years experiences as a trainer and a carrier as an olympic hockeyplayer. Technical skills (olympic hockeyplayer?) Pedagogical skills (experience?) Long and complex procedure? Quality assurance