Non-verbal communication Many social scientists claim that ‘most of how we communicate is non-verbal’. Discuss how far you agree with this statement.
Distance and space, sitting, standing, queuing, territoriality. Non-verbal communication Proxemics Distance and space, sitting, standing, queuing, territoriality. Haptics (touch) Holding, hitting, kissing, stroking, shaking hands, guiding. Kinesics (body movement) Gesture, facial expression, head movement, posture. Emblems, illustrations, adaptors. Olfactics Use of perfumes and after-shaves or less pleasant smells... Occulesics Eye movement, length and duration of gaze. Paralanguage Volume, pitch, tone, pace, laughter, yawning, sighing. Interruptions, unfilled pauses, filled pauses (mmm, umm) Physical appearance Clothing, hairstyle, make-up, body adornment, tattoos, piercings, jewellery, accessories. Body shape and size.
Non-verbal communication Now you’re going to do the following in groups of four: Decide on two contexts. Find some space and two of you role-play two people in that context. The other two observe and then feedback all the non-verbal features they spotted. Then, the two observers become ‘actors’ and the ‘actors’ become observers for the other contexts. The contexts must be very different.
Note down some situations where and why this might happen. Verbal communication Divergence A style shift in our language away from the person’s style we’re communicating with. Note down some situations where and why this might happen.
Note down some situations where and why this might happen. Verbal communication Convergence A style shift in our language towards the person we’re communicating with. Note down some situations where and why this might happen.
Grice’s Maxims The co-operative principal Quality – be truthful Quantity – speak for an appropriate length of time Relevance – stay on topic Manner – be clear and appropriate CLICK HERE for youtube clip
Grice’s Maxims The co-operative principal With your partner, decide on a context and script a short duologue where you break some of these maxims. Then we’ll circulate and read one another’s and see if we can identify where Grice’s maxims have been ‘flouted’.
Now, considering all we’ve learnt about communication, what’s happening in these clips? Think: Non-verbal communication (NVC) Grice’s maxims Convergence and divergence
Click on the text below for hyperlink: Tony Blair isn't bovvered!!!!!! 25 Funniest Ali G Interviews Very awkward interview with Jake lloyd (Young Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars Episode 1) Meg Ryan interview - Parkinson – BBC Grace Jones on Russell Harty Barmy diva throws legendary strop!!!!
What about when the feedback a person receives conflicts with their self-image? (who used that term?) This is called ‘cognitive dissonance’
Write down five ways that a person might respond to cognitive dissonance. One has been done for you. Think about how people might behave or how they choose their social group. Disbelieve what others say.
Gergen and Gergen’s self-maintenance strategies Gergen and Gergen’s self-maintenance strategies. Write down the ones you haven’t got yet. Which have you used? Mix with like-minded people. Mix with people of a lower status. Change behaviour to conform with norms. Form a low opinion of detractors. Misunderstand negative feedback. Consciously provoke the response we want. Selectively evaluate the self. Self-handicapping – if I don’t attend, do HW or revise, then I haven’t tried and therefore haven’t really failed.