Data Collection Changes for the 2017-18 school year Melissa Marino Data Collection Supervisor May 2017 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Agenda General announcements and reminders to prepare for upcoming collections SIF expectations for 2017-18 Data collection changes and updates for the 2017-18 school year SIMS SCS EPIMS SSDR SIF Contact information and questions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Reminders Updated versions of the data handbooks will be posted this summer. For October, remember to refer to the updated data handbooks and error lists to help with your data submissions. Remember to do a clean up of Directory Administration for your district to reflect any necessary changes for the new school year. Add ‘SIMS Contact’ and/or ‘EPIMS Contact’ functions to your security portal access if you want to be included in data collection related communication from ESE. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Certification The certification message in the data collection applications will be updated. The message will be consistent in all four applications – SIMS, SCS, EPIMS and SSDR. “I certify that the data submission and summary reports have been reviewed and are accurate. I certify that all data submitted from my district are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SIF Timeline & Expectations Districts that are live in SIF in the beginning as of the 2017-18 school year will be expected to submit SIMS, SCS, SSDR and EPIMS via SIF There will be more detailed communication coming on SIF EPIMS once the pilot is complete. We are still in the pilot year, and will complete the pilot in this EOY 2017 collection. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SIMS Changes Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
DOE024: First (Native) Language The change for this element is that we will be collecting the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) codes that SIF requires instead of the MA legacy numeric codes we have collected in the past. Example: English MA legacy code = 267 SIF code = eng This change is being implemented to eliminate the data translation and collect the value directly from the SIS. This also allows for consistency between SIF and legacy. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
DOE028: Title I School Choice Participation **This element will be discontinued** This element was specific to No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Now that the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has replaced NCLB, the element will no longer be used by ESE. The discontinued value will be 500. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
DOE029: Military Family This element will have new values for 2017-18. Instead of binary yes/no, there will be 3 different types of military family. Acceptable Values: 00 – No, not a member of a military family 01 – Yes, child of active duty member 02 – Yes, child of members or veterans who were medically discharged or retired in the last year 03 – Yes, child of member who died on active duty in the last year This change is being implemented because ESSA requires that we identify students who are children of active duty members. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
DOE033: High School Completer Plans This element will have one additional value that represents another option for students post-graduation plans. Acceptable Values: 01 Four-Year Public College 02 Two-Year Public College 03 Four-Year Private College 04 Two-Year Private College 05 Other Post Secondary (Trade School) 06 Work 07 Military 08 Other (e.g., travel, family) 09 Plans Unknown 10 Apprenticeship **new value** 500 Post-Graduate Plans does not apply to this student at this time This change is being implemented to allow the Office of College and Career Readiness to have the data on how many students plan to begin apprenticeship post-graduation.. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
DOE039: 504 Plan Status This element will have one new value to designate students who were on a 504 plan earlier in the school year but are not currently on a 504 plan Acceptable Value: 00 – student is not on a 504 plan and has not been at all this school year 01 – student is currently on a 504 plan 02 – student was on a 504 plan earlier this school year, but is not currently on a 504 plan **new value** This change is being implemented to help districts have more useful data for their own purposes, while still capturing any student who was on a 504 at any point in the year in SIMS. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
New SIMS Validation Starting in October 2017, there will be a new validation that checks DOE022 Immigrant Status. DOE022 Immigrant Status definition says that student must not have attended US schools for more than full 3 academic years. Validation will check SASID’s SIMS history to identify students who are coded yes in DOE022 who have been enrolled in MA schools in SIMS for 3 years or more. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SASID Assignment There will be a suffix field added to all of the ESE SASID applications in the Security Portal: Single Student Registration Multiple Student Registration Publish Manager This change is being implemented to assist with SASID matching and conflict resolution, and reduce the possibility of duplicate SASIDs being introduced into the system. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SCS Changes Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SCS09: Course Level This element will have one additional value that represents another option for students post-graduation plans Acceptable Values: 01 Basic or Remedial 02 General 03 Advanced 04 Postsecondary, offers college credit toward a degree 05 Postsecondary, remedial/developmental or not for college credit toward a degree **new value** This change is being implemented to allow the Office of College and Career Readiness to have better data on postsecondary course taking. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
EPIMS Changes Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondar Education
WA13, WA14 & WA15 WA13 – NCLB Instructional Paraprofessional Requirements WA14 – Highly Qualified Teacher Status WA15 – Subject Matter Competency **These elements will be discontinued** These elements were specific to No Child Left Behind. Now that ESSA has replaced NCLB, the element will no longer be used by ESE. The discontinued value for all three elements will be 99. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
New EPIMS Validation A new validation will be added to check SR37 Expected Days of Attendance for staff who were not employed the full year. The SR37 value should reflect a number consistent with when the staff entered/exited. Example: If a staff member who exited midyear is reported with days expected for the full year, that will be an error. This will ensure that staff attendance rates are more accurate. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SSDR Changes Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Bodily Injury Indicator **This element will be discontinued** This is being discontinued because it is information that can be arrived at through the program type and the physical injury indicator, and therefore is no longer needed. No mandatory discontinued value. The element can be null for legacy. For SIF, the element will no longer extracted. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Alternative Education Indicator **This element will be discontinued** This yes/no element is being discontinued because the information can be derived through the values in AE and NAE, and therefore is no longer needed. No mandatory discontinued value. The element can be null for legacy. For SIF, the element will no longer extracted. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Discipline Return Date This element will be redefined to capture END DATE instead of RETURN DATE The new name of this element will be Discipline End Date. It represents the last date of the discipline instead of the date the student came back to school/class after the discipline. This is to align the legacy and SIF logic to make sure both systems are treating this date the same way. In SIF, the field is technically the discipline end date. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Offense Type The change for these elements (OT1-OT5) is that we will be collecting the NCES codes for offense type, instead of the MA legacy codes 1 through 19 that we have collected in the past. This will apply to all districts, no matter SIF or legacy. Example: Skipping Class MA legacy code = 18 NCES code = 1220 This change is being implemented because the NCES codes allow for more granular offense data, particularly in the category 18 area (non-violent, non-drug, non-criminal). This also allows us to eliminate the data translation currently done for SSDR SIF. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Offense Code 18 MA legacy code NCES code 1210 – Forging absence excuse 1220 – Skipping class 1230 – Tardiness 1240 – Truancy 1297 – Other attendance policy violation 1500 - Disorderly Conduct 18 2200 – Insubordination 2410 – Displays of affection in violation of school policy 2420 – Obscene written messages 2430 – Drawing obscene pictures 2440 – Obscene electronic communication 2450 – Obscene gestures 2460 – Obscene language/profanity 2497 – Other obscene behavior 3600 – Violation of school rules 9000 – Other offenses Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SIF Changes Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SIF: SIMS objects DOE020= [@Name="TitleIParticipation"] The elements listed below are being moved from StudentPersonal object to StudentSchoolEnrollment object: DOE020= [@Name="TitleIParticipation"] DOE026= [@Name="ELLProgramStatus"] DOE027= [@Name="AlternativeEducationProgram"] DOE035= [@Name="VocTechEdProgramType"] DOE043= [@Name="VocTecEdCh74"] DOE044= [@Name="VocTecEdNonCh74"] Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SIF: Homeless & Foster Care There will be 3 new elements added to the StudentPersonal object, in addition to the existing homeless flag: Foster Care flag Dwelling Arrangement (primary nighttime residence) Unaccompanied Youth (student not in the physical custody of parent or legal guardian) For 2017-18: SIF districts enter this information into the SIS, and it will be transmitted to ESE with the other state reporting relevant data. We will populate the Homeless Student application with the data from your SIS. No manual entry necessary. Legacy districts will still need to manually enter the homeless and foster care student data into the application in the security portal. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SIF: Homeless & Foster Care Homeless and Foster Care student data collection is open all year long, and should be entered in the SIS or homeless application as you learn it, rather than waiting until the end of the year Having this data up to date on October 1 is important for this collection because under ESSA, these are student subgroups that we need to identify and report on in this timeframe. Homeless liaisons in the districts will be notified of these updates to the process Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Questions? My contact information: Melissa Marino (781) 338-6797 Data Collection Support: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education