Curriculum 2.0 VCD Curriculum Deveopment Andreas Bastedo
Common Goals
Alumni’s Profile Owned and run a business. During education at least tries 4 entreprenurial projects. Understand the know how to create and run a viable and sustainable business. Master Idea generation process Know how to find a suitable partnership Know how to finance a business Understand Basic management, sales, marketing and legal awareness skills
Alumni’s Profile Able to understand application of scientific mindset and mastered the skill set of their respected field Achieve Entrepreneurial traits: Confidence Positive Attitude and Spirit Sensitive to his/her environment Critical Efective Communication Skills Network building awareness
Lecturer’s Profile Entreprenurship competency Opportunity Orientation, Creative-Innovative, Calculative Risk Taker Business Skills Able to mentor Entrepreneurship Projects Able to developed student potentials and self-management, give ethical example and relevant soft skills: Identify student potentials & weaknesses Encouragement, motivation & giving right advice Life values establishment & development Learning & thinking skills Building confidence, effective communication, relevant network
Lecturer’s Profile Relevant insight: Observer and learner Resourceful Mastered pedagogy methods of Experiential Learning and Affective Domain creation: Efective method on minds and traits Problem / Project Based Learning teaching method Meet relevant basic requirements for faculty membership
Entrepreneurship Development
Benchmarking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 existing E1: Personal Selling E2: Online Marketing E3: Retail E4: New Venture Creation E5: Expot-Import-Social Entrepreneurship E6: Progdi VCD E2: Retail E3: New Media Marketing (online, cell) NVC 1 (Start up Biz) NVC 2 (Biz development) NVM 1 (Biz Expansion) NVM 2 (Sustainability) ID E1: Personal Selling (coach by ID lecturer) E2: Retail (coach by ID lecturer) IFT PSY Passion Finder (coach by 2 progdi) Business Startup THM/CB Basic Skill Professional Attitude Innovation IBM IBM Project Enchant (event organizer) Busines Challenge(Investor Day) Benchmark Business Expansion to business units Individual Practice Individual Business Development
Point Goals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VCD Self awareness Teamwork Innovation Startups development expansion sustainability ID IFT PSY THM/CB IBM
General Guidance Courses is not more than 21 credits per semester Courses is being designed as to have minimal 3 credits per course, integration will happen to course with 2 credits to achieve not more than 47 total course (Bachelor – 144 credits) Entrepreneurship is being offered as a 5 courses (E1-E5) with 3 credit each and it’s a mandatory classes.
General Guidance Integration is needed on Entrepreneurship classes and entrepreneurship projects inside each faculty. Final Project (6 credits) can be offered in semester 7 or 8 and mandatory in nature. Projects can be intredisiplinaries between a group of students and faculties, Scientific writings is an individual efforts.
General Guidance MKDU is being offered from semester 1-4 (each 3 credits) and it’s mandatory in nature: for IBM students: MKDU 1 & 2 in semester 1, MKDU 3 in semester 2, MKDU 4 & 5 in semester 3, and MKDU 6 in semester 4 for non-IBM students: MKDU 3 in semester 1, MKDU 1 & 2 in semester 2, MKDU 6 in semester 3, and MKDU 4 & 5 in semester 4 Building soft skills start in MKDU classes, and continued into courses in each faculties (entrepreneurial soft skill, personal selling, creativity, networking, etc)
General Guidance Courses is being designed using Problem / Project Based Learning Method. Each major is being asked to identify courses that can be taken outside of their student body so students from other major can take 3 courses (9 credits)
Visual Communication Design
Goals “… To create a business conscious with entrepreneurial values graduates equipped with abilities needed in their respected fields …”
Industry oriented goals Business Media Consultant, Brand Consultant, Design Consultant, Independent Agency, Photography Studio, Digital Printing, Video Production, Publisher Industry oriented goals Advertising Industries Creative Director, Creative Designer, Copy Writer, Art Director, Visualizer, Media Planner, Media buyer Publishing Industries Creative Director, Creative Design, Art Director, Promotional Division Photography, Film & Television Industries Photographer, Cinematographer Storyboard artist, Promotional Division, Creative Director Games, Multimedia & Animation Industries Animators, Visualizer, Game Designer, Content Designer Storyboard Design, Promotional Comic & Illustration Industries Comic Artist, Illustration Artist Packaging Industries Packaging Designer
Entrepreneurship Goals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Self awareness Teamwork Innovation Startups development expansion sustainability
Detail Entrepreneurship Goals Semester Items 1 Self awareness of individual potential, Basic entreprenurial values (7 Spirit), Basic communication & presentation skills , basic sales and marketing, basic supply chain 2 Ability to manage other people, working as a team, know when and where to lead or to follow orders, conflict management 3 Ability to create innovation, learn other means of achieving goals, benchmarking 4 Know and understand how to do a legal startups, create a proper business plan and business strategy for business funding / incubator scheme 5 Know how to maintain and create SOP, know how to run everyday operations, supply chain management, customer satisfaction and service marketing 6 Achieving common sense in business, know when and how to expand the business, creating SOP for expansions 7 Know how to create sustainability in business, exit strategy plans, IPO’s 8 Achieve a wealth of knowledge needed to achieve goals
Existing 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Entrepreneurship 1 – 2 SKS Business Practice – 5 SKS Final Project – 8 SKS 2D Design – 4 SKS Visual Communication Design 1 – 5 SKS Visual Communication Design 2 – 5 SKS Visual Communication Design 3 – 5 SKS Visual Communication Design 4 – 5 SKS Visual Communication Design 5 – 5 SKS Research Methology & Academic Writing – 2 SKS 3D Design – 4 SKS Letterform Design – 2 SKS Typography 1 – 3 SKS Typography 2 – 3 SKS Communication Process – 2 SKS Packaging Graphics – 3 SKS Drawing 1 – 3 SKS Drawing 2 – 3 SKS Sketching – 3 SKS Perception Psychology – 2 SKS Religion– 3 SKS Citizenship – 3 SKS History of World Art & Culture – 2 SKS History of Indonesian Art & Culture – 2 SKS Design Methodology – 2 SKS Printing Process – 2 SKS Indonesian Language– 3 SKS Ilmu Alamiah Dasar– 3 SKS Aesthetic 1 – 2 SKS Aesthetic 2 – 2 SKS Design Appreciation – 2 SKS Cross Culture – 2 SKS Ilmu Budaya Dasar – 3 SKS Computer Graphic 1 – 3 SKS Computer Graphic 2 – 3 SKS Computer Graphic 3 – 3 SKS Sequential Art– 3 SKS Digital Content Creation 1 – 3 SKS Digital Content Creation 2 – 3 SKS General English – 2 SKS Academic English – 2 SKS Basic Photography – 2 SKS Intermediate Photography – 2 SKS Advanced Photography – 3 SKS Video Design 1 – 3 SKS Video Design 2 – 3 SKS Public Graphic & Signage– 3 SKS Advertising – 3 SKS Art & Craft – 3 SKS Existing 2010
Rationalization 2011 Competency Goals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Graphic Design 2D (4) , 3D (4), VCD1 VCD2 VCD3 VCD4 VCD5 Final Project 39 27.08% Graphic & Publishing Letterform Design Typography 1 Typography 2 Copywriting (3) News & Magazine (3) 15 10.42% Comic & Illustration Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Sketching 1 Comic & Illustration 1 (3) Comic & Illustration 2 (3) 9 6.25% Games, Animation & Multimedia CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 DCC1 (3) DCC2 (3) Photography, Film & Television Photography 1 Photography 2 Video Design 1 (3) Video Design 2 (3) 4.17% Art & Packaging Printing Process(3) Packaging Design 1 (3) Packaging Design 2 (3) Art & Craft (3), Graphic on Product (3) Entrepreneurship E1 E2 E3 E4 (NVC1) E5 (NVC2) NVM1 NVM2 21 14.58% MKDU General English Academic English Indonesian Language (3), Religion (3) IAD (3), IBD (3), Citizenship (3) Supplementary Skill Design Thinking Art History Design Appreciation Communication Process Cross Culture (3) Cross Study (3) 51 18 12.50% 20 23 14 144 100.00% Rationalization 2011
MKDU suggestions
Benchmarking Course Course Name Content General English Basic Presentation Skills in English Academic English Academic Writing in English for Journals Indonesian Language Academic Writing and Research Methodology Religion Ethics IAD Logic and Design Thingking IBD Cross Culture Citizenship Leadership and Community Building