Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee Calibration Status Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee 15 March 2007
Analogue Pulse Shape and Timing – using calibration pulser FADC DAC scan Find the DAC value needed to set the chosen FADC pedestal Pedestal Run Measure exact FADC pedestal and noise. DAC scan only sets pedestal to 3-4 FADC counts Coarse Timing Scan Measure DAQ readout memory offset Fine Timing Scan Measure fine timing. May change coarse timing setting Analogue Pulse Shape Measure analogue pulse shapes Status: All now store results in COOL database; runs are ~automatic; but the information is not yet used in module services to set up hardware. 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status
FIR Filter and “Electronics ET Calibration” FIR Filter coefficients Compute the coefficients and “drop bits” settings for each trigger tower. Assume we are using matched filter. Aim for best resolution. Electronics ET Calibration Compute receiver and LUT values to reproduce simulated ET deposits All these results should go to database in a “Pulser” settings area. Status: Not started. Not hard. BUT requires combined running with calorimeters which we have not developed – see foil 6. 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status
Detector Performance and Beam Corrections Physics Pulse Delay Latency L1A to analogue pulse is not the same as calibration system Will need different software to find coarse & fine timing. Physics Pulse Shape Particle pulses not identical in shape to charge injection systems. Measure particle pulse shapes – not so easy as amplitudes are varying and usually small, and can have pulses in adjacent timing bins. Then convert to FIR coefficients. Initially adjust ET calibration to keep same area under pulse per GeV? Correction factors: dead material. One multiplicative factor per tower, from Monte Carlo? dead cells. One factor per tower, probably just eta and layer dependent Status: all of these not started. 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status
Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status Analogue Checks These can all be done with the same L1Calo run mechanisms, but need different calorimeter conditions and/or different data analysis Connectivity – verify the routing of calorimeter towers to PPMs Crosstalk – check no significant communication between towers. Relative timing of raw cells – check that they are equal for a tower Pulse shapes from raw cells – check they are very similar Pulse amplitudes from raw cells – check injected energies contribute equally Match precision readout to tower readout – beginning of physics calibration Status: Connectivity is started. Needs PPMs (coming very soon). Tilecal has generated the patterns we need. More discussions needed with LAr. Other areas not studied. Needs extra calculations on data from the analogue pulse shape runs, and a few similar types of run. 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status
Interface with Calorimeters Most of the runs rely on calibration signals from calorimeters Electronic calibration (ET in trigger matching injected pulses) Also various data patterns are needed to verify crosstalk, signal addition Calorimeters are capable (willing!!) to generate patterns We also need access to the trigger cables… Need to work on combined runs with calorimeters Need extra hardware (LTPI) to share triggers, plus software setup & tests, plus software to analyse and present large numbers of results and trends Status: No actual development yet. Useful discussions with Calo groups, but no tests. Needs some effort which we are pretty short of. 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status
Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status Digital Timing Automatic procedures to set up digital timing: PPM LVDS into CPM & JEM. CPM and JEM clock alignment with CAM; CMM & JEM FIO alignment. CPM-CMM; JEM-CMM; CMM-CMM; CPM, JEM & CMM G-Link pointers. Overall system timing alignment. Results to go to database. Module services to use values from database. Status: Procedures within single crates mostly exist, but results do not go into database (except PPM). No CAM runs yet. Timing between crates (LVDS, CMM) and overall optimisation not yet done? Multi-step runs not viable, so use kicker-style (CMM needs updating). 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status
Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status Summary Analogue pulser measurements just need more channels and cables Electronics ET calibration not started but not hard Beam pulses (timing, shape) and correction fro dead material need significant work. Detailed checks of analogue cabling and signal uniformity not done yet but can be done mostly with data stored by calibration pulser runs Interface with calorimeters coming – but slowly. Can be developed in parallel with collecting calib pulser data by hand. Digital Timing needs completing 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status
Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status Backup Material 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status
Comment on Database handling 15 March 2007 Rainer Stamen, Norman Gee - Calibration Status