Teknologi Dan Rekayasa Persiapan Grafika GRAPHIS CALCULATION SMK NEGERI 1 LUMAJANG Oleh: Elly Indarti, S.Pd
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Competence Standard Topic Bibliography Exit Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Menu χ Competence standard Graphic Calculation Elementary Competence 1. Know about graphic calculation company 2. Planning about calculation matter at pra print and pasca print. 3. Arrange and calculate a company cost. 4. Determine a cost price of goods 5. Determine amount and cost of goods 6. Calculate the cost price of goods to calculate the listprice 7. Determine a cost price and listprice of goods. Competence Standard Topic Bibliography χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic CALCULATE THE PRA PRINT COST a. Prepare list of pra print cost b. Calculate the setting cost c. Calculate design cost d. Calculate cost of film production. e. Calculate separation film cost. f. Calculate montase cost. g. Calculate cost of offset print reference production. h. Calculate praprint cost. Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic CALCULATE OF COST Setting cost: refers to price standard Cost of assembly, film and plate: appropriate with the product that will be printed Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic FORMULA OF COST CALCULATION χ 1. CALCULATE OF DESIGN COST Formula: amount of design x design price per book 2. CALCULATE OF DOCUMENT SETTING COST Formula: amount of page setting x setting price per page 3. CALCULATE OF THE MAKING FILM COST Formula: width x length x amount of page x film price per cm2 Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic FORMULA OF COST CALCULATION χ Formula : 4. CALCULATE OF ASSEMBLY COST Formula: amount of content assembly + skin x assembly price per sheet 5. CALCULATE OF PRINTED PLATE COST Formula: amount of printed plate x price of Rumus : Jumlah pelat cetak x harga satuan pelat cetak yang telah diproses 6. CALCULATE THE BOOK CONTENT PAPER COST Formula : Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate Print oplah x paper price per plano per rim x jamount of page x inschiet (%) Amount of page in one sheet of plano paper x 500 χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic FORMULA OF COST CALCULATION χ 7. CALCULATE THE PRINTED CONTENT COST Formula : amount of print plate x printed cost per line x print oplah x inschiet 8. CALCULATE THE PRINTED SKIN COST 9. CALCULATE THE BOOK SKIN PAPER COST Formula: Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate Print Oplah x price of paper per rim x inschiet amount of skin book in one sheet of books χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION topic FORMULA OF COST CALCULATION χ 10. CALCULATE OF FOLDED COST Formula : amount of kateren x folded cost per kateren 11. CALCULATE OF COMPLETE COST Formula : Print Oplah x price of complete per book 12. CALCULATE OF SEW COST Formula: print oplah x sew cost per book Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic FORMULA OF COST CALCULATION χ 13. CALCULATE OF CUT COST Formula : Print Oplah x cost per book 14. PERHITUNGAN BIAYA PENGEPAKAN Formula: Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate Print Oplah amount of book in one box x cost of packing χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic χ EXAMPLE: COST CALCULATION Size of book : A5 (14,8 x 21cm) Amount of content and skin : 84 page Content color : 1 color Skin color : 4 color Paper of content : HVO 70 gram ( Rp. 65.000,-/rim) Paper of skin : Art Carton 180 gram(Rp. 250.000,-/rim) banding : wire sewing Oplah = 10.000 eksemplar. 1). Calculate cost of content and skin design - Amount of design= 1 - Price of design per book = Rp. 300.000,00 Cost of design = 1 x Rp. 300.000,00 = Rp. 300.000 Topic Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic χ 2). Calculate the cost of setting document - Amount of setting page = 80 page - Size of book = A5 (14,8 x 21 cm) Setting price per page = Rp.6.000,00 Setting cost = 80 x Rp. 6.000,00 3) Calculate the making film cost - Amount of page = 80 page - Size of book = A5 (14,8 x21cm) - Price to making negative film per cm2 = Rp.30,00 - Cost to making negative film = 14,8 x 21 x 80 x Rp. 30,00 = Rp. 745.920,00 Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic 4) Calculate the separation film cost - Model = 1 piece - Model size = 32 x 22 cm - Price of the making separation film per cm2 = Rp. 350,00 - Cost of the making separation = 1 x 32 x 22 x Rp. 350,00 = Rp. 246.400,00 Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic χ 5). Calculate assembly cost of content and skin - Sum of book page = 80, A5 (14,8 x 21 ) - Print machine size for content= 64 x 96 cm - Print machine size for skin = 32 x 44 cm - Skin is printed= 4 color (full color) 1 face - Assembly price per plano = Rp. 17,500,00 - Sum of page in 1 assembly for content = 64 x 96 = 16 sheet - Sum of content assembly = 80 : 16 = 5 sheet - Sum of skin assembly 4 color = 4 sheet - Cost of content and skin assembly = (5+4) x Rp. 17.500,00 = Rp. 157.500 Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
CALCULATION OF PRODUCTION COST GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic CALCULATION OF PRODUCTION COST a. Prepare cost list b. Calculate the content cost c. Calculate cost of print cover d. Calculate cut cost e. Calculate fold cost Calculate binding cost Calculate packing cost Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Topic THE CALCUATION OF PRINTED COST COMPONENT BASED ON THE PRICE 1) Doing observation to several company of setting, repro, and print shop to getting the data of printed cost component, and then make a price table of component cost. 2) Arrange the price of printed cost component with book print shop company. Pra print calculate Pasca print calculate χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa
GRAPHICH CALCULATION Menu BIBLIOGRAPHY Purnomo, Endro.2004. Kalkulasi Grafika. Jakarta. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Competence Standard Topic Bibliography χ Teknologi dan Rekayasa