FTA’s Mobility on Demand Program and the MOD Sandbox May2017 Christina Gikakis FTA Office of Mobility Innovation
Trends: What’s Driving MOD? Societal Trends Technological Trends Mobility Trends
Shifting Transportation Landscape Innovative partnerships and new technologies are changing how we travel
What is Mobility on Demand? An integrated and connected multi-modal network of safe, affordable, and reliable transportation options that are available to all
User-centric Travel Options Carsharing Provides members with access to a car for short-term use Bikesharing to a bike for short-term use Ridesharing Carpooling, vanpooling, and real-time ridesharing services TNCs and Taxis Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) and Taxi Services Mobility on Demand Car Rental Conventional Rental Car Services Public Transportation Public Bus, Light Rail, Heavy Rail and other Public Transport Services Integrated Payment Allows users to pay for services using a smartphone app $ Incentives Rewards and incentivizes users for good travel choices c Smart Parking Allows users to reserve and pay for parking using a mobile app P Connected Traveler Real-Time Travel & Operations Data Includes public agency and private sector traffic data Trip Planning & Navigation Services
MOD Program Goals Explore emerging technology solutions and new business approaches that have the potential to transform mobility services. Prepare the transportation industry to deliver innovative mobility solutions that will enhance transportation efficiency and effectiveness, improve customer service, and foster personal mobility and access to goods and services. Enable the widespread deployment of integrated mobility solutions that are connected, equitable, and effective to enhance the personal mobility of everyone and provide access to all users.
Current MOD Program Activities MOD Research Efforts: MOD Foundational Research MOD Performance Metrics MOD Innovation & Knowledge Accelerator MOD Sandbox Demonstrations MOD Sandbox Evaluations Stakeholder Engagement & Outreach Policies and Practices Foundational Research
MOD Sandbox Program Overview 12/19/2017 MOD Sandbox Program Overview Demonstration Program to Explore MOD Models Explores innovative approaches Empowers project teams to implement innovative business models Informs the MOD program on how to support future deployments
MOD Sandbox Program Overview 12/19/2017 MOD Sandbox Program Overview Funding and Eligible Applicants $8 Million in FTA research funds Local Share Minimum of 20% in cash, or in-kind Providers of public transportation with one or more strategic partners Projects solicited though Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in May 2016, with awardees announced in October. Bold and innovative projects with strong partnerships
MOD Sandbox Applicants & Awardees
MOD Sandbox At a Glance
Opportunities Identified by MOD Sandbox Awardees 1 Affordable mobility options for work or social activities 7 Increase mode share of non-single occupancy vehicle options 2 Address first mile/last mile and low density area service gaps 8 Increase access to MOD, including low-income users, seniors, or youth 3 Reduce vehicle miles traveled and congestion while not reducing number of personal trips 9 Improve safety, security, and satisfaction of riders 4 10 Increase the utilization of existing investments in public transit/parking facilities Decrease response times and cost of paratransit services for people with disabilities 5 11 Increase mobile ticketing adoption and usage Incorporate shared modes and flexible/accessible trips in trip planning 6 12 Increase usage of integrated mobility apps to reduce travel and wait times Establish best practices and standards for MOD demonstrations and partnerships
MOD Sandbox Grantee Portfolio 12/19/2017 MOD Sandbox Grantee Portfolio Proposed Strategy Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) City of Palo Alto Dallas Area Rapid Transit LA Metro Pierce County Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority RTA of Pima County San Francisco (BART) Tri-Met Valley Metro Rail Vermont Agency of Trans. Incentives MOD-Enabling Tools Supplemental Service On-Demand Paratransit On-Demand First Mile/Last Mile Multimodal App with Payment Integration The MOD Sandbox grantees represent a diverse portfolio of 11 bold and innovative MOD projects totaling $7.9 million, and focused on demonstrating Innovative incentive strategies to encourage non-SOV travel. Integration of transit and shared-use mobility real-time data and development of standards Supplemental services including on-demand door to door and late night/early morning transit replacement service Innovative public-private partnerships for on-demand paratransit First and last mile options leveraging shared-use transportation providers User-focused mobility platforms and trip planners with integrated payment systems Many of the grantees are demonstrating more than 1 of these strategies as part of their projects. Each of the grantees has taken a unique approach to applying these strategies to their local contexts. These projects closely align with the MOD program goals and principles, include strategies that are replicable in other communities, and provide a wide diversity of projects to maximize benefits to individual travelers, transit agencies, and FTA research.
Observations from 2016 MOD Sandbox 12/19/2017 Observations from 2016 MOD Sandbox Explore the nexus of transit and MOD Variety of approaches and business models Many great ideas, but disparity in readiness, specifics of implementation plans Need for policy clarification Current sandbox projects will inform FTA and industry on policies, technologies, and approaches
MOD Sandbox: At a Glance REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY OF PIMA COUNTY (PIMA COUNTY, AZ) Integrating fixed route, subscription based ride-sharing and social carpooling services into a platform to address first mile/last mile issues. VALLEY METRO RAIL (PHOENIX, AZ) Smart phone mobility platform that integrates mobile ticketing and multimodal trip planning, including ride-hailing, bike sharing, and car-sharing companies. CITY OF PALO ALTO, CA Commuter planning project incorporating trip reduction software, a multi-modal trip planning app, and workplace parking rebates. LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATIONA Mobility on demand partnership with the car-sharing company, Lyft. *This project, led by LA Metro, includes a companion project in Seattle, WA.
MOD Sandbox: At a Glance SAN FRANCISO BAY AREA RAPIC TRANSIT Integrated carpool-to-transit program. PINELLAS SUNCOAST TRANSIT AUTHORITY (PINELLAS COUNTY, FL) On-demand paratransit using taxis and a car-sharing company to provide door-to-door service. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Platform integrating transit and shared-use mobility options. By integrating data, the project will allow users to plan trips that address first/last mile issues while traveling by transit. DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT Integrates ride-sharing services into DART’s GoPass ticketing app.
MOD Sandbox: At a Glance VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Statewide transit trip planner incorporating flex-route, hail-a-ride, and other non-fixed-route services into mobility apps. PIERCE TRANSIT (PIERCE COUNTY, WA) Limited Access Connections project connects service across two transit systems – local and regional – and ride-share companies to increase transit use across the Seattle region. CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY Incorporates local bike-sharing company Divvy into CTA's transit trip planning app.
THANK YOU! Christina Gikakis Program Manager Research, Demonstration and Innovation Federal Transit Administration Christina.Gikakis@dot.gov MODsandbox@dot.gov For more information on MOD Program and MOD Sandbox, please search internet using “Mobility on Demand”, or “Mobility on Demand Sandbox”
MOD Policies and Practices Shared Mobility FAQs webpage: Shared Mobility Eligibility Under FTA’s grant programs Shared Mobility and the Americans with Disabilities Act Shared Mobility Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing Requirements