The transnational mobility as a tool for the internalisation Workshop DO YOUR MOB 2016
The GORES model Aimed to implement experiences of recognition of learning outcomes acquired during the mobility experiences Tools and procedures Defining learning outcomes integrated with formal pathway Supporting learning in work experience Valorising the achieved learning outcomes Assessing the achievement of learning outcomes
What mobilities we are talking about? The experiences of the training mobilities coordinated by SCF: Have quite a short duration (from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 8 weeks) Are dedicated to young people aged between 16 – 19, who are inside a vocational training path or have recently finished one. Are mobilities aimed at favouring professionalisation experiences
Quality and trasnational mobility Intermediary organisation VET Center Quality and trasnational mobility Intermediary organisation During the mobility After the mobility Before the mobility Companies
PREPARATION OF STUDENTS AND COMPLIANCE OF EXPECTATIONS Quality conditions Goals Criteria selection Necessary conditions Preparation os students Roles involved PREPARATION OF STUDENTS AND COMPLIANCE OF EXPECTATIONS WORK EXPERIENCE AND LEARNING Role of tutor Tools to support learning Impact of language Engagement of companies Destination and period of mobility Other… Other…