Nicola Brun Nordic Forum for Geostatistics 30-31.5.2017 Nordic Mobility Nicola Brun Nordic Forum for Geostatistics 30-31.5.2017
The project Nordic project on cross-border mobility and benefits (Statistisk utredning över nordisk rörlighet och förmåner över gränserna) 3-year joint Nordic project coordinated by Statistics Finland (2016 – 2018) Financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers (1,5 M€) Participants: Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB), Danmarks Statistik (DSt), Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) and Hagstofa Íslands (HI) 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Objective To develop and produce statistics describing the mobility of people in the Nordic Region -> cross-border statistics Included statistical areas: migration employment and commuting attendance in education and completed education If possible also statistics on: social benefits mobility aspects on businesses 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Background -1 Long history of freedom of movement and exchanges in labour in the Nordic Region Significant especially in the border areas: Öresund, Västra Götaland/Värmland, Torneå-Haparanda… Obstacles to freedom of movement identified and listed by The Freedom of Movement Council Freedom of Movement database ”It should be possible for private individuals and companies to move, commute, study or conduct business as freely as possible across borders in the Nordic Region without fear of of getting caught up in red tape.” 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Background -2 No comprehensive statistics available on either cross-border mobility nor the amount of people potentially affected by obstacles of freedom of movement Earlier projects (not updated) Nordisk pendlingskarta StatNord Regional statistics (on-going) Öresundsdatabasen Västra Götalandsregionen: Statistikdatabas Project started during Finland’s Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2016 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Cross-border statistics Requires data exchanges between all country pairs Individual data from registers Data matched using names and date of birth Benchmarking earlier and on-going project’s methods Enriching data & trying to find new angles 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Production process Bilateral exchange of individual data Matched data is enriched and aggregated to tables Tables by countries are compiled to Nordic tables Dissemination of compiled tables Country of residence Country of education Step 1. Pick the population (15 years or more) per 31.12.2015 and send it with identification data to the country of education. Step 2. Match the data to find the highest education in education register. Add variables from education register and return the dataset to the country of residence. Step 3. Process the received data and add the dataset to the education register in the country of residence. 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Outcome Time span for the statistics: 2008 – 2015 (2016) Regional level: when possible by municipality, otherwise by region (NUTS3) Statistics on Completed education in another Nordic country Migration between Nordic countries incl. status of and/or background data for migrant Studies in another Nordic country Commuting between Nordic countries First “round”: exchange between all possible country pairs Complementing national registers 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Dissemination Dissemination from a Nordic point of view: Nordic Statistics Database: tables iLibrary: indicators Nordregio: maps? Dissemination from national point of view: Blogs, articles Statistical releases? 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Timetable 2017 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Issues… Sounds easy on paper, but… Nordic statistical institutes have a lot in common, but also a lot of differences: sources, definitions, methods, variables, statistics, timetables, languages A LOT of legal issues due to the exchange of individual data! Several agreements: bilateral agreements for each statistical area between all country pairs Ownership of data (in different steps of the process) Storage of microdata The future? 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Going on now Project group meeting and workshop on income in Stockholm last week First data exchange agreements signed (highest education) First data transfer next week First statistics during June? Next data exchange agreements (attendance in education) 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Nordic cooperation Joint project Project group plans the data content and tables, agrees on variables and methods, plan timetable and dissemination Basecamp & email Project group meetings Workshop meetings for experts in a certain subject area 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Project group members SCB: Therese Hedlund Sara Ekmark SSB: Helge Næsheim DST: Klaus Munch Haagensen Katja Marie Kaaber HI: Ómar Harðarson SF: Kaija Ruotsalainen (project leader) Heidi Myllylä Nicola Brun 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun
Thank you! Presentation of the project for the Freedom of Movement Council in IKEA Haparanda 12/2016 31 May 2017 Nicola Brun