Phonics Information Evening at Flax Welcome!
Workshop Agenda Explaining ‘teacher speak’ Introducing a phoneme- a demonstration Keywords Digraphs Phonics Check Year 1 Reading Scheme Helping at Home Questions
+ Phonics is Skills of segmentation and blending Knowledge of the alphabetic code
Playing with Sounds pg 14 -15 The terminology! Phoneme: a sound in a word - consonant phonemes - vowel phonemes Grapheme: a letter or sequence of letters that represent a phoneme 2 letters – digraph 3 letters – trigraph 4 letters - ???graph Playing with Sounds pg 14 -15
Phonic Phases 1-5+ Letters and Sounds Phase 1- sound discrimination, oral blending and segmenting, rhyme and alliteration Phase 2- GPC (grapheme/ phoneme correspondence), tricky words Phase 3- GPC (grapheme/ phoneme correspondence), tricky words Phase 4- Recapping and tricky words (reading and some spelling) Phase 5- New graphemes for reading, alternatives, tricky words Spelling rules
A word on pronunciation Pronounce most consonants in a continuous manner; /c/, /t/, /p/ should be whispered Reduce the extra ‘uh’ sound on /b/, /d/, /g/ as much as possible. Have a go!
Skills Segmenting means hearing the individual phonemes within a word – for instance the word ‘crash’ consists of four phonemes: ‘c – r – a – sh’. In order to spell this word, a child must segment it into its component phonemes and choose a grapheme to represent each phoneme. ‘Robot speak’.
Skills Blending means merging the individual phonemes together to pronounce a word. In order to read an unfamiliar word, a child must recognise (‘sound out’) each grapheme, not each letter (e.g. ‘th-i-n’ not ‘t-h-i-n’), and then merge the phonemes together to make the word. Playing with Sounds pg 16
Explaining Digraphs a phoneme can be represented by one or more letters sh, th, ee the same phoneme can be represented in more than one way rain, may, lake the same spelling may represent more than one phoneme mean, deaf
Vowel Phonemes station pain day gate Most vowel phonemes have two or more grapheme representations: station pain day gate We use sound buttons to identify phonemes
The Split Digraph time
Learning Phonics in Chestnut Teaching phases 2, 3 & 4 Phonics Bug Jolly Phonics British Council alphabet song
Learning Phonics/ Spelling in Maple & Willow Year 1 Teaching phase 5- alternatives to vowel digraphs. Use of phonicsplay and various Letters and Sounds games: quickwrite, phoneme frame, sound buttons. Spelling rules (eg. adding ‘s’ to form plurals, suffixes ed, ing, er, est) Year 2 Unusual spelling patterns (silent letters, al, dge…) Spelling rules (compound words, suffixes, prefixes). Use of mnemonics, spell speaking, words within words, coloured tricky bits.
Sight Words because the people Why learn sight words? Keyword sets in Reception (lists and sound buttons) Keywords in Years 1 and 2 alongside daily phonics/ spelling teaching. because the people
Our Reading Scheme Phonic Readers Coloured Reading Scheme red- grey Appropriately readable ‘Real books’ added into the higher levels Tips on how to read with your child. Mrs Williams will demonstrate!
Helping at Home Chestnut: Frequent reading Sound card games and tricky words- MAKE IT FUN! Phonics sheet Maple & Willow: Reading at least 4 times a week Phonics/spelling homework in Year 1 and 2 Websites and the ipad revolution! Hairy letters/Hairy Phonics app for ipad Mr Thorne Does Phonics app for ipad Squeebles Meet the Alphablocks
Assessing Phonics Children are assessed in school. Phonics check at end of Year 1 Designed to assess the children’s ability to blend words Comprises of 40 words- 20 pseudo words and 20 real words Children either meet expected standard or do not