English Curriculum Workshop
How do we decide what to teach in English? Reading Writing National Curriculum Children’s interests
Reading Sharing stories Flash cards 1:1 Reading Guided Reading How we read… What we read… Sharing stories Flash cards 1:1 Reading Guided Reading Comprehension Phonics Books Ebooks Interactive games Newspapers Labels Signs…
I know my child is on track in reading, if in November they can… Year 1 Year 2 Read quickly & accurately with little need for sounding out Sound out unfamiliar words accurately Good pace and expression Understand what they have read Ask & answer questions about a text Read majority of the sounds to phase 5 Read words with more than one syllable, contractions and variety of suffixes (e.g. er, ing, ed) Use phonic skills to decode unknown words Read aloud accurately – re-reading books to gain confidence & fluency Listen to & discuss a wide range of texts e.g. poems, non-fiction texts, fairy stories…
Let’s have a go at the Reading activity on your table…
Phonics Method used to teach children to read Taught daily in class Children’s phonic ability is tested in Year 1 (June) If children do not reach the standard they will be re-tested in Year 2 (June)
Phase 2 Sounds
Phase 3 Sounds
Phase 5 Sounds
Example phonics screening paper
Play for free here! http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Let’s have a go on Phonics Play!…
Writing Using phonic knowledge Copying/word mats Teacher modelling How we write… What we write… Using phonic knowledge Copying/word mats Teacher modelling In pencil/ pen/ sand/ chalk/ computer… Discreet handwriting lessons Posters Diary entries Stories Newspaper articles Fact files Lists/menus…
I know my child is on track in writing if in November they can… Year 1 Year 2 Spell the phonics they have been taught and the days of the week Begin to form lower case letters correctly and sit the letters on a line Say aloud what they are going to write before writing it Leave spaces between words Punctuate some sentences with a full stop or capital letter Use words such as ‘and’ to join clauses Use full stops, capital letters, question marks & exclamation marks accurately most of the time Use words such as: but, or, and, when, if that, because – to make their writing more interesting Use a range of interesting sentence starters, adjectives and adverbs Form letters correctly & neatly - beginning to join Spell many of the first 300 high frequency words correctly
What does an on track writer look like in November? Year 1 Year 2
What does an on track writer look like in July? Year 1 Year 2
Let’s have a go at the Writing activity on your table…
Any Questions?