Literacy in EYFS and KS1 Wednesday 03.02.16
Provide an overview of expectations Aims Provide an overview of expectations Overview of some teaching methods we use in school Give some practical tips for helping at home
The Curriculum: Phonics Reading Writing Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation
Literacy – daily diet ? EYFS Topic based approach Daily story/songs/rhymes/ discrete phonics KS1 Literacy lessons, Guided Reading, Handwriting, GPS lessons Cross curricular approach using “Talk for Writing” Methods
Reading -Letters and Sounds Phase 1 – awareness of rhyme and environmental sounds Phase 2 - Using common consonants and vowels. Blending for reading and segmenting for spelling simple CVC words. Phase 3 - Reading and spelling a wide range of CVC words words using a wider range of letters, short vowels, some consonant digraphs and double letters. Phase 4 - bl- br- cl- dr- fl- fr- pl- sc- sm- sn- sl- sp- sw- tr- Phase 5 -ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au (and alternative spellings of these graphemes eg ay/ai) Phase 6 –reading and spelling increasingly complex words
Reading -Letters and Sounds Year 1 Expected to use PHONICS FIRST 26 letters = 40+ phonemes Read and understand words with apostrophes Read common exception words e.g. me, your ,they, here
Reading -Letters and Sounds Year 2 Continue to use PHONICS FIRST Read more fluently- including words of two or more syllables Read more common exception words e.g. eye, busy, half, climb Read books matched to phonic knowledge, sounding out unfamiliar words confidently
Comprehension, Comprehension…
TALK about what they read Reading at home… Be a role model Read REAL stuff ! Newspapers, recipes, on line, magazines, cereal packets Read picture books – read them classic fairy tales Retell stories, traditional stories and fairy tales TALK about what they read TALK,TALK,TALK
Questions to help…. Who is telling the story? What are the characters called ? What is the story about ? Is it fiction or non –fiction ? Describe the setting of the story What do you think is going to happen next ? How did the character feel when…? Why is …. important?
Writing… in school When we write we have to consider a number of aspects. WHY (purpose) WHO is it FOR (audience) STORY,STORY,STORY
Progression in writing EYFS Mark making Write taught sounds Write own name, labels and captions by 5 Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others YEAR 1 Spell days of the week. Write sentences with capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks – Use ..and to join YEAR 2 Write about real/personal experiences, poetry, write for different purposes Write sentences using but, because, if
Spelling…in school KS1 High frequency words plus NC expectation 85% of the English spelling system is predictable.. Your child will learn the rules and conventions of the system and the spelling strategies needed to become a confident speller.
Spelling Strategies
Spelling Games
HANDWRITING In school we teach handwriting by sorting the letters into 2 letter families: ‘the up and over family’ The first pen stroke of these letters starts from the line with a lead in tag and moves in a clockwise direction to one o’clock. a o c e s x letters with no ascenders or descenders d g q z f letters with ascenders, descenders and ‘f’ which has an ascender and a descender
Handwriting ‘the straight up family’ The first pen stroke of these letters starts from the line with a lead in tag and proceeds in a vertical direction. These letters are: i m n r u v w letters with no ascenders or descenders b h k l t j p y letters with ascenders and descenders
Supporting your child with Literacy Make READING fun and REAL Lots and Lots of TALK, questioning, using higher level vocabulary READING to them ESPECIALLY the same story OVER AND OVER Spelling, word searches, hangman, pointing out spelling patterns,