Pirates 2016 Yr 1/2 It’s a Bugs Life…. Maths We will continue to focus on a range of mathematical areas including: Number and place value Problem solving and algebra. Measurement and statistics. Geometry. Mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Art – With Mrs Jones The children will be using a range of artistic skills to create: Pirate faces Pirate ship scenes Paper collage parrots Treasure maps Ocean sculptures Fish collage Art activities for the second half of term will be decided upon later this term. 2016 PE This term we will be doing tennis to begin with and swimming after half term! Yr 1/2 Phonics The whole class will continue with phase 5 graphemes and words whilst all Y2 children will also be following the KS1 spelling pathway which is appropriate for their age group in preparation for the SPAG tests during the second half of the term. History and Geography During our pirates topic, we will be looking at the seas and oceans around the world and thinking about the Galapagos Islands and will research the life of Charles Darwin. Finishing with creating a documentary style video to introduce him to you! Educational Visits During the second part of the term we are hoping to visit Quince Honey Bee Farm in North Devon. Science The focus in Otters this term will be plants, which will be followed by various experiments based upon the entire years learning, to develop the children's understanding of working scientifically. English During the first half of the summer term we will be looking at mythological sea monster poetry. Our fiction writing will be based on a book called ‘The Fishing Trip’, and finally our non-fiction writing will be linked to Charles Darwin. During the second half of the term we will be focusing on speaking and listening – preforming an end of year play. We will also look at non-chronological reports based on our topic. DT The children will design a bug hotel to place in our school grounds. We will also make some moving bugs. RE This half term we will be looking at different communities and considering the life of a Buddhist – linking to out mini- beast topic. Computing During the second half of term we will look at programming, moving on from the Beeebots! It’s a Bugs Life….
Session 3 Open up a broad bean or sunflower seed to find out what is inside it. Make a careful observational drawing of the inside of a seed. Watch time-lapse photography of a seed germinating. Record changes in seeds/bulbs. Challenge chn to grow a tall sunflower! Session 2 Two of the characteristics of livings things are reproduction and growth. Chn plant some seeds and bulbs under a range of conditions in order to investigate what they need to germinate and then continue growing healthily. Chn make predictions. Yr1/2 Session 1 Compare the characteristics of plants with animals to highlight that they are living things. Name some common plants and discuss their uses. Session 4 Agree that light is not required for germination (based on chn’s enquiry). Discuss how leaves make food for the plant using sunlight, water & air. Collect a variety of green leaves & try to match the colours with paint/wool. Record changes in seeds/bulbs. Session 7 Observe plants & discuss the findings of their enquiry. Draw/write about results. Together conclude that plants need water, air & a suitable temperature to germinate & that plants need water, light, air & a suitable temperature to grow & remain healthy. Session 5 Take children on a summer walk to observe flowers and seeds. Include trees in their search. Chn sketch some flowers & seeds in situ & colour in later. Collect some seeds to observe & identify in classroom. Record changes in seeds/bulbs. Links to other Curriculum Areas: Maths-Creating tables and cahrts to compare and record. Art – making observational drawings of seeds, blubs and plants. Geography – Children go on a walk in the local area and think about the physical geography of their area. Session 6 Rehearse what chn found inside a seed & compare with a cross-section through a bulb. Make a careful observational drawing of inside of a bulb. List bulbs that are edible. Explain that plants grown from bulbs also form seeds. Record changes in seeds/bulbs. Plants