Final Exam Review Answers
What is the best way to show support for the performers at the end of a scene or play? Applaud What should you do with cell phones before a live theatre performance? Turn the off What is the best way to show support of the actors during a performance? Give them your attention and be quiet When is the best time to enter the classroom if students are performing a scene? When the scene is over.
Rehearsal time is to be used for: Rehearsal Always bring the following to class: Notebook and pen/pencil What subjects are not appropriate for theatre class scenes? Drugs, Drinking, and violence What are you supposed to do when the teacher is giving directions, teaching the class, taking attendance, etc? Don’t Talk
Which is not allowed in theatre class? Gum 10. How did theatre begin in ancient Greece? Festivals to Dionysus 12 .List the facts about the theater festivals in ancient Greece. Playwrights competed on the last 3 days, playwrights competed on the last 3 days, each day a playwright would present a trilogy of 3 tragedies and a comedy, Everyone attended, businesses would close, it was religious and civic
Label and define (what was the function) the parts of the theatre of ancient Greece. 11.Orchestra – where the chorus performed 12.Parados – Passageways used for entrances and exits by actor and chorus Skene – Small building behind the orchestra used as a dressing room Theatron – Where the audience sat.
How was the Deus ex Machina used How was the Deus ex Machina used? It was a crane used to raise and lower actors ; to fly What is the primary function of a Greek chorus? Narrator List three other functions of a Greek chorus. Provided commentary and questions, clarified the experiences and feelings of characters in everyday terns, reinforced facts, Separated episodes, maintained a sense of ceremony and ritual Explain what the Greek chorus was and who could be in it. Men, unpaid, volunteers, doing it as civil duty
Who was Thespis. The first actor How did he change Greek Theatre Who was Thespis? The first actor How did he change Greek Theatre? He created dialogue between the chorus and the individual character. What two categories of plays were performed in Ancient Greece? Comedy and Tragedy Why did the actors wear masks? To change character, to be seen by the audience, to show the audience the position and emotion of the character, to help amplify the voice. What three materials were the masks made from? Cork, Wood, Linen
What did Aristotle identify as the six key elements of a drama What did Aristotle identify as the six key elements of a drama? Thought, Plot, Action, Diction, Sound, Spectacle Name all of the playwrights and give any information you have about them. Aeschylus- “The Father of Tragedy” Wrote about the choice men made and the consequences that follow. Agamemnan, The Euminides Sophocles- Wrote about humans possessing god-like qualities that made them want to challenge their fate. Oedipus the King Euripides – His plays explored the psychology of the mind; especially of women. Considered too modern for his time. Medea Aristophanes – Writer of Greek comedy, his plays made fun of the leaders of Athens, the gods and even his fellow playwrights. The Clouds, The Frogs and The Birds
What is the literal translation of “Deus ex Machina” What is the literal translation of “Deus ex Machina”? god of the machine Compare and contrast modern theatre performances to those of Ancient Greece. List at least 5 comparisons. Different for everyone. Examples, we wear makeup now instead of masks, the Theatron is now called the front of house, the Parados is now called the wings, etc. In what city did the Greek festivals take play? - Athens What was Thespis’ other profession? Playwright
Diction - The selection and pronunciation of words and their combinations in speech Expulsive- Created when breath pressure is held steadily and breathe is released gradually Nasality – The quality of sound produced the nasal passages Pronunciation – The manner of saying words and using the correct sounds and placing the accents on the stressed syllables. Volume – The relative strength, force, or intensity with which sound is made.
Range – The span between the highest and lowest notes on the musical scale that one con reach without strain. Inflection – Variety in pitch Quality – The individual sound of a person’s particular voice. Exhalation – To breathe air out of the lungs Monotone – Speaking continuously on one level
Pitch – The relative highness or lowness of the voice Rate- The speed in which words are spoken Resonance - The vibrant tone produced when sound waves strike the chambers of the throat, head, nose and mouth Onomatopoeia Words whose sounds suggest their meaning. International Phonetic Alphabet – System of pronunciation created to represent the sounds found in all languages
Down Stage – The front of the stage; the area nearest the audience Acting Areas – 9 divisions of the stage floor. Used to describe location on stage when blocking Blocking – Planning and working out the movements and stage groupings for a play Upstage – The back of the stage areas away from the audience Body Positions – Angle in which an actor stands, used in blocking
Open/open up – The actor is turned toward the audience Closed – The actor is turned away from the audience Turn in – To turn toward the center stage (on stage) Turn out – To turn toward the side of the stage (off – stage) Cheat out – to give the audience a better view of you body and face during conversation.
Share – To assume a position of equal strength with another actor Give – To allow another act to receive more focus Take – To receive more focus Stage – The area where actors perform Proscenium – The most common type of stage; it is a four sided stage built like a box with only one side cut away, enabling the audience to view the play as if it were a picture frame.
Proscenium Line – The imaginary 4th wall House/ Out Front/ Audience – The section of the theatre where the audience sits Level - An actors height on stage Pantomime - Acting without using words Consistency- Objects that are mimed must remain the same sizes. A steering wheel cannot shrink and expand; drinking glasses cannot float off in mid-air, but must be set down, etc.
Exaggerated resistance- If a mime pushes against a door, pulls a rope, lifts a suitcases, etc., the resistance of person against object MUST be exaggerated and made “bigger” than real life. Exaggerated Expression and Gesture- If a mime points to someone, cries, laughs, becomes sad or angry, reacts in shock or horror or joy, the facial expressions and gestures used must be exaggerated or made bigger, than in real life. Pantomime Storyline- Keep it simple., Tell a story., Be fantastic!
6 Rules of Pantomime: Establish your scene Actions tell the story Movement must be clear Exaggerate facial expressions and gestures Be creative in your performance Have a definite ending