]pdw-aq-Sn-IÄ (Coverings) Ex.26:1-13 A)Xl-ip-tXm Badger skin (dull, bluish gray) ag, shbnÂ, aWÂImäv, Ch-bn \n¶v kwc-£Ww {InkvXp-hnsâ XmgvN þ Unattractive (Isa 53:2,3) B) B«p-sImät m þ Nph-¸nNXv (Rams skin dyed red) -*{InkvXp-hnsâ {Iqinse bmK-a-cWw These Coverings are fixed using Pins of Brass and Cords of Linen to the earth.
aqSp-hn-cn-IÄ (THE CURTAINS) THE TWO SETS OF CURTAINS – * A. tImem-«p-tcmaw sImv GOAT'S HAIR (- Exo. 26:7-13). (Also called “the Tent“, IqSm-cw) 5+6 aqSp-Èo-e-IÄ (30X4 cubit each) 50 I®n-IÄ Xm{a-sIm-fp-¯p-sImv tbmPn¸n¡-Ww -A set of (11) curtains joined together in two pieces (5 & 6), and the two pieces joined by FIFTY BRASS TACHES and ONE HUNDRED LOOPS. -HERE IS CHRIST (the SIN-BEARER). {InkvXp ]m]w Npa-¡p-¶-h³ The goat was used as a sin offering (Lev.9,16);
\oe, [q{a. Nph-¸v. ]ªn-\q sImv Nn{X-¸-Wn-bmbn tImem-«p-tcmaw sImv GOAT'S HAIR
aqSp-hn-cn-IÄ Contd…. \oe, [q{a. Nph-¸v. ]ªn-\q sImv Nn{X-¸-Wn-bmbn * B. FINE TWINED LINEN - ]ªn-\q sImv (Ex.26:1-6) \oe, [q{a. Nph-¸v. ]ªn-\q sImv Nn{X-¸-Wn-bmbn 5+5 aqSp-Èo-e-IÄsImv (28X4 cubit each) ( also called Xncp-\n-hm-kw) \oe \qÂsImv 50+50 I®n-IÄ 50 sImfp-¯p-IÄ s]m¶v sImv -10 curtains sewn together in two sets of five, joined by 100 LOOPS OF BLUE and 5O GOLDEN TACHES. -Woven (skillfully worked with BLUE, SCARLET, PURPLE, and CHERUBIMS. -here is Christ (righteous, heavenly, royal, sacrificial). GOLD TACHES, BLUE LOOPS - (making one perfect whole curtain) These curtains speaks of our double security ( Ps. 26:5)
IqSm-c-hm-Xn-Â A. THE DOOR- (Exodus 26:36,37) Colors same as the Gate, hanging on FIVE PILLARS (shittim wood overlaid with gold, with brass sockets and gold hooks). \oe, [q{a, Nph-¸v, ]ªn \qep-IÄ sImv Nn{X-¯-¿Â sNbvX-Xv 5- JZn-c kvXw`w, s]m¶v sImv s]mXn-bWw, Xm{a-Np-h-Sp-IÄ , s]m³sImfp-¯p-IÄ - The door is NOT SO WIDE (10 X10 cubits) - The way of salvation is wide, but the door to close fellowship is narrow (higher) and nearer to God. -CHRIST IS THE DOOR (John 10:7)
Xnc-Èo-e \oe, [q{a, Nph-¸v, ]ªn \qep-IÄ sImv Nn{X-¯-¿Â sNbvX-Xv B. THE VEIL - (Exodus 26:31,33) Same color as Gate, Door; hanging on wood overlaid with gold, gold hooks, silver sockets. \oe, [q{a, Nph-¸v, ]ªn \qep-IÄ sImv Nn{X-¯-¿Â sNbvX-Xv 4- JZn-c kvXw`w, s]m¶v sImv s]mXn-bWw, shÅn--Np-h-Sp-IÄ , s]m³sImfp-¯p-IÄ - Veil means "separated", communion with God was only in the Holy of Holies, behind the veil. veil rent in twain when Christ died Matt. 27:51) -Divinely Rent, Before all men, not in secret, Completely, we can come boldly, obtain mercy and find grace (Heb. 4:16)
sIcq_p-IÄ Gen. 3:24- At Eden. Exo. 25:17-With wings & face Exo. 26: 31. 1 Kings. 6: 23- with body & human legs. Eze. 41: 18-2 faces (human, lion). Ps. 18:10; 80:1;99:1 -God rides upon cherub, dwells (sits) b/w cherubims’ . Cherubims speaks of Gods glorious presence, authority & holiness. They were kept silenced by the sacrifice blood on the mercy seat.
hnip-²-Ø-ew {InkvXp-hp-am-bpÅ lrZy-amb Iq«mbva bpsS Ø-ew(Intemate fellowship) IqSmc hmXn-en-eqsS {]th-in-¡m-¯-S-t¯mfw DÄh-is¯ at\m-lm-cnX a\-Ên-em-¡m³ Ign-bp-I-bn-Ã. (Enter) BßoI hfÀ¨bv¡v temI-t¯m-Sp-ff thÀ]mSpw {InkvXp-hn-t\m-SpÅ Iq«m-bvabpw AXym-h-iy-am-Wv. (Grow) ]qÀ®amb kaÀ¸-W-an-ÃmsX Bßob kt´mjw A\p-`-hn-¡m³ Ign-I-bn-Ã. (Submission)
hnip-²-Ø-es¯ D]-I-c-W-§Ä [q]-]oTw \ne-hn-f¡v ImgvN-b-¸-¯nsâ tai
ImgvN-b-¸-¯nsâ tai (h-S-¡v) ]pd. 25:23-30 ImgvN-b¸w -=ssZh-k-¶n-[n-bn hbv¡p¶ A¸w Afhv 2X1X1½ apgw JZn-c-acw sImv, X¦w sImv s]mXnªv {InkvXp-hp-am-bpÅ Iq«m-bvasb kqNn-¸n-¡p-¶p. tbml. 6:35 4 hnc hoXn-bn Npäpw Hcp N«w (border) N«-¯n-\n-cp-h-ihpw Hmtcm h¡pw Dm-t¡-Ww (crowns) \mev hfbw s]m¶v sImv, 2 Xp-IÄ JZn-c-a-cw-sImv Dm¡n s]m¶v s]mXn-bWw. TABLE OF SHEWBREAD
ImgvN-b¸w tehy 24:5-9 tai-ta \nXyw ImgvN-b¸w Fsâ ap¼msI sht¡Ww. 12 A¸w 6 hoXw 2 ASp-¡mbn hbv¡Ww Hcp A¸w 2 CS-§gn amhp-sIm-v, ]pfn-¸n-Ãm-¯, t\cn-b-am-hv, Hmtcm ASp-¡nepw Ip´p-cp¡w AÀ¸n-t¡-Ww. iº¯p tXmdpw ]pXnbXv ASp¡n hbv¡-Ww. ]gb-Xv Al-tcm\pw ]p{X-·mcpw hnip-²-Ø-e¯v h¨v Xn¶Ww
aäp hnhc-§Ä 1 Zn\. 9:32 sIlmXycpsS NpaXe kwJy 4:6,7 - Npa-t¡--hn[w 1 iap. 21:--6 ZmhoZv Ign-¨p {InkvXp-h-am-bpÅ Iq«mbva hnizm-knsb iào-I-cn-¡pw \nc-´-c-ambn \mw Iq«m-bva-bn XpS-c-Ww D]-I-c-W-§Ä : -Xfn-I-IÄ (Dishes) Ic-n-IÄ (Spoons) IpS-§Ä (Covers) Inn-IÄ (Bowls)
\ne-hn-f¡v (sX-¡v ) THE GOLDEN CANDLESTICK Afhv ]d-ªn«nà , Hcp Xme´v X¦w sImv (125 ]uv 56.69 In.-{Kmw.) ASn¸p ]Wn-bmbn \nÀ½n-¡p-¶p.(beaten work of pure gold.) 7 Ih-c-§-fpÅ \ne-hn-f¡v (branches) NphSpw Xpw ]pjv] ]pS-§fpw ap«p-Ifpw ]q¡fpw Bbn \nÀ½n-¨Xv (shaft, branches, bowls, knops, flowers) Hmtcm Ih-c-¯n-sâbpw Aä-¯n ]pjv]m-Ir-Xn-bn-epÅ XS-¯n Hen-sh® Hgn¨v Xncn-bn«v I¯n-¡pw. Exo 25:31-40, 37:17-24
\ne-hn-f¡v shfn¨w \ÂIpI shfn¨w \ÂIp¶ km£y PohnXw {InkvXp-hns\ : t-bml. 9:5 ]cn-ip-²m-ßm-hn-s\: 1sXÊ. 5:19 hnizm-knsb: a¯m. 5:14 -ho«nepw Npänepw t-emI-¯n-epw {]Im-in¡Ww Light before the LORD
khn-ti-j-X-IÄ ]pd. 27:20,21 hnf¡v \nc-´cw I¯Ww (ssh-Ip-t¶cw apXÂ {]`mXw hsc) CSn-s¨-Sp¯ sXfn-hpÅ Hen-sh® D]-tbm-Kn¨v cmhnse Zo]w XpS-¡-Ww, sshIp-t¶cw Zo]w sXfn-¡-Ww. ]pd. 30:7,8 7 Zo]hpw t\sc apt¶m«v {]Im-in¡pw NhW-Ifpw Icn-´ncn ]m{X-§fpw X¦w sImv
[q]-]oTw (The Alter of Incense)
[q]-]oTw (Exo. 30:1-10) Afhv 2 x 1 x 1 JZn-c-acw sImv X¦w s]mXnªv \mev sIm¼p-IÄ, Npänepw kzÀ®w sImv h¡v 4 s]m³ hf-b-§Ä, cv Xp-IÄ Øm\w Xnc-Èoe¡v ap¼nÂ
[q]-hÀ¤w ]pd.30:34,35 \dpw-]-i, (Stacte) KpevKp-ep, (Onycha) lÂ_m-\-¸-i, (Galbanum) \nÀ½-e-km-{¼mWn (Frankincense) D¸v tNÀ¡-Ww, ssXe-¡m-csâ hnZy-{]-Imcw \nÀ½-ehpw hnip-²-hp-amb [q]-hÀ¤w.
{]mÀ°-\-bpsS {]XoIw (k¦o. 141:2 shfn. 5:8, 8:34) cmhn-sebpw sshIp-t¶-c¯pw [q]-hÀ¤w C«v I¯n¡pw ]pd. 30:7,8 hÀj-¯n-sem-cn-¡Â sIm¼p-IÄ¡p-thn {]mb-Ýn¯w sN¿-Ww. A\y-[q]w AÀ¸n-¡-cp-Xv.
\nb-as]«Iw, -Ir]mk\w
\nbas]«Iw (THE ARK OF THE COVENANT ) GÁhpw {][m\s¸« D]-I-c-Ww {InkvXp-hn-sâ \ng ARK(s]«Iw)="Chest”, kq£n¡m\pÅ Ad {InkvXp-hn `{ZXbpv –(SAFETY IN CHRIST ) Several Arks mentioned in Scripture: [1]. Noah's (Gen. 6:13,14). [2]. Moses' (Ex. 2,3). [3]. Ark of the Covenant (Ex. 25:10).
\nÀ½nXn (\nbas]«Iw, km£ys]«Iw) Afhv 2½ x 1½ x 1½ JZn-c-acw sImpm¡n, X¦w AI¯pw ]pd¯pw s]mXnªv Npänepw s]m¶v sImv h¡v 4 s]m³ hf-b-§Ä, cv Xp-IÄ hf-b-§fn Xp-IÄ Ccnt¡Ww km£yw AI¯p sht¡Ww The blending of two natures, human and divine. The crown is a symbol of His sovereignty and power (Lord and Master). Carried by Kohathites (only). ]pd¸mSv. 32:10-22 ]pd¸mSv. 37:1-9
Iy]mk\w (The Mercy Seat) X¦w sImv Iy]mk\w Dmt¡Ww (Lid of Ark) s]m¶v sImv cv sIcq_pIÄ ASn¸p]Wn-bmbn \nÀ½n-¡p-¶p Iy]mk\¯ns³d cÁ¯pw A`napJambn apJw Iy]mk\¯n\p t\sc, NndIpIÄ tatem«v hnSÀ¯n AhnsS Rm³ {]Xy£\mIpw Lev. 16:14,15 – sprinkling of blood Heb.4:16 – Entry, free and always
bn{kmtbens³d aÕc]m]§Ä Iy]mk\¯n\pÅn cIvX¯m ad¨ncn¡p¶p INSIDE THE ARK (Ex. 25:16). Three things listed: (Heb. 9:4) I¸-eIIÄ TWO TABLES OF STONE (The Law) (Deut . 31:26, 1Kin. 8:9). a¶ C«v h¨ s]m³]m{Xw GOLDEN POT OF MANNA (Ex. 16:11-33; Num. 11:19). Al-tcmsâ XfnÀ¯ hSn AARON'S ROD THAT BUDDED (Num. 16: 17: 1-13). bn{kmtbens³d aÕc]m]§Ä Iy]mk\¯n\pÅn cIvX¯m ad¨ncn¡p¶p
khn-ti-j-X-IÄ \ymb{]amWw {InkvXp \nhÀ¯n¨p (Jn.1:17,Mt.5:17) The LAW which man could not keep, was deposited within the Ark, beneath the Mercy Seat a¶ {InkvXp Pohs³d A¸w Ex. 16:14,15 (Hb.)"What is it“ ,(Chald.)"A portion”, (Eng.) - "Bread” : every morning, daily; around the camp, within reach of all: with the dew, keeping it fresh and clean (Holy Spirit). Christ is the food for saints XfnÀ¯ hSn {InkvXp t{iã alm]ptcmlnX³ Num. 16, 17 - XojvWXbpÅ ssZhw
ALONE WITH GOD Three rooms in the Tabernacle; OUTER COURT (place of sacrifice) HOLY PLACE (place of worship) HOLY OF HOLIES (place of communion adoration). THREE ROOMS of a saved Person: BODY- Court (Kitchen) SOUL - Holy Place (living room, fellowship) SPIRIT - Holy of Holies (secret place) ONLY ONE PERSON was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies in OT, the High Priest ALONE - ALONE WITH GOD!!! (Ps.73:28, Heb.10:22,Ja.4:8)
HOW MUCH TIME DO WE SPEND ALONE WITH GOD? (a).Too much time spent in the kitchen ministering to the body? (b). So busy in the living room, fellowshipping with each other? (c). So busy teaching, serving, preaching, we neglect the secret place - ALONE WITH GOD? (d). Spirituality is not measured in how long you have been saved, member of the church, or even how busy you are in church work. (e). Service and worship will be acceptable only as we spend time ALONE WITH GOD! BEHIND THE VEIL - ALONE WITH GOD!! (Heb. 4:16) Eg: Moses,Enoch,Samuel,Jesus,Mary,Paul
ssZh¯ns³d \nXyc£m]²Xn
]utcmlnXyw (Priesthood) Ex. 28 btlmh¡v ]ptcmlnXip{iqj sN¿m³ hcp¯pI -= not optional ssZhIr]bmepÅ hnfn- --(take him) tehn, DÂ].34:30 Altcm³ ]pd. 32:4,25
NpaXeIÄ Duties bmKw AÀ¸n¡pI BinÀhZn¡pI \ymb{]amWw ]Tn¸n¡pI hnf¡v sXfn-¡-pI bmK]oT¯nse Xo sISmsX kq£n¡ Imlfw DuXpI tehyÀ¡v t\XrXzw \ÂIpI \ymb]me\w sN¿pI Aip²n amÁpI TAKE CARE….. None be defiled Do not shave off their beard Take a virgin of his own people to wife He who hath a blemish, shall not approach Do not drink wine nor strong drink
]ptcmlnXÀ IgpIn CLEANSED (Ex. 29:4) - This ceremonial bath never had to be repeated (Titus 3:5) - this is a picture of the new birth, (Jn. 13:10). hkv{Xw AWnªv CLOTHED (Ex. 29:5-9) - Distinguished from the rest (I Pet. 2:9). Ic]qcWwsNbvXv CONSECRATED (Ex. 29:10-25) - Set apart to service to God "bloodmark", (Ex. 29:20). IcpXÂ \ÂIn CARED FOR (Ex. 29:26-37) - Physical needs to be provided.
tehyÀ (The levites) sacmcyÀ MERARI (Num. 3:36) - Had charge of the heavy boards, sockets, basic structure of the Tabernacle ]eI, A´mgw, Xq¬, NphSpIÄ, IpÁnIÄ, IbÀ sKÀtim\yÀ GERSHOM (Num. 3:25) - Had charge of the hanging which separated the various parts of the Tabernacle XncÈoe, aqSphncn, ]pdwaqSn,hmXnen\pÅ adÇoe, {]mImchmXn , {]mImc adÇoe, IbÀ, sIlmXyÀ KOHATHITES (Num. 3:31) - Had responsibility of carrying the holy vessels or furniture hnip²aµnc¯nse D]IcW § Ä Npa¡phm³, ]t£....sXmScpXv, ....AI¯vIS¡cpXv,
alm]ptcmlnXs³d hkv{Xw apSn The Mitre \ymbhn[n]X¡w The Breastplate \Sps¡« v The Girdle Gt^mZv, The Ephod \neb¦n The Coat \of¡p¸mbw The Robe ImÂN« The Linen Breeches ]pd¸mSv. 28
Gt^mZv, The Ephod \Sps¡«v, Npa¡w, tKmtaZI¡Ãv kc¸fn \oe¨cSv, h«¡®nIÄ s]m¶,v \oe, [q{a, Nph¸v, ]ªn\q Nn{X¸Wnbmbn kc¸fn \ymbhn[n]X¡w \oe¨cSv, h«¡®nIÄ \Sps¡«v,
\ymbhn[n¸X¡w kaNXpcw, Cc«bmbn, 1Nm¬, Gt^mZv t]mse Nn{X¸Wnbmbn Xm{aaWn, ]oXcXv\w, acXIw amWnIyw, \oe¡Ãv, h{Pw ]ßcmKw, sshUqcyw, kpKÔn¡Ãv ]pjv]cmKw, tKmtaZIw, kqcyIm´w Dudoapw Xp½oapw OR shfn¸mSpw kXyhpw Npa¡w, tKmtaZI¡Ãv
\neb¦n The Coat apSn The Mitre s\bvXp]Wnbmb \mS Igp¯n\pNpÁpw s]m³aWn, \oe\q sImv s\bvXp]Wnbmb \mS Igp¯n\pNpÁpw s]m³aWn, amXf¸gw
Aaron shall bear the people before the LORD \of¡p¸mbw The Robe Aaron shall bear the people before the LORD upon his two shoulders v.12 upon his heart v.29 upon his forehead v.38 \Sps¡«v ImÂN« The Linen Breeches ]ªn\q sImv
alm]ptcmlnX³ (Lev.16:4) AXnhnip-²-Ø-e¯v
\mw hnip²]ptcmlnXhÀKw ip{iqj \nd]Snbmbn \nhÀ¯n¡ 1 pet. 2:5,9; 2 Tim.4:5
{InkvXp \½psS t{iãalm]ptcmlnX³ iNTERCESSION OFFERED HIMSELF
CXm a\pjytcmSpIqsS ssZh¯ns³d IqSmcw
ASnØm\§fpÅ \Kcw
]pXnb bcpitew