Transforming Aftercare Pathways: Your Voice Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation Transforming Aftercare Pathways: Your Voice Tuesday, 29th November, 2016 9:30am-12:30am The Auditorium, The Education Centre, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Welcome and introduction Greater Manchester Cancer Welcome and introduction Vanguard Innovation Mike Thorpe, Former prostate cancer patient and user representative for Manchester Cancer Dr Wendy Makin, Executive Medical Director & Responsible Officer at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation Lead for Living with and Beyond Cancer
Agenda Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation 9:30am-10am: Registration & refreshments 10am-10:10am: Welcome & introduction to the day Co-chairs Dr Wendy Makin and Mike Thorpe 10:10am-10:30am: What is cancer aftercare? Dr Wendy Makin 10:30am-11am: Our story: experience of cancer aftercare Patrick Fahy Julie Orell Davies Vanessa Denvir 11am-12pm: Breakout sessions Attendees 12pm-12:30pm: Feedback, discussion and next steps 12:30pm-1pm Lunch and close
From Cancer ‘Follow up’ to ‘Aftercare’: what is changing and why? Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation From Cancer ‘Follow up’ to ‘Aftercare’: what is changing and why? Dr Wendy Makin Executive Medical Director & Responsible Officer at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation Lead for Living with and Beyond Cancer
What’s follow up for? To report any problems Greater Manchester Cancer What’s follow up for? Vanguard Innovation To report any problems Keep in touch with my specialist A check up To reassure me I’m doing OK
But does follow up always do what you hope? Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation But does follow up always do what you hope? Busy clinic Different face – they don’t know me I’m not sure what the plan is for tests Do I know what I should ask ? Do I mention this? Big build up, long wait
Isn’t it about picking up cancer relapse early? Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation Isn’t it about picking up cancer relapse early?
Cancer recurrence Most happen between hospital visits! Greater Manchester Cancer Cancer recurrence Vanguard Innovation Most happen between hospital visits! In people without symptoms, very few relapses are discovered through clinic checks Specialists know the likelihood of recurrences over time for a particular type of cancer Protocols for follow up tests are based on probabilities and the best way of picking up a problem before symptoms arise Too many scans can be harmful (radiation dose)
So what could better look like? Greater Manchester Cancer So what could better look like? Vanguard Innovation A clear plan: my tests, what to look out for and to report Tests are efficiently organised and I get the results without delay A way of keeping in touch with my cancer team, at any time I know what to expect after treatment has finished I know what I can do for my well-being and future health If I need help, I get advice and can be seen quickly
What about the on-going and later effects for the treatment? Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation What about the on-going and later effects for the treatment? Not well recognised in the past Often not asked about in follow up clinics Patient and GP may not realise the connection Can add to other health problems We need: Better information for patients and GPs A process where people can report, and get advice and assessment of problems Ways to collect data so we pick up on problems as treatments change
Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation A move from ‘routine’ clinic visits to a more flexible model in low risk groups
The Cancer Vanguard: an opportunity to do things differently Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation The Cancer Vanguard: an opportunity to do things differently Work is underway to design a different model following treatment for early breast, bowel and prostate cancers This is drawing on experiences in Manchester and other parts of the UK: Fewer face to face appointments, but easier contact with team A clear plan for tests and health monitoring Roll out of the ‘Recovery Package’ as treatment finishes Patients are well informed, and prepared and equipped
Greater Manchester Cancer Promoting Recovery Vanguard Innovation
Example: Macmillan - Manchester early breast cancer project 2016- Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation Example: Macmillan - Manchester early breast cancer project 2016- During treatment preparation starts At 12 months post surgery HNA - ‘general check’ Treatment summary and plan for monitoring tests shared and explained, signposts to support Care plan made Health and well being event- groups of patients Cancer care review with GP Contacts with test results and responding to concerns
Over to you! Sharing experiences, Shaping the future Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation Over to you! Sharing experiences, Shaping the future
Our story: experience of aftercare Greater Manchester Cancer Our story: experience of aftercare Vanguard Innovation Patrick Fahy Julie Orell Davies Vanessa Denvir
Breakout sessions Auditorium: breast cancer aftercare pathway Greater Manchester Cancer Breakout sessions Vanguard Innovation Auditorium: breast cancer aftercare pathway Foyer: prostate cancer aftercare pathway Seminar room 3: colorectal cancer aftercare pathway For those affected by different cancer types – feel free to join any group!
Feedback and discussion Greater Manchester Cancer Feedback and discussion Vanguard Innovation Led by: Dr Wendy Makin, Executive Medical Director & Responsible Officer at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation Lead for Living with and Beyond Cancer Mike Thorpe, Former prostate cancer patient and user representative for Manchester Cancer