Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Webquest By: Mailey Gorman Rachel Lamb
Standards 1.B.2b Identify structure (e.g., description, compare/contrast, cause and effect, sequence) of nonfiction texts to improve comprehension. 2.B.1a Respond to literary materials by connecting them to their own experience and communicate those responses to others. 2.B.1c Relate character, setting and plot to real-life situations. 2.B.2a Respond to literary material by making inferences, drawing conclusions and comparing it to their own experience, prior knowledge and other texts. 4.B.2a Present oral reports to an audience using correct language and nonverbal expressions for the intended purpose and message within a suggested organizational format. 5.A.2b Organize and integrate information from a variety of sources (e.g., books, interviews, library reference materials, web- sites, CD/ROMs).
Websites ndybar.htm chocolate-factory.html 2202052/Behind-scenes-real-life-Willy-Wonka- chocolate-factory-Never-seen-photos-reveal- life-like-19th-century-Rowntrees-workers.html
Questions Where is Roald Dahl from? When was the first candy bar created? Who invented the first candy bar? When was the first Wonka factory created? What are some reviews about the book? How would you feel if you were chosen to go into the chocolate factory? How would you feel if you were in Charlie’s shoes and had to spend the day with the kids he was with? What is your favorite Wonka Candy? What did you think about the book? Would you have liked to work in the Wonka factory in the 19th-Century?
Introduction Charlie Bucket had the opportunity of a life time to go into the Wonka factory and get a tour by Willy himself. Having that opportunity was very special to him unlike the other contestants that won. Now you are going to get the chance to look further into what chocolate is about and even create your own factory like Willy Wonka did.
Task Students will be divided into groups and will create their own power point. Each student will be given a specific character with different questions You will use the questions and websites to find the information needed. Then each group will create their own chocolate/candy factory. Students will present their power point after it is all put together.
Roles with Questions Willy Wonka: Charlie Bucket: Augustus Gloop: When was the first candy bar created? What is your favorite Wonka Candy? How would you feel if you were chosen to go into the chocolate factory? What did you think about the book? Charlie Bucket: What inspired Roald Dahl to write Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Augustus Gloop: Where is Roald Dahl from?
Veruca Salt Violet Beauregarde Mike Teavee 1. When was the first Wonka factory created? 2. What is your favorite Wonka candy? 3. How would you feel if you were chosen to go into the chocolate factory? 4. What did you think about the book? Violet Beauregarde 1. What are some reviews about the book? Mike Teavee 1. Would you have liked to work in the Wonka factory in the 19th-Century?
YOUR VERY OWN FACTORY Now you are going to create your own unique factory. You can make it just a chocolate factory or you can have other candy too. Each student will invent and name their own candy that will be made by your factory. Be creative and have fun!
*Putting it together* After completing your questions and deciding what kind of factory you are going to do, you are going to make a power point to explain your findings and to show the class what kind of factory you came up with. Each student must talk about what is in the candy they created and why they chose the name they did for their candy.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are now proud owners of your first candy factory! Great job creating new and exciting pieces of delicious candy! I hope you are proud of yourselves for doing such an excellent job and I wish your factories the best of luck!
5 Teaching Extensions Watch the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Write a paper comparing the book and the movie. Create their own golden ticket for their candy Bring in different kinds of candy and test them out like Roald did when he was in school. If possible, take a trip to a candy factory near by.
Evaluation The end product of this lesson will be the presentation of the answers to the questions you answered and the factory that you have created. Teamwork, and creativity will be evaluated as well. The more interesting and creative your factory is, the better you will do.
References James and the Giant Peach Matilda Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator