5 Sept, 2017 Warm Up (L6) Using complete sentences, write down everything you know about tone and mood. If you know nothing, get a dictionary and look up the definition of both. Keep in mind, we are talking about tone and mood relating to writing.
Tone, in written composition, is an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. Tone is generally conveyed through the choice of words or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject
Every written piece comprises a central theme or subject matter Every written piece comprises a central theme or subject matter. The manner in which a writer approaches the this theme and subject is the tone. The tone can be formal, informal, serious, comic, sarcastic, sad, cheerful, or it may be any other existing attitudes. Consider the following examples of tone: “I want to ask the authorities what is the big deal? Why do not they control the epidemic? It is eating up lives like a monster.” “I want to draw the attention of the concerned authorities toward damage caused by an epidemic. If steps were not taken to curb it, it will further injure our community.”
In literature, mood is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and descriptions. Usually, mood is referred to as the atmosphere of a literary piece, as it creates an emotional situation that surrounds the readers. Mood is developed in a literary piece through various methods. It can be developed through setting, theme, tone, and diction.
You've all been falsely accused of kidnapping Tinker Bell. Conflicts: You all received all F's on your report cards and must convince the teachers to change your grades. You've all been falsely accused of kidnapping Tinker Bell. The world is being attacked by aliens and you have to save us all! Evil leprechauns have stolen money from the worlds largest banks. It's up to your group to get our money back! Slowly, but surely, you all realize that one of your group member's minds has been possessed by Santa Clause.
Queen Elsa Genie (from Aladdin) Tiger (Winnie the pooh) Darth Vader Cinderella Rapunzel Fairy God Mother Willy Wonka Grumpy (7 dwarfs) Dora (the explorer) Olaf Dori (finding nemo) Spider-Man Captain Jack Sparrow Batman Captain Hook Wicked Witch of the West Katniss Everdeen Robin Hood Dracula Harry Potter Buzz Lightyear Peter Pan He Who Must Not Be Named (Voldemort) Beast (from Beauty and the Beast)
Actions: In a pie eating contest Playing baseball In desperate need of a bathroom Afraid of your own shadow Blowing bubbles Being attacked by a shark Constantly itching Over uses adjectives Break Dances every 15 seconds Flying a kite Shopping all the time Playing hopscotch Constantly taking selfies