The Syllabus
How will I be learning Spanish? TPRS – Total Physical Response Storytelling Games Language lab activities Cooperative activities Note-taking (for grammar)
Course Goals Describe yourself and other people, places and things Use the present and past tense of verbs Describe the weather and use expressions of time Make requests and obtain basic information Identify customs and culture of Spanish-speaking countries
Please bring your materials by Friday, August 25! 5 subject notebook Pen/pencil Folder, specifically for Spanish class! Colored Pencils or Markers Please bring your materials by Friday, August 25!
Additional Materials FIRST HOUR: 1 box of tissues SECOND HOUR: 1 box of tissues THIRD HOUR: 1 package sanitizing wipes FIFTH HOUR: 1 package of copy paper SIXTH HOUR: 1 package of notebook paper
Textbook/Technology We will not be using a traditional textbook this year! We will use our phones occasionally for games and light research. Google Translate is the enemy and will NOT be allowed for use with this class!
How will I be graded? 5% 10% 60% 25%
Make up work policy When you return from an absence, check the “While you were out” board and/or the Willy Wonka binder at the back of the classroom. You have 1 day to complete work for each day you were absent.
Late work policy Suddenly you regret not doing an assignment? You may turn in an assignment late, but it will be penalized.
Late work policy 1 day – deduct 10 points 2 days – deduct 20 points After an assignment is 5 days late it will no longer be accepted, unless you are told otherwise.
Expectations Wear your ID at all times. Be respectful to everyone. Be on time to class. Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat. Keep our room clean.
Consequences FIRST OFFENSE: warning, sign the consequences book, parent contact. SECOND OFFENSE: sign the consequences book, parent contact, referral to grade principal. ID: must be on BEFORE the first hour tardy bell rings. Failure to wear your ID will result in being sent to your grade office for automatic suspension.
Exiting the classroom I want the opportunity to tell you goodbye – and you’d better say it back! Please remain seated until the bell rings. We DO NOT line up at the door.