Грязнова Валентина Сергеевна, Virtual excursion Literary Places of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Грязнова Валентина Сергеевна, учитель английского языка МОУ «Лицей №1» п.Тюльган Оренбургской области
What have I done for you, England, my England What have I done for you, England, my England? What is there I would not do, England, my own? With your glorious eyes austere, As the Lord were walking near, Whispering terrible things and dear As the Song on your bugles blown, England— Round the world on your bugles blown!
Literary Tour Northern Ireland Scotland England Wales
Stratford-upon-Avon is William Shakespeare’s birthplace England Henley Street Stratford-upon-Avon William Shakespeare's School William Shakespeare's Birthplace
The Globe Theatre The most famous and popular plays nowadays are «Romeo and Juliet» (1595), «Hamlet» (1601), «Оthello» (1604), «King Lear» (1605), «Мacbeth» (1606) It is one of the oldest theatres in London on the river Thames In the early 1590s, Shakespeare went to London. He set up his own theatre, the Globe, where his company performed The company presents Shakespeare's works in a lively way so that today’s audiences can enjoy his plays as much as audiences did in the 16th century
The House-Museum of Jane Austen in Bath Jane Austen spent her short life in Hampshire, near the south coast of England. Her famous novels are "Sense and Sensibility" (1811), "Pride and Prejudice" (1813), "Emma" (1815), Northanger Abbey" (1818) and "Persuasion" (1818). These novels describe the everyday life of people in the upper-middle class circles .
England produced and inspired these celebrated writers Percy Bisshe Shelley William Wordsworth Emily , Anne, Charlotte Bronte Geoffrey Chaucer
You can visit Charles Dickens ‘s Museum in Portsmouth, England Charles Dickens was the most popular novelist in the English language in the nineteenth century. His popular works are “The Picwick Papers”, “Oliver Twist”, “A Christmas Carol”, “David Copperfield “, “A Tale of Two Cities” Charles Dickens When he was only 12, Charles had to leave school and work in a factory. His novels often tell the stories of young children who work hard to escape а life of poverty
Sherlock Holmes Museum The Statue of W.Shakespeare 221B Baker Street was assigned to the Sherlock Holmes Museum on 27 March 1990 Sherlock Holmes Museum Arthur Conan Doyle The Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey The best place to begin a literary exploration of London is at Westminster Abbey. Here you’ll find the Poet’s Corner with monuments and tombs of outstanding writers: Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling,Chaucer, Spenser, Dryden, Ben Jonson, and Milton, Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, Walter Scott, Thackeray The Statue of W.Shakespeare tour
Wales Guardian Hay Festival of Literature White Rabbit Memorial Guardian Hay Festival of Literature Wales inspired Lewis Carrol to write his literary treasure “ Alice in Wonderland’ Lewis Carrol
Cardiff is the motherland of Roald Dahl Roald Dahl is the modern children’s writer Museum of R.Dahl Cardiff is the motherland of Roald Dahl
Children’s books combine frightening things with humour
September, 13 - Roald Dahl’s Day
Ireland is the birthplace of the famous writer Oscar Wilde Northern Ireland He is famous for his play “The Importance of Being Earnest” and the story “The Picture of Dorian Gray”
A beautiful Garden before O. Wilde’s House A monument in the Garden Могила Оскара Уайльда в Père Lachaise The Museum of writers The Tomb of Oscar Wilde A beautiful Garden before O. Wilde’s House A monument in the Garden The House of the Wilde’s family
The most popular books of Oscar Wilde tour
Robert Burn’s Memorial Scotland has been opened by two famous natives of those places – Robert Burns and Walter Scott Scotland A Statue of R.Burns Robert Burn’s Memorial Robert Burns was born in Alloway, in Aurshire
Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet is the famous Scottish poet and writer Abbotsford House A beautiful garden in the family’s estate Sir Walter Scott statue, Edinburgh W.Scott’s estate in Abbotsford W. Scott The Scott Monument in Edinburgh's Princes Street
whose ancestors were closely linked to Sir Walter Scott. The annual Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction was created in 2010 by the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch, whose ancestors were closely linked to Sir Walter Scott. At £25,000 it is one of the largest prizes in British literature
My Heart in the Highlands My heart’s in the Highlands Farewell to the north Chasing the wild deer The birthplace of valour wherever I go wherever I rove The hills of the Highlands Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth ; Wherever I wander, wherever I rove, The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
His real name was Charles Dodgson. What is his pseudonym? Викторина His books described the life in Victorian England and showed how hard it was, especially for the poor and for children. Who is this writer? A popular British writer, especially of children’s books which often combine frightening with humour. Who is this? What place in Oxford is connected with Lewis Carroll and his story "Alice in Wonderland“? His real name was Charles Dodgson. What is his pseudonym? Who is the author of the poem “My Heart in the Highlands? What have you known about him? What places are connected with William Shakespeare? How is the famous Scottish poet R. Burns honoured by Scottish people? What places in Britain are connected with Jane Austen? Where is Conan Doyle’s Museum? Who wrote “People and Prejudice and Emma”? Who was the most popular novelist in the English language in the nineteenth century? What is 221 Baker Street in London famous for? What places are connected with Roald Dahl? Where is the Poet’s Corner? What country is the motherland of Walter Scott? What have you known about Oscar Wilde ?