Brainstorm E.g. Global warming flying – CO2, holidays save energy – lights, TV, energy efficient appliances, insulation renewable sources – wind, sun, water, nuclear? food – no meat rain forests – replant trees waste – plastic bags, recycled paper, junk mail travel – on foot, by bike, public transport
Order your ideas Global warming I travel a walk or cycle to work or school b use public transport c do not fly II home a energy efficient appliances b insulation c renewable sources for energy III waste a plastic bags b recycle (paper, glass, plastic, batteries) c cancel junk mail
Thesis statement Global warming concerns all of us. Global warming is a problem that can be solved. We need to stop global warming. We all have a responsibility to help tackle global warming.
Body Paragraphs Structure: key sentence + supporting points and elaboration
Introduction and Conclusion Introduction: attention grabber + elaboration thesis statement Conclusion: review main points in different words Title
Check! Done! order of paragraphs assignment structure clear? (use linking words) grammar (word order!) spelling range of vocabulary Done!