Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!
Risk Factors
Fact or Fiction? Throughout the presentation you will be asked to read the following statements & decide if they are fact or fiction!
How many chemicals are in Stub out Smoking? How many chemicals are in one cigarette? OVER 4,000 There are over 4,000 chemicals in just one cigarette. It doesn’t matter if they are cigarettes bought in a packet or ones you make up yourself. All the tobacco comes from the same fields and all is treated before being packaged in their different forms.
Preserves animals in museums What’s in a cigarette? Butane Lighter fluid DDT/Delidrin Insecticides Methanol Jet fuel Hydrogen Cyanide Gas chamber poison Formaldehyde Preserves animals in museums Arsenic Poison Toluene Industrial solvent Ethanol Alcohol Cadmium Batteries Lead Pencil Can you name any of the chemicals that are found in a cigarette? Talk through the chemicals above: Be careful not to dwell to long on the gas chamber poison, as this may be upsetting The three most harmful chemicals and the only ones named on the packet are: Nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. We will talk about these in a minute. 5
3 most harmful chemicals are: Nicotine – Addiction Carbon monoxide -COPD Tar Carbon monoxide - Heart attack & stroke Addiction – Nicotine Currently Nicotine has not been proven to be harmful to our bodies in any other way apart from the addiction issue. However, it is the only thing that draws you back for another cigarette. It addicts you to the cigarette. Nicotine is absorbed through the skin and mucosal lining of the nose and mouth or in the lungs (through inhalation) and travels to the brain to release endorphins which make the smoker feel better. This is a trick the brain is playing on the body as I really puts more stress on the body. COPD - stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This happens when, over the years, the tar and carbon monoxide cause the air sacs to collapse and it makes it very hard for the person to breathe. Heart attack and stroke: Arteries become blocked, this is due to cholesterol building in the arteries and the carbon monoxide causing the blood to become sticker and clot. If an artery gets blocked to the brain this is known as a stroke If an artery gets blocked to the heart this is known as a heart attack Tar dyes the lungs black and along with carbon monoxide can cause COPD.
Smoking can cause high blood pressure Fact or Fiction Smoking can cause high blood pressure Fact Nicotine is a stimulant and raises both blood pressure and heart rate. The carbon monoxide by stiffening the arteries and roughening their surfaces encouraging the bad cholesterol to stick to the walls. This can lead to high blood pressure
Nicotine takes 1 minute to get to the brain Fact or Fiction Nicotine takes 1 minute to get to the brain Fiction Addiction – Nicotine Nicotine is absorbed through the skin and mucosal lining of the nose and mouth or in the lungs (through inhalation). Nicotine can reach peak levels in the bloodstream and brain rapidly, depending on how it is taken. Cigarette smoking results in nicotine reaching the brain within just 10 seconds of inhalation. However, cigar and pipe smokers, on the other hand, typically do not inhale the smoke, so nicotine is absorbed more slowly through the mucosal membranes of their mouths (as is nicotine from smokeless tobacco). - Nicotine is not been proven to be physically harmful to the body
How many cigarettes a day are in this jar of tar? 20 cigarettes a day for a year How many cigarettes a day are in this jar of tar? The answer is 20 a day, this is how many the average smoker smokes a day in N.Ireland 10 a day in Northern Ireland is classified as a light smoker. How many days are in a year? 365 days x 10 gives you 3650 cigarettes a year for a light smoker! So for an average smoker of 20 a day that is 7300 cigarettes a year. That tar is inhaled when it is vapour and travels down into the lungs, the tar actually seeps into the lung tissue and turns it black over time and darkens the colour of your other organs also. Some of it is disposed of by your body the vapour can be exhaled and the body will remove some often and that is why you see smokers spit up phlegm which is brown. Along with the carbon monoxide it over time collapses the air sacs, causing COPD.
What will happen to my body if I smoke? Arteries to the brain get blocked = stroke Arteries to the heart get blocked = heart attack Some of the things that will happen to your body if you smoke. Arteries become blocked, this is due to cholesterol building in the arteries and the cigarette causing the blood to become sticker and clot. If an artery gets blocked to the brain this is known as a stroke If an artery gets blocked to the heart this is known as a heart attack Tar dyes the lungs black and along with carbon monoxide can cause COPD. COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, this is where the air sacs collapse and it is very hard for the person to breathe. Tar dyes the lungs black & can cause COPD
What will happen to my body if I smoke? Yellow teeth, hair and nails; Bad breath Deep wrinkles Increases the risk of diabetes type 2 Possible Cancer Fact Yellow teeth, hair and nails are caused by the nicotine staining them Bad breath – when you smoke you are breathing in smoke particles which linger in the mouth and throat. In bad cases the smoke dries out the mouth and tongue this can lead to bacteria growing in your mouth and the bad smell Deep wrinkles – smoking ages you prematurely, as the it narrows the blood vessels to the face which restricts blood flow to the skin. It also over the years breaks down the collagen in your face and causes wrinkles. Smoking is a cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus and can make it harder to control. The risk of developing diabetes is 30–40% higher for active smokers than non smokers. As we all know smoking can cause lots of kinds of cancer.
Aprilage 16 years old 64 years old © 2014 Aprilage Inc. The above is a picture of a 16 year old girl and we have aged her to the age of 64 years old as a smoker using software called aprilage. As you can see she has the deep wrinkles and yellowing skin that we talked about in the previous slide. Smoking tends to make smokers look older than they really are. 16 years old 64 years old © 2014 Aprilage Inc.
Community support groups Every second counts! After 20 mins – your blood pressure and pulse return to normal Within 24 hrs-48hrs carbon monoxide is back to normal environmental levels 72 hrs – nicotine is gone from your system 3 days – 6 month – breathing gets easier and have more energy 1 year – risk of a heart attack is half that of a smoker 15 years – risk of a heart attack is now the same as a non smoker The best place to get help is by speaking to your GP or Pharmacist as they can give advice and prescribe NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy). Often local communities have support groups as some people prefer to meet with like minded people trying to quit. Smoker’s helpline is free and can provide advice. Website provides with information and can signpost you to services in your area. Doctors/Pharmacist Community support groups Smoker’s Helpline: 0808 812 8008
My lungs will repair themselves once I quit smoking Fact or Fiction My lungs will repair themselves once I quit smoking Unfortunately, not all damage is reversible when you have COPD it cannot be undone. Once diagnosed, the damage is done and the lungs do not repair themselves. However, stopping smoking will slow the progress of if you have COPD. If the smoker is lucky and they don’t have COPD the lungs can start to repair themselves. Often people who stop may get a cold, this might be the body working hard to get rid of the toxins in it, so they get sick easier. This will pass and the smoker will feel better for stopping smoking Fiction
Community support groups Help someone to quit! If you know someone who wants to quit – REMEMBER it is there choice They can get help from: Doctors/Pharmacist Community support groups Smoker’s Helpline: 0808 812 8008 The best place to get help is by speaking to your GP or Pharmacist as they can give advice and prescribe NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy). Often local communities have support groups as some people prefer to meet with like minded people trying to quit. Smoker’s helpline is free and can provide advice. Website provides with information and can signpost you to services in your area.
Stop Smoking Apps NHS Smokefree App NHS stop smoking App
NICHS Advice Eat a balanced diet Stub out smoking Kids 60 mins. of P.A a day Eat a balanced diet Eat a balanced diet Children - 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity a day Adults – 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity a week Stub out smoking Stub out smoking