St Mark’s Medical Centre Newsletter March 2014 Branch Surgery Nightingale, Woolwich Common Tel 020 8854 6262 ( St Mark’s) / 020 8854 8236 (Nightingale) Practice Webpage You can link into our own St Mark’s Website from here by clicking on Services near you -GPs and putting in the postcode of the surgery St Mark’s SE18 3EP. Nightingale Surgery SE18 4DQ Practice Newsletter This is the 3rd edition of our Practice newsletter. We now have 48 Patients requesting this by email and paper copies are available at Reception. What is a DNA ? DNA is short for Did Not Attend. It means that a patient has booked an appointment and did not phone or reply to the text message to cancel this appointment and did not attend on the day to keep the appointment with the GP or nurse. If you do not get text message reminders and you have a mobile phone then it means we do not have your most recent number so please keep us updated. Missed appointments December GP 232 Nurse 58 January GP 220 Nurse 59 February GP 182 Nurse 56 PLEASE KEEP OR CANCEL APPOINTMENTS Nurse Jean It is with great sadness that we share with you that Jean passed away in February Jean joined the Practice in April 2004. She was a devoted, caring and extremely competent nurse who will be greatly missed by patients and staff Address Change Please make sure you tell us if you change your address. You could be taken off the practice list if letters are sent by the NHS to your old address and returned undelivered. Smear Tests If you are between 25 – 64 years It is important that you have a regular routine smear test every 3 – 5years. Phone the surgery to check if you are due for an update
Quiz There have been so many colds and viruses in the last 3 months and the surgery has been very busy How can you help ? Try this simple quiz first Quiz What percentage of infectious diseases are passed on by touch ? 10% 50 % 80% How long should you wash your hands for to make them clean and infection free ? 2-5 secs 5- 10 secs 15 – 30 secs Medical Facts Bacteria and viruses are carried in the mucus from a runny nose and by airborne droplets when the infectious person sneezes or by touching items that the infectious person has touched. Washing your hands regularly and not sharing cups with the infected person will help to stop the virus spreading and help prevent passing on bacteria. We have hand wash posters in the toilets and outside reception. Always wash with warm water and soap and if using hand gel make sure it is well rubbed into all parts of your hands. Would you like to be part of our patient group ? Email us for further details NO SMOKING DAY 12 MARCH 2014 This is another attempt to get smokers to quit. This campaign is talking about how quitting will stop your health deteriorating and leave more money in your bank account. Websites to look at You can make an appointment to see our practice nurse. She can test the amount of carbon monoxide in your lungs and help you by prescribing patches to help you quit smoking. Start saving now for a summer holiday with the money you save by not smoking 80 % and 15-30secs Answers to the quiz