7-2 The Skull The Skull : The brain Entrances to respiratory system


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Presentation transcript:

7-2 The Skull The Skull : The brain Entrances to respiratory system Entrance to digestive system 22 bones 8 Form the braincase, or cranium 14 Protect and support entrances to digestive and respiratory tracts © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-2 Cranial and Facial Subdivisions of the Skull (Part 1 of 3). FACE 14 CRANIUM 8 ASSOCIATED BONES 7 7 Maxillae 2 Occipital bone 1 Palatine bones 2 Parietal bones 2 1 Hyoid bone 1 Auditory ossicles enclosed in temporal bones (detailed in Chapter 17) 6 Nasal bones 2 Frontal bone Inferior nasal conchae 2 Temporal bones 2 Zygomatic bones 2 Sphenoid 1 Lacrimal bones 2 Ethmoid 1 Vomer 1 Mandible 1 Hyoid bone

Figure 7-2 Cranial and Facial Subdivisions of the Skull (Part 2 of 3). Frontal bone Parietal bone Nasal bone Lacrimal bone Vomer Temporal bone Zygomatic bone Ethmoid Maxilla Sphenoid Occipital bone Mandible Facial bones protect and support the entrances to the digestive and respiratory tracts. Cranial bones surround and protect the brain.

Figure 7-2 Cranial and Facial Subdivisions of the Skull (Part 3 of 3). Auditory ossicles

7-2 The Skull Cranial Bones Enclose the Which contains the brain And its fluids, blood vessels, nerves, and membranes © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Skull Facial Bones Superficial facial bones Deep facial bones For Deep facial bones Separate the oral and nasal cavities Form the © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-3a The Adult Skull. Major Sutures of the Skull Sagittal suture Parietal bone (left) Parietal bone (right) Lambdoid suture Occipital bone Squamous suture Temporal bone Mastoid process Styloid process Occipital condyle External occipital protuberance Mandible Posterior view a

Figure 7-3b The Adult Skull. Occipital bone Major Sutures of the Skull Lambdoid suture Parietal bone (right) Parietal bone (left) Sagittal suture Coronal suture Frontal bone Zygomatic Bone Nasal bones Superior view b

Figure 7-3c The Adult Skull. Major Sutures of the Skull Parietal bone Frontal bone Coronal suture Sphenoid Squamous suture Supraorbital foramen Temporal bone Nasal bone Lambdoid suture Lacrimal bone Squamous part of temporal bone Ethmoid Infraorbital foramen Occipital bone Maxilla External acoustic meatus Zygomatic bone Mastoid process Styloid process Mandible Zygomatic process of temporal bone Mental foramen Zygomatic arch Temporal process of zygomatic bone Mental protuberance Lateral view c

Figure 7-3d The Adult Skull. Sagittal suture Foramen or Fissure Major Structures Using Passageway Parietal bone Coronal suture Frontal Bone Nasal bone Supraorbital foramen • Supraorbital nerve (branch of N V) • Supraorbital artery Ethmoid Temporal bone Sphenoid Palatine bone Optic canal • Optic nerve (N II) • Ophthalmic artery Lacrimal bone Superior orbital fissure • Oculomotor nerve (N III), trochlear nerve (N IV), opthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve (N V), and abducens nerve (N VI) Zygomatic bone Mastoid process of temporal bone Inferior orbital fissure • Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve (N V) Middle nasal concha (part of ethmoid) Maxilla Inferior nasal concha Infraorbital foramen • Infraorbital nerve, branch of maxillary nerve (N V) Bony nasal septum • Infraorbital artery Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Mandible Vomer Anterior view Mental foramen • Mental nerve, branch of mandibular nerve (N V) d Mental protuberance • Mental vessels

Figure 7-3e The Adult Skull. Frontal bone Sphenoid Maxilla Foramen lacerum (with temporal and occipital bones) • Internal carotid artery after leaving carotid canal Palatine bone Zygomatic bone • Auditory tube Zygomatic arch Foramen ovale • Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve (N V) Medial and lateral pterygoid processes Temporal Bone Vomer External acoustic meatus • Air in meatus conducts sound to eardrum Styloid process Mandibular fossa Occipital condyle Carotid canal • Internal carotid artery Stylomastoid foramen • Facial nerve (N V) Mastoid process Occipital Bone Foramen magnum • Medulla oblongata (most caudal portion of brain) Lambdoid suture Occipital bone • Accessory nerve (XI) • Vertebral arteries External occipital protuberance Jugular foramen • Glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves (N IX, X, XI) (with temporal bone) Inferior view e

Figure 7-4 Sectional Anatomy of the Skull (Part 1 of 9).

Figure 7-4 Sectional Anatomy of the Skull (Part 2 of 9).

7-2 The Skull Superficial Facial Bones Deep Facial Bones = maxillary bones Lacrimal Zygomatic Deep Facial Bones Inferior nasal conchae © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Skull Cavities that decrease the weight of the skull Lined with membranes Protect the entrances of the respiratory system © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Skull Sutures The immovable joints of the skull The four major sutures suture Coronal suture Sagittal suture © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Skull Lambdoid Suture Coronal Suture Separates bones May contain sutural (Wormian) bones Coronal Suture Attaches frontal bone to parietal bones The calvaria (skullcap) Consists of occipital, parietal, and frontal bones © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Skull Sagittal Suture Squamous Sutures the bones From lambdoid suture to coronal suture Squamous Sutures Form boundaries bones bones © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull Occipital bone Parietal bones Frontal bone Temporal bones Sphenoid Ethmoid © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Occipital Bone Functions of the Forms the posterior and inferior surfaces of the cranium Articulations of the occipital bone Parietal bones Temporal bones Sphenoid First cervical vertebra ( ) © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Occipital Bone Marks of the occipital bone External occipital protuberance External occipital crest Occipital condyles articulate with neck Inferior and superior nuchal lines: attachment sites of muscles and ligaments © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Occipital Bone Foramina of the occipital bone Foramen magnum connects cranial and spinal cavities Jugular foramen for jugular vein Hypoglossal canals for hypoglossal nerves © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-5a The Occipital and Parietal Bones. Hypoglossal canal Occipital condyle Foramen magnum External occipital crest Inferior nuchal line Superior nuchal line External occipital protuberance a Occipital bone, inferior view

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull Functions of the parietal bones Form part of the superior and lateral surfaces of the cranium Articulations of the parietal bones Other parietal bone Occipital bone Temporal bone Frontal bone Sphenoid © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Parietal Bones Marks of the parietal bones Superior and inferior temporal lines To attach temporalis muscle Grooves for cranial blood vessels © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-5b The Occipital and Parietal Bones. Superior temporal line Inferior temporal line b Right parietal bone, lateral view

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Frontal Bone Functions of the frontal bone Forms the anterior cranium and upper eye sockets Contains frontal sinuses Articulations of the frontal bone Parietal bone Maxillary Metopic suture Ethmoid Lacrimal bone Zygomatic bone Spenoid Nasal bone © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Frontal Bone Marks of the frontal bone Frontal squama (forehead) Supraorbital margin (protects eye) Lacrimal fossa (for tear ducts) Frontal sinuses © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Frontal Bone Foramina of the frontal bone Supraorbital foramen For blood vessels of eyebrows, eyelids, and frontal sinuses Supraorbital notch An incomplete supraorbital foramen © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-6a The Frontal Bone. Frontal (metopic) suture Frons Superior temporal line Glabella Supraorbital margin Supraorbital notch a Anterior surface

Figure 7-6b The Frontal Bone. Supraorbital foramen Frontal sinus Supraorbital margin Lacrimal fossa b Inferior (orbital) surface

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Temporal Bones Functions of the temporal bones Part of lateral walls of cranium and zygomatic arches Articulate with mandible Surround and protect inner ear Attach muscles of jaws and head © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Temporal Bones Articulations of the temporal bones Zygomatic bone Sphenoid Parietal bone Occipital bone Mandible © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Temporal Bones Marks of the temporal bones Squamous part Zygomatic process Mandibular fossa Mastoid process Styloid process Petrous part Auditory ossicles © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull Squamous Part Borders the squamous suture Zygomatic Process Inferior to the squamous portion Articulates with temporal process of zygomatic bone Forms zygomatic arch (cheekbone) Mandibular Fossa Articulates with the mandible © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull Mastoid Process For muscle attachment Contains mastoid air cells connected to middle ear Styloid Process To attach tendons and ligaments of the hyoid, tongue, and pharynx Petrous Part Encloses structures of the inner ear © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull Auditory Ossicles Three tiny bones in tympanic cavity (middle ear) Transfer sound from tympanic membrane (eardrum) to inner ear © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Temporal Bones Foramina of the temporal bones Carotid canal for internal carotid artery Foramen lacerum For carotid and small arteries Hyaline cartilage Auditory tube © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Temporal Bones Foramina of the temporal bones External acoustic meatus (canal) ends at tympanic membrane Stylomastoid foramen for facial nerve Internal acoustic meatus (canal) For blood vessels and nerves of the inner ear Facial nerve © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-7a The Temporal Bones. Petrous part Squamous part (cerebral surface) Internal acoustic meatus Mastoid process Zygomatic process Styloid process Medial view of the right temporal bone a

Figure 7-7b The Temporal Bones. Squamous part Mandibular fossa External acoustic meatus Zygomatic process Styloid process Mastoid process b Lateral view of the right temporal bone

Figure 7-7bc The Temporal Bones. Squamous part Mandibular fossa External acoustic meatus Zygomatic process External acoustic meatus Styloid process Mastoid process b Lateral view of the right temporal bone Mastoid process, cut to show mastoid cells c A cutaway view of the mastoid cells

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Sphenoid Functions of the sphenoid Part of the floor of the cranium Unites cranial and facial bones Strengthens sides of the skull Contains sphenoidal sinuses © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Sphenoid Articulations of the sphenoid Ethmoid Frontal bone Occipital bone Parietal bone Temporal bone Palatine bones Zygomatic bones Maxillae Vomer © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Sphenoid Marks of the sphenoid Sphenoid body Sella turcica Hypophyseal fossa Sphenoidal sinuses Lesser wings Greater wings Pterygoid processes © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull Sphenoid Body At the central axis of the sphenoid Sella Turcica Saddle-shaped enclosure On the superior surface of the body Hypophyseal Fossa A depression within the sella turcica Holds the pituitary gland © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull Sphenoidal Sinuses On either side of the body Inferior to the sella turcica Lesser Wings Anterior to the sella turcica © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull Greater Wings Form part of the cranial floor Sphenoidal spine Posterior wall of the orbit Pterygoid Processes Form pterygoid plates To attach muscles of the lower jaw and soft palate © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Sphenoid Foramina of the sphenoid Optic canals for optic nerves Superior orbital fissure for blood vessels and nerves of the orbit Foramen rotundum for blood vessels and nerves of the face Foramen ovale for blood vessels and nerves of the face Foramen spinosum for blood vessels and nerves of the jaws © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Superior surface Foramen rotundum Optic groove Optic canal Lesser wing Figure 7-8a The Sphenoid. Foramen rotundum Optic groove Optic canal Lesser wing Foramen ovale Greater wing Foramen spinosum Sphenoidal spine Sella turcica a Superior surface

Superior orbital fissure Figure 7-8b The Sphenoid. Superior orbital fissure Sphenoidal sinus Lesser wing Greater wing Orbital surface Body Foramen rotundum Pterygoid process Pterygoid plates b Anterior surface

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Ethmoid Functions of the ethmoid Forms anteromedial floor of the cranium Roof of the nasal cavity Part of the nasal septum and medial orbital wall Contains ethmoidal air cells (network of sinuses) © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Ethmoid Articulations of the ethmoid Frontal bone Sphenoid Nasal bone Lacrimal bone Palatine bone Maxillary bones Inferior nasal conchae Vomer © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Ethmoid Three parts of the ethmoid The cribriform plate The two lateral masses The perpendicular plate © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Cribriform Plate Floor of the cranium Roof of the nasal cavity Contains the crista galli The Two Lateral Masses Ethmoidal labyrinth (ethmoidal air cells) Superior nasal conchae Middle nasal conchae The Perpendicular Plate Part of the nasal septum © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Cranial Bones of the Skull The Ethmoid Foramina of the ethmoid Olfactory foramina In the cribriform plate For olfactory nerves © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Superior surface Lateral mass containing ethmoidal labyrinth Olfactory Figure 7-9a The Ethmoid. Lateral mass containing ethmoidal labyrinth Olfactory foramina Cribriform plate Crista galli Perpendicular plate a Superior surface

Posterior surface Crista galli Superior nasal concha Figure 7-9b The Ethmoid. Crista galli Superior nasal concha Perpendicular plate Middle nasal concha Posterior surface b

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull Maxillae (maxillary bones) Palatine bones Nasal bones Vomer Inferior nasal conchae Zygomatic bones Lacrimal bones Mandible © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Maxillae Functions of the maxillae Support upper teeth Form inferior orbital rim Form lateral margins of external nares Form upper jaw and hard palate Contain maxillary sinuses (largest sinuses) © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Maxillae Articulations of the maxillae Frontal bones Ethmoid With one another All other facial bones except the mandible © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Maxillae Marks of the maxillae Orbital rim protects eye and orbit Anterior nasal spine attaches cartilaginous anterior nasal septum Alveolar processes border the mouth and support upper teeth Palatine processes form the hard palate (roof of mouth) Maxillary sinuses lighten bone Nasolacrimal canal protects lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Maxillae Foramina of the maxillae Infraorbital foramen For sensory nerve to brain (via foramen rotundum of sphenoid) Inferior orbital fissure For cranial nerves and blood vessels © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-10a The Maxillae and Palatine Bones. Orbital rim Infraorbital foramen Anterior nasal spine Alveolar process Zygomatic process a An anterolateral view of the right maxilla.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Palatine Bones Functions of the palatine bones Form the posterior portion of the hard palate Contribute to the floors of the orbits © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Palatine Bones Articulations of the palatine bones With other palatine bone Maxillae Sphenoid Ethmoid Inferior nasal conchae Vomer © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Palatine Bones Divisions of the palatine bones Horizontal plate: posterior part of hard palate Perpendicular plate from horizontal plate to orbital process of orbit floor Foramina of the palatine bones Many in the lateral portion of the horizontal plate For small blood vessels and nerves of the roof of the mouth © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-10b The Maxillae and Palatine Bones. Palatine bone (horizontal plate) Palatine process Alveolar process Maxillary sinus b Superior view of a horizontal section through right maxilla and palatine bone; note the size and orientation of the maxillary sinus.

Figure 7-10c The Maxillae and Palatine Bones. Orbital process Perpendicular plate Horizontal plate An anterior view of the two palatine bones. c

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Nasal Bones Functions of the nasal bones Support the bridge of the nose Connect to cartilages of the distal part of the nose (external nares) © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Nasal Bones Articulations of the nasal bones With other nasal bones Ethmoid Frontal bones Maxillae © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Vomer Functions of the vomer Forms the inferior portion of the bony nasal septum Articulations of the vomer Sphenoid Ethmoid Palatine bones Maxillae Cartilaginous part of the nasal septum © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Inferior Nasal Conchae Functions of the inferior nasal conchae To create air turbulence in the nasal cavity To increase the epithelial surface area To warm and humidify inhaled air © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Inferior Nasal Conchae Articulations of the inferior nasal conchae Ethmoid Maxillae Palatine bones Lacrimal bones © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Zygomatic Bones Functions of the zygomatic bones Contribute to the rim and lateral wall of the orbit Form part of the zygomatic arch Articulations of the zygomatic bones Sphenoid Frontal bone Temporal bones Maxillae © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Zygomatic Bones Marks of the zygomatic bones Temporal process Meets the zygomatic process of the temporal bone Foramina of the zygomatic bones Zygomaticofacial foramen For sensory nerves of cheeks © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Lacrimal Bones Functions of the lacrimal bones The smallest facial bones Form part of the medial wall of the orbit Articulations of the lacrimal bones Frontal bone Maxillae Ethmoid © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Lacrimal Bones Marks of the lacrimal bones Lacrimal sulcus Location of the lacrimal sac Leads to the nasolacrimal canal (between orbit and nasal cavity) © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

Figure 7-11 The Smaller Bones of the Face (Part 1 of 2). Supraorbital foramen Nasal bone Sphenoid Temporal bone Zygomaticofacial foramen Zygomatic bone Infraorbital foramen Maxilla Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Vomer Bony nasal septum

Figure 7-11 The Smaller Bones of the Face (Part 2 of 2). Lacrimal sulcus Optic canal Superior orbital fissure Lacrimal bone Middle nasal concha Inferior nasal concha Temporal process of zygomatic bone Mastoid process Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Vomer Bony nasal septum

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Mandible Functions of the mandible Forms the lower jaw Articulations of the mandible Mandibular fossae of the temporal bones © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Mandible Marks of the mandible Body of the mandible is horizontal portion Alveolar processes support the lower teeth Mental protuberance attaches facial muscles A depression on the medial surface for submandibular salivary gland Mylohyoid line for insertion of the mylohyoid muscle (floor of mouth) © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Mandible Marks of the mandible Ramus ascending from the mandibular angle on either side Condylar process articulates with temporal bone at temporomandibular joint Coronoid process: insertion point for temporalis muscle (closes the jaws) Mandibular notch separates condylar and coronoid processes © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Mandible Foramina of the mandible Mental foramina For sensory nerves of lips and chin Mandibular foramen Entrance to the mandibular canal For blood vessels and nerves of lower teeth © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Hyoid Bone Functions of the hyoid bone Supports the larynx Attaches muscles of the larynx, pharynx, and tongue Articulations of the hyoid bone Connects lesser horns to styloid processes of temporal bones © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Hyoid Bone Marks of the hyoid bone Body of the hyoid Attaches muscles of larynx, tongue, and pharynx © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

7-2 The Facial Bones of the Skull The Hyoid Bone Marks of the hyoid bone Greater horns (greater cornua) Support larynx Attach muscles of the tongue Lesser horns (lesser cornua) Attach stylohyoid ligaments Support hyoid and larynx © 2015 Pearson Education Inc.

A lateral and slightly superior view of the mandible Figure 7-12a The Mandible. Articular surface for temporomandibular joint Coronoid process Teeth Mandibular notch Head Ramus Mental protuberance Condylar process Body Mental foramen Angle a A lateral and slightly superior view of the mandible

A medial view of the right mandible Figure 7-12b The Mandible. Articular surface Alveolar process Condylar process Coronoid process Mandibular foramen Mylohyoid line Depression for submandibular salivary gland A medial view of the right mandible b

Figure 7-13 An Anterior View of the Hyoid Bone. Greater horn Lesser horn Body An anterior view of the hyoid bone