Egyptian Society CHW3M
Social Organization Similar to Mesopotamia Pharoah (who for most of Egypt’s history is viewed as a living god) is at the top of the social order Owns all lands Military leader High priest The Nobility and Military leaders are next Important positions are usually hereditary
Social Organization Priests and Scribes Educated class Priests perform key religious functions Scribes read/write, therefore they also collect taxes, organize army rations, keep records, and act as teachers Most government administrators, military leaders, and high priests were once scribes
Social Organization Craftspeople Weavers, potters, stonemasons, brick-makers, carpenters, metal-workers, etc. Important for constructing buildings/monuments, as well as clothing and equipping Egyptians Also produced goods for trade
Social Organization Peasants Most of population Farmers Illiterate Received only subsistence wages, and owed corvee duties (provide labour building tombs, temples, irrigation, etc.) Avoiding duties would result in permanent service
Social Organization Slaves Prisoners of War Women and children did household work Men worked as soldiers, labourers, or farmers Were allowed to own property Could be set free
Marriage Often between members of the same family Cousins, uncles/nieces, sometimes brother/sister but not common No ceremony, just a contract Polygamy was legal but not common
The Importance of Appearance Personal grooming was important to all classes of Egyptians People washed at least twice a day, and many wore perfumed wigs Cosmetics were widely used by both men and women, and both used perfume
Food Bread and beer Fruits and vegetables Milk, cheese, butter Fish, duck, geese For the wealthy: Beef, antelope, gazelle Grape, date, palm wine
Assignment Draw a representation of a typical scene of daily life for an Egyptian… Priest Scribe Craftsperson Peasant Slave