Welcome to YRL’s Teen SRC! Thanks. How do I participate? Look through our challenge cards and pick one! The more of it you complete, the more entries you will earn into the draw. What’s up for grabs in the draw? We will pool all entries and draw three names, who will each win a $50 gift card to the retailer of your choice, such as Chapters, Cineplex, or iTunes!
Sweet! Can I connect with other people doing the challenges? Absolutely! We are running this contest through Facebook. Visit us at: https://www.facebook.com/YRLTeenSRC/ Like the page and PM your name, library and contact info for a free entry into the draw! Post pictures of your progress through your Challenge Card: pictures of you doing challenges, of your completed challenges, or anything else you want! Do not to include your full name or any contact info in your posts. Aliases welcome!
How do I qualify to enter the draw? Completion of challenges in multiples of 3 (but less than a full card) earns one entry per trio. Completion of a full card with 9- 10 challenges earns 5 entries; cards with 11-12 challenges earns 7 entries. Examples: Katelyn completes six challenges on her card before turning it in. She earns two entries (2 x 3 challenges). Jack completes a full card of 10 challenges. He earns 5 entries.
Okay, so how do I get my entries into the draw? And when is it? You have several choices. To enter the draw, you can: Email your card to jschell@yrl.ab.ca; Hand your card in at your library (they will forward it to the right person); or PM an image of your card to us through Facebook. You must provide your name, library, and contact information to be eligible to win. Draw for gift cards will take place on Friday, August 18th. Good luck and have fun!
What will you read/watch/listen/do today? YRL Summer Reading Game Name: Library: Email/Phone: Listen to an audiobook A book you learned about online Discover and do an exercise or sport you’ve never done before A book set in an area of Canada you’ve never visited Do your newspaper’s crossword or Sudoku every day for a week Find and cook a new recipe Go Geocaching A book you chose because you loved the cover A story based on true events
What will you read/ watch/listen/ do/ learn today? A book set in Africa, written by an African writer Play a new board game A book written by a Canadian That book you keep saying you’ve read but you never have! Make a recipe you’ve never tried before A book published in the decade you were born Program and use a robot Convince someone to listen to a podcast Do a puzzle you’ve never done before What will you read/ watch/listen/ do/ learn today? YRL Summer Reading Game Name: Library: Email/Phone:
What will you read/watch/listen/do today? Build your resume A book with a one word title A book based on a true story A nonfiction work A story with non-human characters Make a blueprint, build a structure Use the sports pages to predict who will win at sports for a week Ask a librarian for a book recommendation Try out a musical instrument for a week Do math problems for 10 minutes a day for a week YRL Summer Reading Game Name: Library: Email/Phone: What will you read/watch/listen/do today?
What will you read/watch/listen/do today? A nonfiction book about science A book with a female heroine A book you judged by its cover A book with a non- human character A travel book A graphic novel Create a blueprint and build a structure Write a story or a letter using a pen Use Lynda.com to learn a new skill Spend an hour learning a new language, or coding A story set in an area of Canada you’ve never been to A “classic” What will you read/watch/listen/do today? YRL Summer Reading Game Name: Library: Email/Phone:
What will you read/watch/listen/do today? YRL Summer Reading Game Name: Library: Email/Phone: Listen to a podcast Read news for 15 mins a day for a week Create a Zentangle written by an African writer A book set in Africa and A book that has been nominated for any Canadian literary award, in any category A book you chose because you loved the cover A story that was published in the decade you were born A magazine on Zinio Build and fly a kite Poetry
What will you read/watch/listen/do today? Create and go on a scavenger hunt Find and cook a new recipe A book with an indigenous character A “classic” Book published in 2016 or 2017 Review a book, movie or game for someone Short stories Create a work of art Build and fly a kite A book that made you cry Create a resume What will you read/watch/listen/do today? YRL Summer Reading Game Name: Library: Email/Phone:
What will you read/watch/listen/do today? YRL Summer Reading Game Name: Library: Email/Phone: Write a book, movie or game review A graphic novel A novel with an indigenous character A non-fiction book A book you learned about online Do a puzzle Learn about and do a new exercise or sport A story with a female heroine Talk to a librarian to get a reading recommendation Try out learning a musical instrument for a week Listen to a podcast What will you read/watch/listen/do today?
watch/listen/do today? Use A to Z Maps Online to plan a dream vacation A travel book First book in a series A play Make a plan to improve one aspect of your personal health or behaviour and do it for one week A book that has been nominated for a Canadian book award in any category Try a craft you’ve never done before Do math problems for 10 mins a day for five days A book that was published in the decade you were born A book that was recommend to you Go geocaching What will you read/ watch/listen/do today? YRL Summer Reading Game Name: Library: Email/Phone: