Welcome-Alex Walters-Independent Chair-Swindon LSCB The LSCB seeks to promote Equal Opportunities & Anti-Discriminatory Practice in all areas of its work. www.swindonlscb.org.uk www.swcpp.org.uk Swindon LSCB
So what are LSCBs? Statutory requirement since 2006. LSCB remit is very broad and covers all aspects of safeguarding-CSE, bullying, e-safety plus children subject to CPP/LAC and Early Help. To co-ordinate what is done by agencies To ensure the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements Swindon LSCB
Core functions Thresholds, policies and procedures function Communicating and raising awareness function Participating in planning and commissioning Evaluating single and multi-agency training Monitoring and evaluation function Functions relating to reviewing all child deaths Serious Case Review function Publishing the Annual Report Swindon LSCB
Membership Membership of Board prescribed and at Senior strategic level Independent LSCB Chair Swindon LSCB has 8 sub groups to deliver its functions-P+P; QA; Performance; Online safety; CRG; CSE; Training; CDOP (shared with Wiltshire) Swindon LSCB
National context From Nov 13, LSCBs are subject to inspection by Ofsted and are graded. The expectation is that LSCBs meet all statutory requirements and functions plus evidence challenge made and impact/improvements. National LSCB Review 2016 and new legislation may lead to future changes Swindon LSCB
How do LSCBs measure effectiveness? Multi-agency performance data and audits, SCRs/LCRs, CDOP,S.11 and numerous reports Feedback from practitioners and children and families. LSCBs- Main Purpose : LEARNING and IMPROVEMENT – hence the Annual LSCB Conference. Swindon LSCB
TODAY’s CONFERENCE PROGRAMME “Laying the foundations for effective safeguarding in Swindon” –what are the key messages for those working in child protection in Swindon? Focus on both National and Local learning Keynote speakers-Dr Susannah Bowyer--Triennial review of SCRs- 2011-14 Felicia Wood-Learning approaches and attachment. Swindon LSCB
KEY LOCAL LEARNING Seminar on the local messages and learning from two current Serious Case Reviews with Helen Davies-Independent Reviewer Seminar on safeguarding arrangements in Swindon with Rachael Ward-LSCB trainer. Swindon LSCB
Key SCR national and local messages Failure to revise judgements in light of new information Rule of Optimism Lack of Professional Curiosity Lack of Professional challenge within and between agencies- escalation and whistle blowing. Swindon LSCB
KEY LOCAL LEARNING In Swindon-escalation of concerns about children by practitioners not evidenced or embedded in practice Escalation Policy re-launched and in your delegate pack- the LSCB urges you to read and use it. Swindon LSCB
KEY Messages for today Thanks and recognition for the work you do very day to protect children and young people Reflect on the presentations/seminars and how the learning will impact on your practice Enjoy the day- provides the chance to network with colleagues and space to reflect .Talk to someone you don’t know! Swindon LSCB
Children in Care Council The first session today is a DVD presentation from Swindon children in care council Hearing from children and young people is the best way to start the day! The DVD contains key messages for all staff and practitioners to hear from our children. Swindon LSCB