New Teacher Program for Induction Contract Teachers Orientation – August 22-23, 2016 Anderson School District Two based on South Carolina State Guidelines - ADEPT
Section 1 Teams Assistance Members Mentors Timeline Important Dates Flow Chart for New Teacher Induction Program Induction Contract
Section 2 Induction Syllabus Peer Observation Reflection Form Induction Class Attendance Grading Rubric Peer Observation Reflection Form Requirement of 1 peer observation per month (Sept., Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb., Mar.) 6 total Mentor Collaboration Log ADEPT Performance Standards, Key Elements, and Focus Areas
ADEPT Mission: “To elevate and reinvigorate our teaching profession to ensure a quality teaching force for the next generation.” What is ADEPT? Assisting Developing, and Evaluating Professional Teaching
ADEPT Domains, Performance Standards, and Key Elements Planning (APS 1, 2, 3) Instruction (APS 4, 5, 6, 7) Environment (APS 8, 9) Professionalism (APS 10) ***Student Growth*** 10 ADEPT Performance Standards 34 Key Elements (the critical components of the each standard) At the center of the Domains of ADEPT is student achievement.
Domains and APSs Planning Professionalism Instruction Environment STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Trainer Notes: Summarize the interrelationships among the domains and APSs. Then, explain that all components of effective teaching relate to student achievement. Environment APS 8 APS 9
Section 3 – ADEPT Legislation Flow Chart Contract Types ADEPT Processes District Options
Section 4 New Teacher Induction Program Components: Comprehensive Orientation Assistance Team Mentor Building Administrator Other (additional teacher, building administrator, district office staff ) Assistance Team Observations/Meetings/duties Mentors – must observe/meet at least every 2 weeks; newly trained mentors will complete 1 mentoring cycle observation. Others – must observe/ meet at least once a month Induction Teacher Observations/Consultations Peer Observations – required New Teacher Induction Course Conferences (first semester/second semester) Documentation (NTI-1, NTI-2, & NTI-3)
Reminder: Induction Teacher/Mentor Communication Log Section 5 The Mentor’s Role and Responsibilities: Reminder: Induction Teacher/Mentor Communication Log (Submit a copy each month to Kim Murray and also to your Induction teacher. Please be timely with your submitting your monthly logs.)
(ADEPT Performance Standards) Section 6 ADEPT Overview – Revised: June 2006 1st phase: Developing – Teacher Education Programs in Colleges and Universities 2nd phase: Assisting – Induction Program (Research shows that providing support to new teachers enhances teaching performance, increases student achievement and improves teacher retention.) Formative evaluation: Focus is on enhancing strengths and improving weaknesses. 3rd phase: Formal Evaluation – consequential decisions are made based on teaching performance. 4th & final phase: Informal Evaluation – GBE – focus is on professional development (falls on the teacher – self-directed goals-based process). (ADEPT Performance Standards)
detail the 10 ADEPT Performance Standards (APS) Pages 6 – 20 detail the 10 ADEPT Performance Standards (APS) and the Key Elements under each standard.
(Required Data Sources and Timelines) ADEPT Section 7 (Required Data Sources and Timelines) Induction – State Mentoring Guidelines Summative Evaluation – now called SAFE-T 4 Domains Identified 10 ADEPT Performance Standards (APS): 34 Key Elements Online Portfolio (Evidence collected from the following 6 sources) LRP (APS 1) Unit Work Sample (UWS) – (APSs 2,3) Classroom Observations (APSs 4-9) Reflections on Instruction and Student Learning (APSs 4-9) Professional Review (APS 10) Self-Assessment and Professional Growth and Development Plan (APS 10)
Section 8 Forms For Observations (Assistant Team Members) Observation Record ADEPT Data Collection New Teacher Induction Program Log (NTI-1) – Responsibility of the Induction Teacher to maintain and keep up-to-date. This must be turned in for 1st and 2nd semester with the Collection Notebook. Forms must be signed by teacher and assistance team members. Feedback (Consensus of the Assistance Team) First Semester (NTI-2) Second Semester (NTI-3)
Section 9 Formal Evaluation Consensus Report SAFE-T Guidelines – Very Important (Goal – to have all Induction Teachers ready for formal evaluation next year.) Form A—SLO/Long Range Plan with Reflection/Professional Growth and Development Plan TT2—Unit Work Sample (short range plans) TT3—Reflection on Instruction from Observation TT4—Professional Self-Assessment (APS 10) Assessment Process and Forms for SAFE-T Formal Evaluation Consensus Report
Section 10 PowerPoint on Expectations of the Unit Work Sample Professional Growth and Development Plan If the teacher is in need for additional goals, they may be added to Form A in the appropriate section. The Assistance Team will work closely with the Induction Teacher to identify growth areas.
Mentors Meetings- 3:30 – 4:30 @ D.O. Staff Development Room: 1st – August 22 or 23, 2016 (Orientation Meeting) 2nd – May 1, 2017 (End-of-the-Year Meeting) Collaboration Logs: Monthly – due the last day of each month (electronic submission – to Kim Murray) Surveys will be given to Induction Teachers and also to mentors to help with evaluation and improvement of programs. Stipend: Given in the last check of the year.
Long Range Plans—Form A District Form: - Forms are included in the notebook/online for Induction Teachers Induction Teachers will: Complete a long range plan for all subjects/courses taught. For Form A, Induction teachers will use the class in which they are creating their SLOs to complete the LRP reflections. Reflections will not need to be completed for every subject, every class. This is combined in Form A.
Teacher Reflection on Instruction and Student Learning (TT3) For their Digital Portfolio, Induction teachers will be asked to choose 4 administrative observations (2 during 1st semester and 2 during 2nd semester) and write a reflection on these 4 observations using the SAFE-T observation form ( TT3 – Reflection on Instruction and Student Learning). These reflections are to be placed in the online portfolio. ---- Programs & Services -----ADEPT ---Evaluating Educators --- SAFE-T Templates
Provided for Induction Teachers Books of Study: The Essential 55 – Ron Clark What Great Teachers Do Differently – Todd Whitaker Advanced Classroom Management – Gary Alderman Motivating Students – Carolyn Chapman & Nicole Vagle Battling Boredom – Byran Harris Care Enough to Discipline—L. S. Anderson
Year at a Glance Induction teachers have already attended: Classroom Management Session– Dr. Gary Alderman Mentor/Mentee Collaboration Day New Teacher Orientation and Introduction to District Instructional Procedures Summer Technology Institute Throughout the Year: Topics of Concern/Interest for Induction Teachers Teacher of the Year Panel—Parent Communication Falling Through the Cracks—Lowest Achievers and GT Darkness to Light Training Field Trip SAFE-T Guidelines/Tips for Teachers Getting Ready for Formal Evaluation
Please do not hesitate to call if you should need our help in any way. Questions? Concerns? Please do not hesitate to call if you should need our help in any way.
Induction Teachers Performance Evaluation Appeals Don’t forget to sign the Induction Contract Syllabus Timeline Online Portfolio RCA