Children & Young People’s Service Procedures The new manual PLEASE READ THE NOTES SECTION ON EVERY SLIDE BEFORE PRESENTING You don’t have to use every slide (total of 15), but they’re all here for you to refer to if you wish.
Introducing the new Manual A single online source of information Replaces and improves on the old manual It brings together legislation, statutory & non-statutory guidance, research & learning, good practice It also has our own policies, procedures, guidelines, forms and templates The old manual was confusing, hard to update and mixed information from Leic City, Leics County & Rutland The new manual launched in October and went out to managers and heads of service with a very short guidance note on how to use it. A copy of the guidance note is in the Manager Information Pack
Its purpose A reference point for staff An ACE tool to promote consistency of practice: Accessible: easy to navigate, lots of links etc Concise: plain English - current legis, regs, guidance Efficient: everyone’s got access to the latest version Responding to practitioners’ requests for centralised procedural info For some time, practitioners, via different groups, have spoken about the need to centralise procedural information
Differences from old Manual Cleaner, better organised structure Easier to navigate, easier to search We can update much of our local info when we want, not just twice a year Has ONLY Leic City info, not Leics County & Rutland – that’s in their Manuals There has been a Manual, supplied by Tri-x, since 2010. Numerous problems – it jumbled City, County and Rutland info, it was very large, confusing and practically impossible to update.
Where to find the Manual Google search brings you here The link we sent out brings you here A desktop link should have installed itself on most people’s computer. If it hasn’t, there are some quick simple two-stage instructions. These are in the ‘Manager Resource Pack’.
How it works Core text in the chapters has the statutory info that applies to all local authorities At the bottom of the chapter there’s a section for local info. This has links to Leicester’s own policies and procedures. Go to chapters via Contents, or do a search The other key area is Local Resources. It’s under construction and we’ll add more Leicester policies, procedures, forms, templates etc It’s easy and intuitive, these are just a few pointers that can save people a bit of time
A quick tour.. Let’s have a quick look in the Manual Scroll down the Contents Have a look in a few key sections Try out the search box HAVE A LOOK AT THE MANUAL AT THIS POINT It needs internet access so you can have a look at the parts most relevant for your team. There is a Word file for the Contents and a few screenshots in case no internet, but this is not an effective way of showing the manual.
Main sections - recap Look at the footer at the end of each chapter The Contents page and the Local Resources page Look at the footer at the end of each chapter
Useful items (links) Working Together 2015 There’s loads more features in the Manual and on Tri-x website but these two are likely the most useful. Woking Together link is on the homepage (or via Tri-x website if you want) The link to the LSCB Procedures is on every page Full doc Section by section LSCB multi-agency safeguarding procedures
Not in the manual Multi-agency safeguarding – LLR LSCB manual Cases – Liquid Logic Not in yet: - Some policies, procedures, protocols etc - Local Resources section continually being updated (Templates and forms, Workforce and induction info, etc) The Manual is organised this way so we have the Local Resources section that we can update it ourselves, when we want, instead of waiting for the supplier’s twice per year updates We are still in the process of putting information into Local Resources
Actions from teams Please Take a few minutes to look through the manual It it hasn’t yet installed automatically, put a link on your desktop (takes 2mins –see instructions) Let us know if you think there should be extra information on there. Contact info is on front page of the Manual. Start to use it.. It took me less than a minute to install the desktop link, including reading the instructions. These are in the manager information pack The contact for material for the Manual is Nichola Pell, Partnership & Strategy Officer These contact details are on the landing page for our manual.
Future activity Communicating and launching Local Resources sections being built Gathering any further procedures from teams
Links The new manual LLR Procedures - LSCB Tri-x Working Together (useful guide) Leics County’s & Rutland’s Manual (for info only)
Finding information Appendix We asked where people look for this sort of information: - Operational procedures - Legislation, guidance, good practice, learning - Workforce and induction info - Leic City Council corporate info THIS SLIDE AND THE NEXT ARE TO ILLUSTRATE WHY IT’S USEFUL TO HAVE A MANUAL We put this to managers at an awayday in Sept2016 Could be done as an activity if the presenter wants Presenter could ask team to think about this, and share their thoughts
Finding info – feedback from manager session Appendix Finding info – feedback from manager session People are resourceful, creative and knowledgeable. But. Searching takes time, they don’t always find what they need, and there may be different versions in different places. Tri-x Manual E-learning pool Ofsted good practice DfE stat guidance Online legislation LSCB website Team drives SEND website Other LA procedures Interface Schools Extranet Colleagues Liquid Logic YJB Manager Liquid Logic Policy & Practice Guides Google Home Office MyView Partners Professional bodies ******** These are some of the responses from the divisional away day for Heads of Service, Service Managers and some Team Managers in September No one used the old Tri-x Manual