Bienvenidos a la Primera Junta de APTT Jackson Elementary School Ms Bienvenidos a la Primera Junta de APTT Jackson Elementary School Ms. Fox APTT Junta: #1 10 de septiembre, 2015 #2 13 de enero, 2016 #3 13 de abril, 2016
Bienvenidos a la Primera Junta de APTT ¡Gracias! ¡Trabajando Juntos! ¡Compartiendo Resultados! Thank you for coming to tonight’s meeting. We are partners in helping our students be successful. I am so excited to be working with you! We will be viewing new data to make sure our students are meeting grade-level achievement expectations.
APTT ORDEN de la JUNTA 5:00 – 5:15 Bienvenida y Actividad Para Conocerse El propósito de APTT 5:15 – 5:30 Examinar las habilidatas fundamentales Compartir datos 5:30 – 5:45 Modelando actividades 5:45 – 6:00 Praticando Actividades 6:00 – 6:15 Establecer la meta(s) de 60 días Post this agenda in the classroom and print one out so you can have it near you. This will keep you on time and focused. Check off each essential element as you complete it so parents know what is next.
APTT ACTIVIDAD PARA CONOCERSE Telaraña del Salón: Todos de pie en un círculo Diga su nombre Cuéntanos algo acerca de su nombre (por ejemplo, ¿Por qué se le dio ese nombre o lo que significa su nombre) Tire el hilo a alguien que usted no conoce TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: ice breakers help build trust and community and allow our classroom team to get to know one another and get stronger. We are a team and we will work together to achieve our goals. Icebreaker: You need to have a spool of string or wool for this game. Ask parents to stand in a circle. Explain to the parents that everyone is going to say their name and something about their name while they hold on to the end of the string. The teacher starts….My name is Sabrina and I was named after the book/movie Sabrina, my mom really liked the character. After you share hold on to the string but throw the ball/spool to one of the parents to catch. Then they say their name and share something about their name. While holding the string they then throw it to another parent. Eventually this creates a web as well as learning some interesting things about each other! At the end of the game you could comment that we all played a part in creating this unique web.
Individual Session (30-min.) En-Nov. ¿Que es APTT? Team Meeting (75-min.) 5 de septiembre Individual Session (30-min.) En-Nov. Team Meeting (75-min.) 13 de enero 13 de abril Junta en Equipo Junta Individual Junta en Equipo Junta en Equipo APTT is a system for parent-teacher collaboration for students to master Grade Level Foundational Skills. These skills are the foundation for future learning and success. 3 Group Meetings and 1 Individual Meeting each year. Meetings occur approximately every 60 days. It’s very important that a family member attend all 4 meetings. APTT es un sistema de colaboración entre padres y maestros para que los estudiantes dominen grado habilidades fundamentales. Cada año hay 3 junta de grupo y 1 junta individual. Las juntas ocurren aproximademente cada 60 días. Es muy importante que un miembro de la familia asiste a las 4 juntas.
Resultados de la Junta #1 Hoy used será capaz de: Entender lo que es APTT Aprender una nueva habilidad fundamental Saber el progreso actual de su hijo(a) en la nueva habilidad Practique la nueva habilidad fundamental con su hijo(a) en casa Establecer una meta de aprendizaje para su hijo(a) Resultados de la Junta #1 Understand the progress your child made on the goal set at APTT meeting #1 & #2. Name a second critical skill your child needs to master this year. Explain your child’s current progress on this skill. Practice 2 activities to support your child’s learning at home on this skill. Set a goal(s) for your child to work toward during the next 60 days. Verbally acknowledge and celebrate the success of students with parents. Some parents may be making two goals, one for the skill from APTT # 2 and once for the new skill.
Información General Sobre la Habilidad en el Grado Escolar Area de Estudio: Arte Linguistica de Inglés 30 Fluidez TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Explain to parents why this foundational skill is so important and what assessment was used to measure this skill. When students know and feel confident with multiplication facts, they are better prepared to learn and understand other more difficult and complex math skills such as long multiplication, division, and algebra. What is fluency? The most basic definition of fluency is simply the ability to read text accurately and quickly. Fluency is also the melody in our speech and our ability to express it. Why is fluency important? Reading words and sentences with melody aids comprehension and this is the most basic reason why fluency is so important: comprehension. Fluent reading is the bridge to comprehension. The most well-known definition of fluency is the ability to read text accurately, quickly, and with good melody so that time can be allocated to comprehension processes. Framing: Automaticity means that you can recognize words like: the, have, and by when you are reading. Recognizing sight words is like learning to ride a bike. First, the student needs to figure out how to pedal, steer, and balance so that they can ride with confidence. Then, they can focus on ultimate kids’ goal of riding fast and doing tricks!! So when children read, being able to automatically reads a sight word allow them to focus on the real goal of 2nd grade reading which is to understand what they are reading.
Datos de 30: Fluidez en la Lectura TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: It is really important to understand what your child knows and is able to do based on grade level achievement expectations. Data help us pace the amount of practice support the student needs, and it shows us how fast they are growing in that particular skill. Also, tell parents that you will continue to support students on this skill in class and that parents need to continue their efforts at home. Remind parents that the top line is an end of the year goal and that those who have not reached it still have time and with continued support will make it. Línea horizontal (NARANJA) es la referencia actual La línea superior (ROSA) es el referencia fin del año AQUA es donde su hijo se inició a principios del año
Actividad de Practica #1 Instrucciones: XXX TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Practice makes perfect! The more they practice this activity and others, students will develop reading fluency which supports reading comprehension. When students can understand what they read, they enjoy reading which improves learning. Teachers provides step-by-step activity directions on this slide, this needs to be included in the Family Folder.
Demostración de la actividad – “Yo Puedo” TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Tell parents to relax and just watch you demonstrate the activity. They don’t have to do anything except observe and learn. This is what students do when you are introducing a new activity/concept.
Demostración de la actividad – “Nosotros Podemos” TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Now we are going to attempt to do this activity together. Ask for help if you need it and help another parent if you understand the activity well. We are all going to get good at this together. The more you practice the activity the more independent you will become.
Demostración de la actividad – “Ustedes Pueden” TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Now you are ready to try this on your own. Do your best, but don’t forget to ask for help if you need it. I am here to help you. Doing this activity independently will allow you to know if you understand it well enough to do it at home with your child. Walk around the room and make sure every parent is engaged doing the activity. Some parents might still need your help.
Actividad de Practica #2 Instrucciones: XXX TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Practice makes perfect! The more they practice this activity and others, students will develop reading fluency which supports reading comprehension. When students can understand what they read, they enjoy reading which improves learning. Teachers provides step-by-step activity directions on this slide, this needs to be included in the Family Folder.
Demostración de la actividad – “Yo Puedo” TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Tell parents to relax and just watch you demonstrate the activity. They don’t have to do anything except observe and learn. This is what students do when you are introducing a new activity/concept.
Demostración de la actividad – “Nosotros Podemos” TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Now we are going to attempt to do this activity together. Ask for help if you need it and help another parent if you understand the activity well. We are all going to get good at this together. The more you practice the activity the more independent you will become.
Demostración de la actividad – “Ustedes Pueden” TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Now you are ready to try this on your own. Do your best, but don’t forget to ask for help if you need it. I am here to help you. Doing this activity independently will allow you to know if you understand it well enough to do it at home with your child. Walk around the room and make sure every parent is engaged doing the activity. Some parents might still need your help.
What is a S.M.A.R.T. Goal? ¿Que es la meta S.M.A.R.T? Alcanzable Específico Medible Con Limite de Tiempo Realista TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Goals are at the center of APTT! Setting goals help us stay on track to improvement. In order to stay on track we have to be specific about how we are going to do the work and how often we are going to do the activities. Every student is different, your child’s goal may be different from the goals of other students, that is okay. We just need to see measurable improvement. Please use your bar graph to guide your goal setting. You should practice activities at least four times per week to see measurable improvement, the more your child practices the activities, the sooner you will meet your goal. It is okay to practice over the weekend. Students need to stay busy. Make practice fun for the whole family. ¿Que es la meta S.M.A.R.T?
Establecer Meta(s) S.M.A.R.T. para 60-Días Meta De 60-Días Para su Hijo(a): Mire el progreso actual de su hijo(a). Escriba una meta que es realista de 60-días para su hijo(a) Complete el papel de meta(s) que se encuentra en la Carpeta Familiar TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: Working hard and reaching goals help students develop confidence and good study habits. It is a way to build pride, accountability and commitment with our children. When children meet their goal, treat them to something special they value. Specially family time together. Model how to set goals. Teacher needs to walk through setting a SMART goal. Teacher creates a mock student to demonstrate how to set a realistic yet rigorous goal. Tell parents to place the goal sheet in a visible place/surface in the house, like the refrigerator door for all to see. The whole family should get involved in helping the child meet the goal.
Datos de 30: Fluidez en la Lectura TELL PARENTS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: It is really important to understand what your child knows and is able to do based on grade level achievement expectations. Data help us pace the amount of practice support the student needs, and it shows us how fast they are growing in that particular skill. Also, tell parents that you will continue to support students on this skill in class and that parents need to continue their efforts at home. Remind parents that the top line is an end of the year goal and that those who have not reached it still have time and with continued support will make it. Bottom horizontal line (ORANGE) is the current benchmark Top line (PINK) is the End of The Year benchmark AQUA bar is where your child started at the beginning of the year Línea horizontal (NARANJA) es la referencia actual La línea superior (ROSA) es el referencia fin del año AQUA es donde su hijo se inició a principios del año
Ms. Fox • Gracias • • 555.577.1234 • APTT Junta: #1 10 de septiembre, 2015 #2 13 de enero, 2016 #3 13 de abril, 2016 Ms. Fox • 555.577.1234 • Thank them again for their dedication and commitment to helping their children be successful. Students need their family and their teacher to be a team that works together to ensure timely academic improvement. Tell parents they can reach you anytime if they have questions or need help or more materials. They can also make an appointment if they need individual assistance. We are in this together and we are a great team!