Dr. Raghavendra Krishnamurthy Aircraft Wake Vortices: Transport and Decay study using Remote Sensing Devices Atmosphere has a significant impact on the evolution of aircraft wake vortices. Implementation of new NextGen and Re-categorization (ReCat) concepts is leading to smaller separation between aircraft landings. A reduction in separation requires an assessment of the relative safety of these changes to ensure that the changes are safe. Doppler Lidar measurements of aircraft wake vortices have been obtained during the past 25 years and have proven useful in furthering our understanding of the dependence of vortex evolution on the ambient environment. Improvements in sensor technology and better data analysis and processing techniques have allowed for increased understanding and observation of important weather parameters and their effect on wake vortices. Turbulence measurements from Doppler Lidars show the effect on the transport and decay of aircraft wake vortices during various classes of turbulence (especially night time stably stratified conditions). In this presentation, behavior & evolution of aircraft wake vortex observed from various long-term field campaigns around the world will be presented and discussed. Tuesday, March 28, 2017 11:00-12:00 Noon 129 Hayes/Healey Hall Dr. Raghavendra Krishnamurthy Postdoctoral Researcher Environmental Fluid Dynamics Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences University of Notre Dame . Raghu Krishnamurthy is a research scientist at University of Notre-Dame. He received his doctorate from Arizona State University in 2013 and worked as a Lidar Application Expert for a start-up company in Paris, France for 3 years. His research focus is on fluid-structure interaction using remote sensing devices. He has worked on several international projects with a focus on wind energy (onshore & offshore), airport safety, bridge construction etc. He currently is working on synchronizing multiple Doppler Lidars for accurate wind measurements.